Chapter 19

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Sitting across the hall from a blank wooden door are Inko Midoryia and Katsuki Bakugou. The duo had earlier found themselves in a silence as Izuku was brought into the room, thus leaving them awkwardly alone.

It's no secret that Katsuki and Inko had some bond. With the two boys being friends in their early years, and the mothers also finding themselves quite close to one another, it was inevitable that these two would have spent time in the others presence.

However, that was some time ago. Now, taking into account the way Inkos son was mistreated by Katsuki, the woman finds it quite difficult to relax in the company of the boy.

Oddly, Katsuki himself discovers a difficulty being at ease with the woman. Be it from the discomfort radiating off of her, or the knowledge of what he had done to her precious boy, he cannot find it in himself to sit beside Inko comfortably.

40 minutes passed before the door across the hall opened, relieving the two of their tense atmosphere at last.

As the four exited the room, Katsuki noticed how not one of the four appeared as though they had just had a therapy session with a possible unstable teenager. Their expression on the verge of bright and neutral, body language relaxed, and uno visible signs of concern.

Shota and Izuku had continued a conversation out into the hall, leaving the tail end for Katsuki to hear.

"-should be no problem Midoryia, we'll make sure everything's in place."

"Thank you again, Aizawa, for giving me a second chance"

Shota allows a soft smile to direct itself towards the boy, letting himself appreciate the return of such a bright student. Izuku sends a blindingly bright smile right back, just as Shota remembered it being.

Large forest eyes find their way towards piercing crimson. A great shinning smile forms on Izuku's face, almost blinding the others around himself.

"Ready to go Kacchan?" The innocent question almost perfectly matching the soft looking, freckled, face.


Izuku and Inko turn to each other, both expression softening impossibly more.

"Mom, can we come over?"

A watery smile accompanies Inko as she speaks;

"Of course honey."

Each party or three part ways, sending the other off with wishes of good health and plans to meet again soon.

Katsuki follows the Midoryias to Inko's car, giving them a bit of space for the mother and son to bond a little more.

The two greenettes have such a fondness for the other. Even though separated for several years, they are able to jump right back into how they used to be.

During the car ride, Katsuki stays silent, simply basking in the comfortable atmosphere created by the pair in front of him.

Said silence continues even during the home visit. Speaking when spoken to or to add only a simple comment to the conversations being tossed back and forth by Inko and Izuku.

Hours later, each boy bids Mrs. Midoryia goodnight and begins their commute back to their school dorms.

Walking beside Izuku, Katsuki has a feeling of reassurance. Bubbling from the depths of his chest and spreading a type of warmth to tingle throughout the rest of his body.

Everything in the moment is right. His thoughts are no longer shrouded by the thoughts of emptiness and grief that the disappearance of Izuku had brought him.

He is ecstatic with not only the return of the boy, but the revelation of such powerful emotions that Katsuki holds towards the other.

The further the two walk, the closer they seek to draw to each other. The duo being like two magnets their whole lives, always finding themselves within range of the other.

Even with a history filled with tension, and having been apart for years, the magnetic pull of the other boy is as strong as ever.

Shoulders brush, soon followed by knuckles. Not one of the two make an attempt to look over or show their acknowledgment of the actions, not when knuckles press closer together, and certainly not when one hand is slipped into the other.

On the exterior, not Katsuki nor Izuku express any emotion over the bodily contact, however overjoyed they feel on the inside, they're quite persistent when it comes to keeping their overflowing emotions in check.

Anyone else would have something show on their face when the hand held in their own squeezed slightly, and anybody else would surely externally show some bashfulness when their hand squeezed in return.

Izuku most certainly does not take not if how soft Katsuki's hand feels with his fingers threaded through his own. And he most certainly does not make a point to make advances in this activity for the future.

Katsuki himself cannot admit that he loves the way the slightly smaller and scarred hand tangled with his own. He also refuses to admit that it send an indescribable feeling of warmth and comfort that the younger's hand send up from his fingers, hand, arm, and the rest of his body.

Neither of the boys allow themselves to acknowledge the slight discomfort and sorrow that comes with disconnecting their hands and putting distance between each other when they walk into the dorms.

However, when separated and in their own rooms, Izuku and Katsuki slip a small smile on their lips and indulge in replaying their walk and the feelings that they most certainly did not feel with the other boy.

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