Chapter 16

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"YES YOU DO KATSUKI! YOU LOVE HIM AND YOU ALWAYS HAVE! STOP DENYING IT!" The accusation had been yelled, allowing itself to be heard by whomever. Two pairs of red eyes widened at that moment, only then realizing how much noise they've made in the midst of their arguing. Although there is shock written all over Katsuki's face, the boy could simply think of one thing, 'This is not the conversation I had planned earlier.'

Silence overwhelms the room, a drastic change from moments earlier. However, the gears in Katsuki's head had finally begun to whirl. Eijiro's hand moved out onto the other's shoulder, "Ah, I'm- I'm sorry for yelling." The slight regret that had fluttered into Eijiro's eyes promptly evaporates, being replaced by puzzlement. A head of blond hair shot up, matched with brilliantly gleaming red eyes and an almost full smile. "Eijiro!" Tone full of glee, presenting itself almost as a child who has discovered the wonders of the world. "I love him!"

Once again, silence consumes the small dorm room. Realization seeped its way into Katsuki's eyes as he only then acknowledged who had been the one to be on the receiving end of the proclamation of love. His mouth had begun to open and close, leaving him with the appearance of a fish. Suddenly, a chuckle came from the red headed boy. Followed by several more laughs, until he was clutching his stomach while nearly howling with laughter. As Eijiro cackled nonsense, Katsuki sat with a flabbergasted expression.  

The laughs soon subside, leaving the two in yet another silent room, however, air less tense. Although his eyes hold a sliver of sadness, Eijiro smiles at Katsuki. "You're telling me," he lets one more giggle slip past his lips, "That after all this time, you're only now recognizing your feelings toward Izuku?" The question is met with a simple, yet somewhat hesitant, nod. It takes much effort for the boy to hold back his laughter. "Katsuki Bakugo, you are blind to love." This caused a chuckle to make its way out of the blond's mouth. With crinkles in the corner of his eyes and upturned lips, Katsuki finds himself very pleased with his new discovery.

"Yeah... But, I guess this means I owe you an apology." Eijiro's eyebrows furrow slightly, "What do you mean? You can't control who you love, it just happens. That's why it's so beautiful." The blond allows the statement to sink in. Although he accepts what Eijiro was saying, Katsuki still feels as though he should apologies. "It's not fair to you though. He came back only yesterday, and now you're breaking up with me as I declare my love for him."

Eijiro takes this time to let out a sigh. Theres a moment of quiet as he ponders a response. "Make it up to me by following your heart." Snickers arise from the blond, "Tch, so cheesy... Deal" Smiles form on both of heir faces. Two pairs of red eyes meet, one full of gleam, while the other, with a sliver of  heartbreak.


As I leave Eijiro's room, my brain send thoughts flying every which way. A few major points being, a) Eijiro broke up with me, b) I'm in love with Izuku Midoryia, and c) That was not the conversation I had planned. However, I suppose if I had followed my original plan, I would have stayed blind to my own feelings. Still, I can't help the feeling of guilt that settles itself into my chest. I know he said he'd understood, but it's still unnerving to see someone so collected in a situation like that.

Assuming everyone on this floor has been woken up by our kerfuffle, I don't put much effort in keeping quiet on my way to the elevator; besides, whoever slept through that could sleep through some footsteps. The doors close leaving me alone in the small moveable box. Instead of pressing the floor button, I  take a moment to myself. My mind still need to catch up.

Eijiro broke up with me. I'm in love with Izuku Midoryia.

I'm in love with Izuku Midoryia.

I suppose it makes sense. I've never been able to place what I've felt for him, love seems to fit. The way that I loved Eijiro seems different to the way I love Izuku. With Eijiro, it felt simple, it felt like we had a real connection. But with Izuku, it feels natural, like when I love him there's no other choice. With Izuku, it feels like everything makes sense. Maybe it has something to do with the history we have with each other, but knowing now that that feeling is love, makes me feel whole.

The button is pressed and the elevator begins its descent. Going down, I conclude that I should hold off on the information that I tell Izuku. His mind should be clear and he shouldn't have to have anything nagging his mind while he's examined today.

The doors slid open, revealing the common room to be just as empty as when I had left. Walking into the kitchen, I find Izuku at the sink washing his bowl, spoon, and plate. I take my time to gaze at him while his back is turned to me. He's only slightly grown in height since two years ago. His hair is the same unruly green mess as always, however slightly longer. His shoulders are wider now, and I can only imagine the muscle he has in other places. Thinking back to earlier, his face still makes him look young, however it's more defined features definitely give him a much handsomer visage. To be fair, it's not just his face that's easy on the eyes.

Hearing the sound of the water being cut off pulls me out of my trance. Izuku turns around to face me, and I'm reminded of his gorgeous freckles. They're scattered over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. However, there are four on each side that seem more prominent than the others. I wonder, does he have freckles anywhere else on his body? Surely they can't only adorn his face.

Before my thoughts can be lead down a much deeper rabbit hole, I'm snapped back to reality by a hand waving in from too my face. "Kacchan? You listening?" I mentally kick myself for zoning out like that. "Huh?" A soft laugh tumbles from his lips, "I asked what time I have to be ready at?" Oh yeah. Thinking back, I dig through my memories for any clue as to when and where Aizawa wanted to begin. "I'm not sure actually. Let's just go get dressed and be ready." Izuku seems content with this and follows me back up to his room.

We end up stopping at my room first, so that I could pick up clothes for the both of us, his still being dirty. I tried my best to find clothes that would't fit too loosely on him; but in the end I could only find a pair of jeans that fit him fine, and a slightly too large hoodie. He looks good in my clothes.

The decision for us to get ready served to be a good one. As we found ourselves back downstairs,  Aizawa was just coming through the door. "Good, you're ready." His tone as sleepy as ever. "We'll head over to the school, we have everything we need there." We both nod and follow him out the door. As I walk beside Izuku, I can't help but hope with everything I have that he'll be able to come back.

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