Chapter 18

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Katsuki noted the way Inko's and Izuku's held the same expressions. The way, both Inko and Izuku, were able to fit so much emotion into one look. The secret must be held in their eyes. Their large, green, gorgeous eyes. Those pools of emerald are able to express more emotion than most people can with their faces.

Standing by the wall on the sides of the hall, the three other adults also allow themselves a moment to appreciate just how lovely and emotional the Midoryias can be.

Aside from the slight sniffling that came from Inko, he hallway rests relatively silent, just as before. Not more has changed than a reunion between mother and son.

However, inanimate as this moment may be, quiet hall during a calm morning ,and loving a green headed pair; not everyone this morning is able to find such an atmosphere.

Four cells are use to separate the four criminals that had earlier been taken into custody. The four prisoners have quirk reducing chains connecting them to the wall and floor, ensuring they stay put for the time being.

At this point, all four have been taken away and questioned thoroughly several times. Dabi, Toga, Spinner, and Twice near their 20th hour in custody of the heroes and police. They had been hammered with question after question, about the league, about themselves, their motives, their plans, anything they could try to wring out of them. As of now, they're found to be quite mentally exhausted.

Twice had recently been shackled once more, returned from a session of interrogation. Obvious signs of exhaustion could be seen as his shoulders slumped in a drained nature. After a restless night of them taking turns being brought out and returned, they had finally been promised food and a break.

"...Did you get it?" The question was asked in a roughed voice, killing the silence that had since taken over after the guards had closed them in.

"Don't sound so doubtful Dabi," Twice's voice had found an odd seriousness. However, suddenly turning more chipper with his next lines.

"Of course I did! Would never want to disappoint you guys!"

Three pairs of eyes rolled simultaneously, thankful nevertheless. Halfway through the long night, they had realized that the door enclosing them into the room of cells was locked only with a numeric code. Being the sneaky guys they were, the heroes and police were good about keeping the pad out of sight when returning one of the captives. However, they were much more careless while moving Twice, recklessly underestimating the man's intelligence and sharp eyes.

Spinner broke through his bindings, also knocking down the door. He then aids the other three free of their own restraints. It had always been decided that if one or more members of the league had been captured, even if one is able to free themselves from restraints, to wait until any sort of plan had first been put into place.

If one were to find themselves outside of the stronghold that had detained the villains, they would hear the sounds of confused yelling and bloodcurdling screaming as soldiers and heroes were sliced and burned alive.

The sight before them would be one that would be seen in the movies. Exiting a burning building, and walking seemingly in slow motion, struts the bodies of four powerful criminals.

Almost as soon as the building had burst into flames, the other members of the League Of Villains had located the captured four. Assuming they had done well to escape, a portal was sent their way.

Stepping through the portal, Dabi, Spinner, Twice, and Toga walk into a comfortably familiar bar. Awaiting on this side is Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Mr. Compress, and Magne.

As the four fully stepped in, they took a moment to look around in confusion.

"Where's Deku?" Toga had been the one to inquire.

A solemn expression came over the faces of the ones who had brought them home. Kurogiri had turned to Shigaraki, almost opening his mouth to ask the other, but simply thinking otherwise and turning back.

Dabi sported furrowed brows that contained confusion, anger, and fear. His feet had moved on they own, bringing him closer to the ones with the answers.

"Where is he." Stated more than asked.

Shifting eyes landed everywhere but on the piercing blue ones. Shigaraki found himself almost unable to face the man in front of himself. Thankfully for him, Kurogiri spoke first.

"They took him. They thought him a victim and took him back. "

A form of rage boiled inside of Dabi, he had so many more questions about what had happened. However, one or two found to be most important.

"Is he okay? Tell me he's okay. Dammit- What happened to him?! How did they even get him?!"

Their conversation continued in a manor such as this. Questions being demanded more so than asked, Kurogiri being the only one with enough courage to face an angered Dabi to answer them.

"Alright," Dabi had almost had his fill of questions, "When do we get him back?"

An uncomfortable silence broke out over the room. Several others shifting oddly on their feet. Dani looked around at the others before raising a question eyebrow at Kurogiri.

"Well... if we did decide to bring him back, it would only cause more eyes to be turned in our direction, risking our fall."

This was not an acceptable answer for the fire user. A dangerous expression crossed his features before he turned to look at the three he had come home with.

After a moment, he turned back, "Unbelievable. After all this time, and you still can't see him as part of us." a steady breath escaped him, "He may not be a certified criminal like us, but he sure as hell is our family and we can't just stand here while they take him away!"

Toga, Twice, and Spinner all find themselves agreeing and nodding their heads in the back. They stand a little taller and face the others with a little more bravery.

"He's right," Spinner is the one to comment this time. "We have to get him back."

Kurogiri visibly sighs, however, ready to respond. Unfortunately for him, a blue haired man beats him to it.

"Tuesday. We make a plan and set out by Tuesday." his voice rough and certain.

Everyone in the room does't decide against him, agreeing that this was a fine idea. Even Dabi can't find it in him to argue, they're going to get Deku back and that's good enough for him.

"Alright," Kurogiri looks around at the others in the room, admiring the way they've changed, how they now care for more and hold this family dear to themselves.

"Let's get to work."

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