Chapter 10

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It's odd seeing Aizawa after this long. He hasn't changed at all. His long black locks that always looked a little greasy, his slumped over posture, his scarf that is still a mystery to me as to how it works. Though, his eyes are as sharp as ever, piercing into my very being. He slowly approaches us, calm, as though trying not to startle me. He makes close enough that he has to tilt his head to stare down at me. It takes me a moment to build up enough courage to gaze back up at him. The grip I hold on Kacchan's hand tightens, utilizing the tough to keep me calm and grounded; because no matter how much history one could have with Shouta Aizawa, his stare has the power to send All Might himself running.

"Midoryia, I'll be candid with you," he stopped for a moment to inhale deeply before swiftly crouching down and embracing me tightly. "You had us all worried to the grave." My eyes blow wide and my body slackens. Tears threaten my eyes, my arms fly up to return the gesture. It meant a lot that Kacchan was worried, but coming from the usually cold hero/teacher has more of my emotions bubbling up once more. He releases his hold and steps back slightly.

The aura in the room has now shifited to a more melancholic one. The thoughts and reminders of the past, wafting through our minds and sending us into a moment of silence. "The faculty members of U.A. had a meeting regarding your reapearance," For the first time since Aizawa arrived, Kacchan pulled my attention to him by taking a sharp breath. "We went over all of the information available to us, everything from the folder we've kept on you, to the information gathered by Recovery Girl earlier this afternoon." The air turned tense once again. "We agreed that, after a psych evaluation, you may be permited to rejoin your class and graduate this year."

...wait. What.

Kacchan's hand squeezed my own wonderfully tight. Pure relief and joy spread throughout my body. I can come back! Kacchan jumps from where he was seeted, hough our hands still connected. "He's fine see!" Kacchan addresses Aizawa, "Can't you see he's fine! If you have to, then do your little evalution. But I'm telling you, he's fine, he can come back!" The look on his face holds so much hope. His eyes are glimmering, and after knowing him for over a decade, I haven't seen im look so sanguine about something. Our eyes meet, and for the first time since our childhood, he gives me the brightest smile that melts my heart away. My lips curve up in return. I face Aizawa and agree to the evaluation. "Okay kid, but it'd be better if we could do this when you're rested up. We'll judge you tomorrow, so you can rest now." I nod in agreement, it would only be fair to properly asses me when I'm fully awake.

"It's late. Midoryia, You're allowed to stay the night here. Bakugo, go back to your dorm." Kacchans seems to droop with this, but then looks up at the man. "Aizawa, it's Izuku's first night back here. He shouldn't have to spend it alone in an infirmery." The thought of sleeping in this room alone doesn't sit too well with me. There were times when I was a first year and had slept in the beds here, but I had been unconscious and very injured then. Kacchan and I looked to aizawa for a response. He rolls his eyes and lets out a deep sigh, "Do you have any ideas Bakugo?" He sounds half asleep, as always, but willing enough to listen to any ideas the other may have. Kacchan seems to think for a moment before, "We never did anything with the room, right?" Aizawa pauses for a moment, "No, it's the same as we left it."

I dont understand what they mean by that. What room?

Kacchans face lights up, "Can we..." The older mans face softens, "Sure Bakugo, it's time its been used." A soft smiles falls on both of their faces. Aizawa starts his leave but stops when he gets to the door and turns around, "But Bakugo, make sure everyone stays calm. Ya got that?" With a soft nod from a smiling Kacchan, Aizawa leaves. We turn to face each other, his face full of joy next to my own confused expression. He gives me a soft look then lifts to his feet. His hands grab my own and pull me to stand before him. He smiles sweetly at me once more, "Are you ready Izuku?" I giggle softly, "Ready for what Kacchan?" His smile only grows, "I'm so happy you're back." Then I'm pulled out into the hall, where we steadily begin walking in an unfamiliar direction.


This can't be happening. This has got to be a dream. I'm not that lucky for this to be happening to me. The walk down the hallway is slightly slower than I'd like it to be, but with Izuku's condition, it's to be expected. His face definetly shows confusion, but he also holds a delightful smile. I owe Aizawa for this one. I'm glad that we kept the room. We had always thought about using it for storage, or even get rid of everything in there. Some people, me included, thought it would be a good idea to keep the room as is. Whether it be for respect or because there was lingering hope, I'm not sure. I'm just glad It hasn't been touched.

Izuku is definetly confused when we leave the building. The air is relatively warm. The school years is till new, so we're heading from spring to summer. Our pace is slow, walking at the pace Izuku is comfortable with. It's silent, but a comfortable silence. Our shoulders brush every few steps. My hand tingles with every brush of our knuckles. The proximity isn't minded, maybe it's even welcomed. If I could bottle up any moment in a jar, it would probably be this one.

The doors to class 3A's dorm are just ahead. I glance over and see the awed look plastered on Izuku's face. An easy smile crosses my features. It's been too long without him. The doors are now the only things that lie ahead. I turn to face Izuku, "When we walk in, stay behind me until I give you the okay." He still has an awed expression on his face. "...Kacchan. Are these- Are these the dorms?!" Another smile crosses my face once again, there's a hint of excitement to his voice that I've missed so much. "Yes, they are." He lights up as though he is the embodiment of the sun, "Does that mean... Is everyone..." He trails off and looks back up to me, "Yes Izuku, they are." If possible, his smile grows even wider. "Okay, so I'll stay behind you until you say so."

This is one of the instances where I'm grateful for our size difference, his slightly smaller frame stays hidden behind my own. The doors easily push open and I can hear a commotion coming from the common room. It is a Saturday night, so it's expected that everyone's been rounded up for what Mina and Toru call 'Family Game Night.' This will be a Family Game Night to remember. I usher Izuku in behind me, signaling to be quiet. We round the corner and find ourselves staring at an intense game of twister. Denki, Tenya, Koji, and Kyoka are in a knot on a mat in the middle on the floor. The couches and coffee table have been pushed to the side to give them space. Mina is spinning the spinner with the other girls of the class huddled around her giggling. The other members of the class are sitting on the floor and couches surrounding the mat.

Eij notices me first, waving and calling me over. Some others acknoledge my presence as well, but most go back the the sight on the floor. Mina shoots me a wild grin, "Katsuki~ You're next hun." She practically sings out. She spins the spinner and looks up to call, "right foot bl-" Heads turn towards her as her words are suddenly cut short. I smirk. The others follow her wide eyed, almost terrified, gaze to me, or, to the greenette standing in front of me. By this time, everyone's heads have turned in our direction. A laugh bubbles from my chest, "You losers should see your faces." The four on the matt fall on top of each other, then theres a scream of, "IZUKU?!" that I'm pretty sure comes from Ochako. The boy in question slightly laughs before addressing everyone else, "Hey guys."

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