Chapter 21

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As Katsuki had predicted, Shota was waiting for Izuku as he entered the room.

Shota Aizawa was sitting at his desk, several piles of paper scattered about.

his eyes were expected when Izuku walked in, as though he predicted he'd enter right at that moment.

"Midoryia," he said, "Take a seat." He motioned to a chair that sat across from his own, on the other side of the desk.

The chair scratched the floor as he pulled it out, making a horrible screeching sound which made both Izuku and Shota cringe.


He tentatively sat down, being sure not to make the same mistake as he scooched the chair in.

Shota remained silent as he sifted through the piles of pages that littered his workspace. Shifting some around or just looking through others.

Izuku sat awkwardly in the silence. Trying different sitting postions in the mean time. Crossed legs, spread legs, ankle over knee, both at 90 degrees. Finally though, the other man looked up.

"I'll give you all that you will need to catch up, but it's up to you to spend your time wisely on each part and make sure you have a clear understanding of everything that I'm giving you."

His tone was bland, as it had always been when Izuku thinks back.

"There are still many months before this class graduates, so we will reconvene within that time to make sure you are learning at an appropriate spread. We'll have you tested at the end and depending on how well you do, you will be placed back into the class of 3-A."

Izukus face broke into a grin, "I'll do my best Aizawa-sensei. Thank you for this opportunity!"

A large stack of papers were handed across the desk to Izuku. The weight of the pile came as a surprise to the boy. Sure, there was quite a bit of paper there, but he hadn't expected it to weigh that much.

He flipped through a few of the paper that lay at the top of the pile. Izuku noticed that the first few pages held content that he barely remembered learning back in his first year.

'Wow,' he thought, 'I'm really starting from the beginning, aren't I.'

After even more silence, Shota cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. Izuku noticed that he didn't have his yellow sleeping bag anymore, he wondered what happened to the thing.

"Well, that should be all. You're welcome to stay in the dorms, along with seeking aide from the other students there. Just try not to cause anymore trouble," there was a pause, "Problem child."

Izuku may have been hallucinating, but he could have sworn he saw a smile on the mans face. The greenette supplied one of his own before he stood up, made his way to the door, and exited the room.

There was still much time before the end of the students lunch break, so Izuku decided to venture through the halls, for old times sake.

Although he was on a different floor than his first year class, the hallway looked relatively the same. Tall doors, empty walls, windows that looked out into the expanse of the campus.

It was almost all the same, except it wasn't. This time, he wasn't a naïve 14 year old who knew nothing of the real world. This time, he was 17 and had been in his fair share of fights, along with having spent time off the grid.

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