Chapter 5

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"...Kacchan.?." Is that really him? It can't be! It's been so long. "IZUKU! It's me yes it's Kacchan!" How did I get here? "Where am I?! What time is it? What day is it? Where's everybody else? Where's the league?! Where's Toga and Shigaraki? WHERE' S DABI?!" I'm panicking. I don't know what's happening. I feel lost and alone. I don't know where Dabi is. He left me alone. He told me that I wouldn't be alone! I'm shaking now. Everything is so confusing. Where's the league? "Izuku? Izuku! Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. Don't worry. It'll be okay." Kacchan tries to soothe me with his words but it doesn't help. My eyes sting with the threat of tears and it's getting hard to breathe. I can't see that well because of my crying, but I can feel big warm things wrap around me. Arms? Is this... a hug? Hugs are nice, I like hugs. When Dabi hugged me, he would activate his quirk just a little bit to make sure I was nice and warm. Kacchan seems the be doing that too. "Shhhh. Hey, it's okay. I'm right here. Nothing's wrong, it's okay." These words are spoken to me gently as I'm softly swayed back and forth, still enveloped in a hug. His calming voice and soft manure are so soothing and I feel so safe.
My breathing evens out and I'm no longer a blubbering mess. "K-Kacchan..." "Yes, Izuku?" "Kacchan, what happened?" I can't help but ask. I know that I haven't seen him in years and I know that he must be at least a little confused about my absence. "You fell, you were standing and you fell" Oh. That's what he thinks. "No, what happened to the league of villains?" He seems a little confused at my question. "The heroes took in the few that they captured, others got away." Oh... they're captured. Even with the knowledge that my family of two years is in trouble, I can't help but relish in the safety of the arms of one I haven't seen in so so long.
He continues to rub my back while repeating, "you're safe." I think it's more to erasure himself than me though. If I wasn't thinking about him then I wouldn't have noticed how my shoulder, where Kacchan's head is, is growing damp. Is he... crying? Katsuki Bakugo... crying. Why would he be crying? He's only ever cried when his pride was involved. This isn't how I remember leaving him. That day is still a little fuzzy but I can remember him taking me home. He let me sleep on the train and he was nice (as nice as he can be.) I was so happy that day because my the person that I wanted back in my life was there for me. But he's always put me down and he hasn't shown me emotion (other than anger or annoyance) since we were much younger. Is this what leaving did to him? Was he like this when I left? Did I make Katsuki Bakugo cry?
At this point, Kacchan is sobbing into my shoulder; holding on to me like a lifeline. His body shakes and he seems to choke on his breath. It's my turn to comfort him now, "Kacchan. I'm back. I'm not gone. I'm here. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I run my fingers through his spiky, yet soft, ash blond hair; a soothing motion that our mothers have done for us when we were kids. "..Wh-where were you.?." How am I supposed to answer that? I left him and everyone else to join some villains?! How do I explain that I left my dream of becoming a hero with him? I can't face him like this. "I-I... Was..." I sigh, "I was with the league of villains."


Bakugo stares at the greenette, bewildered by what he had just heard. One thought coursing through his mind, 'What. The. Hell.' The idea of the fluffy boy that he grew up with, the boy who dedicated his life to heroes, leaving to the league of villains. The grip that the explosive boy had on the other loosened and he pulled away. "You what..." Midoryia frowned at the sudden loss of warmth and panics at the reaction he's getting from his childhood friend. "w-well they asked a-and umm I just kinda thought that it would be better if I left for a bit... y'know..? Like, why not?" "No Deku, I don't know. I don't understand how you could leave like that. It doesn't make sense that you would leave your dream, your friends, that you would leave ME behind just to 'leave for a bit.' Do enlighten me, Izuku Midoryia." The words that spilled from the blonds mouth were laced with venom, nothing makes sense to him right now.
All Bakugo understands right now is that his childhood friend and the only one he'd been able to think about back then, had left him and his dreams to join the LEAGUE OF VILLAINS. "Well... when I was brought face-to-face with the league, all they asked of me was to be me. They never forced me to join them and they never threatened me. The league acted like a family and it seemed to enticing. They gave me hope for a new start." At this point, tears were once again streaming down Midoryias face but this time in frustration. The greenette can't understand why Bakugo is so angry with him. He's back now, so why should it matter where he was?
"If they treated you so fine and dandy then why did you pass out when we found you?!" The thought didn't cross Bakugo's mind until now, but when Midoryia started to list the good things about the league, he racked his brain for a counter; Izukus health just happen to be unmentioned.
"That's a good question young man, and I am happy to answer." The frail yet stern voice of Recovery Girl saved the boys from any more yelling between each other. "It seems as though that when we found young Izuku he was dehydrated and definitely over heating; from what, I do not know. Those don't seem to be the only factors though. Sometimes people pass out in stressful, fearful or traumatic situations."
Bakugo's face softened. 'I suppose if I was in the middle of an attack between two things that I hold dear to my heart, I'd be scared and stressed too,' he thought to himself. 'But what about his dehydration and over heating? Hot things.. what could have happened? Flames are hot.. that one guy with the fire quirk, Dabi. What does this mean?'
Izuku took this moment to clarify a few things, "Well, they did help me rain when I was with them. Dabi helped a lot too." Recovery-Girl had a moment of understanding before the boy continued, "I remember that we were doing some training before Kurogiri warped us to the school. Maybe I overdid it this time." That made sense. Bakugo seemed to understand now. What he's now scared of though, is that the league really did seem to treat him well.

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