Chapter 11

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"Left hand red!" Mina happily informs those on the matt of the next move. It was her idea to start these game nights. She insisted that they were for having time to bond and relax at the end of the week, but most of us know her real reason for these nights is for her to remember that everyone is here and safe.

Just like the other students of the class, she had a hard time dealing with Izuku's disappearance. She spent many nights as sleepless ones, worrying herself over the whereabouts of the boy, as well as the safety of everyone else in the class. Even though she wasn't as close to Izuku as she is the others in her squad, she takes the safety and wellbeing of all of her friends very seriously. Worrying over Izuku was one part, though, she had a hard time dealing with the way her emotions poked and prodded her heart when we saw the change in Katsuki. As one of the ones she is closest to in the class, she found herself struggling with the adjustment of losing two classmates. He distanced himself from everyone. When he came back, his brash self was gone. He was a completely different person. For a long time, it was as though he had disappeared with Izuku.

Out of everyone, the blondes change definitely hurt Eijiro the most. His best friend had completely changed, while leaving him confused and hurting in the process. He knew that Katsuki wasn't at fault for the heartache that had overtaken him, he understood that Katsuki was bearing immense amounts of anguish. Nevertheless, Eijiro couldn't help but carry a hint of a pained expression throughout the period of time that Katsuki wasn't himself.

It was no secret when the two boys had started dating. Mina was telling people left and right, some good news to keep up the positivity. And good news it was. Eijiro seemed to be the push that Katsuki needed to feel himself again. Though he is now much more of a mild person, it's a relief to everybody that he's back.

"Left hand yellow!" Giggles rose throughout the common room as everything watched the ones on the matt twist themselves even further into a human pretzel. "C'mon Mina, y'sure you're not purposely calling out the colours that turn us into knots?" Denki struggled out the accusation from his more than awkward position, legs knotted with Tenya's and either arm crossed over Kyoka and Koji. Laughs erupted from the girls that gathered around Mina and the spinner. An especially loud one from Toru, followed by a semi snarky, "Maybe you're not as good at this game than you bragged." Everyone got a kick out of that. Hitoshi on the couch, doubles over laughing. Even Shoto finds himself with a smile plastered on his usually expressionless face.

The same continues on, no one letting up from their twisted positions, determined to win. My stomach aches from all of the laughs that have vacated themselves from my person. Katsuki had returned from the infirmary, only fully away our attention for a moment. Earlier, I hadn't understood why he had gone to Recovery Girl in the first place. He didn't have any injuries that required her quirk. I had asked Tsu about it, but she had just spoken nonsense. She explained how others thought they had seen Izuku and that's where Katsuki had gone. However, I know enough to understand that Izuku wasn't actually there, and that it was most likely someone who saw wrong or the use of some new villains quirk. We accepted the fact that he's disappeared and will most likely not be found.

"Right foot bl-" The words had halted on her tongue. Others, including myself, turn to her in confusion. Instead of the cheery expression that almost always has itself plastered on her face, she looks as though she's seen a ghost. We follow her gaze to where Katsuki was standing in the entrance of the common room. It feels like my heart has stopped it's beating from in my chest. It's dead silent in the room as others probably feel the shock as well. The numbness begins to recede enough for me to make some sensible thoughts. The others had not been joking earlier. They're eyes were also not playing tricks on them, and there were no new villains with new quirks to worry about. Instead, there was a green haired boy, standing right in front of us all with a gleaming smile across his freckled face. Another beat of silence until my mouth moves without thought, "IZUKU?"

As the silence is broken, by my loud exclamation, Izuku only laughs and greets us with an iconic grin, "Hey guys." My legs are suddenly moving, and before I know it, my arms are rapped around the body of the boy who was almost certainly thought to be dead. The tears flow freely from my eyes and onto the shoulder of his t-shirt. His own strong arms rap themselves around me in comfort. Soon enough, everyone else is crowding the area, either with slight tears in their eyes or with streams leaking down their face. Everyone though, is smiling as big as ever. Katsuki easily becomes defensive after everyones loud exclamations of joy and proximity. "Okay, okay, okay. Back up, he's still recovering so you losers have got to give him space.

Katsuki explains todays previous events. The way he speaks about everything with suck detail, leads me to believe that he know much more than he is letting on. It does seem odd that he leaves out parts where conversations would have been held, even the ones with that would most likely have been with Recovery Girl and Aizawa. His brief recount of today, along with the way Izuku seems glued to the other boy's side, leaves me with even more questions than before.

To my side, I notice Eijiro with an unreadable expression across his features. My voice stays low as I turn more in his direction, "You seem quite calm about all of this. You sure you're okay?" The creases between his brow retreat and he faces me with a much calmer expression. "Well I had seen Izuku earlier when I went to check on Katsuki, so I'm only really shocked by the fact that he's in he dorms and not in the infirmary still." He ends his explanation with that same expression he had on a moment ago. Still, I can understand where he's coming from. It has been along day for everyone, and whether or not all of my questions will be answered, I know for sure they won't be tonight.

My eyes are drawn back to the room's centre of attention. Even with a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eye, Izuku looks like he'd be ready to pass out if given the chance. The group has begone to converse amongst themselves once more, and I take this time to look up at Katsuki questioningly. He returns my gaze and watches as I flick my eyes of confusion back and forth from himself, Izuku, and the room; wondering why he has brought the greenette here. The fact that Katsuki is a very perceptive person comes very much in handy at this time, I'm lucky enough for him to understand what I mean with the flicks of confusion in my wondering eyes.


It's easy to see how Izuku is still one of those that are able to have an impact on the class. Even before the incident, he had effected everyone around him to be better. The reactions and expressions of joy that the class holds at seeing him again, seem to prove exactly that. Catching Ochako's gaze, I find her questioning why I've brought him here when he should be resting. In return, I look from the boy at my side to the elevator and then back to the girl. Her Eyes light up and she seems to understand my goal.

Izuku is still glued to my side, ruling from the excitement and noise that is class 3-A. I grab his hand in my own and lead him to the elevator while the others have their attentions turned to one another and are still caught up in the excitement. As the doors close, the noise fades out and we're left alone in the quiet elevator. My finger connects with the button to the fourth floor and we silently begin our ascent. The silence is broken by a question that bubbles from the mouth of the boy beside me, "Kacchan, where're we going?" His voice is sleepy and slightly slurred, cute. "You'll see when we get there 'Zuku," I'm tired as well. Today has been long and draining.

The elevator dings at the fourth floor, we exit and I lead him down to the end of the hall. We stop once we face a greyish coloured door. I receive a confused glance from the boy beside me, and I can't stop a smirk from crossing my face. The door easily pushes open to reveal the room inside. I look back to see Izuku giving me the same questioning look. "Kacchan, it's a dorm." His response is monotone, letting the sleep really begin to show itself. "But Izuku, did you happen to notice who's name is on the plaque?" His eyebrow cocks up and he turns his head to the wall beside the doorframe. A giggle escapes my lips as his eyes widen to their full roundness. "When the dorms were built, they had been designed for classes of 20. They had finalized everything down the the name plaques right before you disappeared." He looks back to me with a dazed expression. "Maybe some of us had hope, or maybe some thought it to be respectful; but we didn't think it was right to do anything with your room."

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