Chapter 22

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The door closed softly behind Katsuki as he left Izukus room.

Mina had called him, only minutes prior, to inquire about a study session that he may be able to help them with- in preparation for an upcoming test.

Katsuki had no reason to say no. Izuku had earlier informed him that he had enough of a grasp on what he needed to know, and that he had finished all that needed to be done that day.

However, as Katsuki slouched down the hallway, he felt as though he had made a mistake in his reluctant agreement.

Tuesday came just the same as the day before.

Students bustling about, bright and early in the morning, preparing for another jam packed day.

Yesterday evening, Izuku decided that it would be best if he woke the same time as the rest of the class. He had no reason to- not having anything more waiting for him that day than a stack of papers- but he had already made the decision to do his best and catch up to the rest of the class, he might as well get used to their routine before they officially become classmates again.

His morning turned to be the same as Mondays. This time, though, with more student interaction and less tears.

In the kitchen, Izuku came to face the broad back of ones such Katsuki Bakugo. The other seemed to be occupied with whatever was on the stove, so Izuku stayed quiet as he found his way to the fridge, as to not interrupt the boy.

A minute or so passed before a light gasp sounds from behind him, "Dammit, scare me half to death why dontchya?"

Despite how the words may sound, Katsuki's tone remain teasing up until he comments, "I didn't sense that anyone else was in the kitchen, impressive."

Izuku looks away bashfully, "Ya,well, yanno-"

Tone sharp, "Yes, I know."

A silence envelopes them, slightly uncomfortable after the sharp interruption.

"I.. didn't mean it like that, Izuku. I just-"

He turns the heat of the stove down and steps towards the boy. The fridge, still being opened, blocks them from whoever may be looking in.

Katsuki's arms come to wrap around Izukus shoulders. Bringing him into his chest.

"M'sorry, 'Zuku."

Tenderly, freckled arms come to return the embrace. Slivering around Katsuki's waist, closing the remainder of the space between them.

"It's okay Kacchan, I understand."

The two continue their embrace for some time before more noise filters in through to the kitchen, thoroughly ruining a moment.

Members of class 3-A come in, inquiring about whether or not Katsuki had made enough breakfast for them as well. It didn't seem to odd to Izuku that Katsuki would be one of the ones to prepare meals for the class. He has always been inclined in the culinary arts.

'What can't Kacchan do?' Izuku thinks. More so brags to himself in the way he does when it comes to the hot headed male. Always finding a reason to shine light on how amazing his childhood friend really is.

Katsuki id soon dragged off by his classmates. Some spewing compliments about how his cooking is alway the best, other complaining that they didn't have a chance that morning to taste whatever it was that he had prepared. Katsuki, predictably, protests and oozes contempt as he is forced away from the kitchen.

A fond smile finds its way onto Izuku's face as his mind wanders to enticingly domestic scenarios that would come from being with these same people for such an amount of time.

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