Chapter 15

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"Kacchan, I think he's mad." Despite my airy tone, the atmosphere that Kirishima had left us in is awkward and heavy. The other's shoulders drop, and something of a sigh falls from his lips, "You're right, Izuku, he is mad." It's difficult to read the expression on his face, however, I can see the bit of guilt Kacchan holds in his eyes. I don't really understand, why is Kirishima so mad? Did we do something wrong? Questions swirl through my mind, nagging to be answered.

I hesitate before starting, "Why is he mad?" The seemingly harmless question causes blond eyebrows to furrow, and lips to downturn. The other boys inhales and exhales deeply, taking time to answer my question. "Eij and I- Well I mean it shouldn't be a problem because he knows how my feelings are everywhere right now, he knows that you just got back, so it shouldn't be a problem," He pauses, easing his breathing, "We spend the weekend at each others dorms, ya know cause we don't have much time for each other during the week, and he's just pissed that I didn't show yesterday." The tone makes him sound like he doesn't care, but the way his eyes veer away as though they veer from the truth, has me thinking otherwise.

We're silent once more, stuck in the limbo between needing to say something and not having anything to say. Supposing that Kirishima is still the calmer of the two, I'd suggest Kacchan try and talk with him. If I was in a relationship with someone and I had gotten a glare like that from them, I'd definitely try to smooth things over. The best thing to have in a relationship, whether it be platonic or romantic, is communication. Looking up, I find that the ruby eyes that I had been in search for are already boring holes into me. As I connect our gazes, his brows relax and his features soften.

The corner of my lips quirk up, he's really grown up these past couple of years. His build and height have both grown, however, the appearance of strength really suits him. Ash blond hair rest atop his head, styled just as it's been for as long as I've known him. His visage holds something more mature, cheeks less chubby then they had been in the past. However much he's changed, his eyes are just as mesmerizing. The deep and dazzling red that just demands your attention. To put it simply, he's so very handsome. Katsuki Bakugo is a very handsome young man, one who needs to start communicating with his boyfriend. I can't sit here and gaze at him all morning, it's not my right to do so.

"Kacchan, you should go talk to him." My mouth has turned to a thin line, if I sound serious enough, he might take my advice. With a deep exhale, Kacchan walks right by me and into the kitchen. Didn't he hear me? Spinning on my heel, I end up facing his back as he reaches into a cabinet. "Kacchan, ya hear me?" Once again, I'm answered with silence. A sigh falls from my lips, he's too stubborn. I decide that my best bet is to just wait. Sitting on a bar stool, I rest my head on my hand and watch as Kacchan moves around the kitchen. He's always been good at cooking, he tries to be the best at everything though. I get lost in thought, images of a slightly younger Kacchan aggressively chopping vegetables and angrily making a meal. A smile finds itself onto my face, the memories of our first few months at U.A. floating nonchalantly through my mind.

Suddenly, a bowl of cereal and a plate of chopped fruit are placed in front of me. Looking up, I see Kacchan smiling down at me. "Yeah," His eyes close for a moment, but reopen with a new found gleam, "You're right, I need to talk to him." My own smile grows, he listened to me! "You need to eat, you still have to be assessed to day, remember? So you've gotta be at your best." I nod my head. With a small smile, he starts to the elevator.


He's right, I need to speak with Eij. It's not fair of me to leave him in the dark like this. It took me a whole 5 minutes to plan out what I would say. The amount of time it takes to make a small breakfast, and I already know what I'm going to say to him. People make decisions on the fly like this all the time, right? The door to the elevator open, pulling me from my thoughts. I press the button to his floor and begin the silent ascent. My foot taps restlessly, impatience coursing its way through my body. By the time the doors open, I'm ready to bolt right to the room. However, it is still before 8:00 on a Sunday morning, so I do my best to keep quiet as to not wake any others.

Although his room is at the very end of the hall, I find myself string at the wooden door rather quickly. Taking deep breathes, I prepare myself for what may be an even angrier Eijiro Kirishima. My hand raises and knocks lightly on the wood, slight rushing is heard from the other side of the door. After another moment, the door is pulled open to reveal a puffy eyed red head. "Eij?" My hands dart out to cup his cheeks, "Have you been crying?" He sniffles, before shoving my hands off of him. His arm comes up to his face and wipes at his tears, "What do you want?" The tone is almost harsh, his voice is heavy and it cracks. "Eij," I step closer to him, lifting my arms to wrap around him. He struggles to leave the embrace, but soon gives in, letting his  body go limp into the hug.

Without breaking the embrace, I close the door behind us and make our way to his bed. I hold him close, slightly rocking, trying to soothe him. Minutes pass and he's head is still held low, body still slack. "Eij," My voice is soft, sure to only bring comfort to the other boy. "Wanna tell me whats wrong? Please Eij." He sniffles once more, lifting his head up to finally look at me. "Katsuki," His voice still cracks a bit, but not as much as before. "Let's break up."

... What? That's a stupid joke, he tells stupid jokes. "Eij, don't joke like that." A glint of remorse flashes through his eyes, but he quickly replaces the look with seriousness. "Katsuki, we need to break up." Confusion and hurt burst within me. "Eij, wha- why? What did I do? I can fix it, let me fix it. Please don't do this." This time, it's my voice that starts to crack. "You didn't do anything- well, nothing you could have controlled." I don't understand what he means. My face scrunches up in confusion, "What does that mean? You're not making any sense." He pushes away from me, putting enough distance between us for me to feel alone. "Katsuki, you clearly have other things on your mind. I know I was never your first choice to begin with anyway. So let's just, stop before this gets out of hand." Now he's making even less sense. "Eijiro, I don't know what you're talking about."

Frustration now makes itself known, flowing through my thoughts and making my hands clench and unclench. A huff comes from the other, "I'm not going to sit around and be your second choice." The way he says it is stern, leaving almost no room for objection. "What makes you think you're my second choice? I care so much for you, don't you see that? There's no one el-" "Yes theRE IS KATSUKI!" His outbreak causes me to shut my mouth. "There is and you know it." Now I'm even more confused and frustrated. I have no idea what he means, it's Ejiro, I care for Eijiro. "Would you please start making some sense? It's starting to get real frustrating." His brows furrow and he exhales sharply, "Izuku. Katsuki, you love Izuku." He says it like it's a fact that the whole world should know, like it's as clear as the sky is blue. "Eijiro, you don't know what you're talking about. I don't love Iz-" He cuts me off once more, his voice so loud and clear that he most likely woke up the whole class, "YES YOU DO KATSUKI! YOU LOVE HIM AND YOU ALWAYS HAVE! STOP DENYING IT!"

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