Chapter 9

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Kacchan and Kirishima went out into the hallway. It really does seem like I'm missing something here. I pull the blanket of the infirmary bed securely around myself, missing the warmth Kacchan had provided me. What was it that Kirishima was calling him? "Katsu," I let the name roll around in my mouth for a bit after uttering it. I assumed everyone would be calling each other by their given names at this point, they've been through a lot together, but I don't believe I ever imagined nicknames. Especially with Kacchan, he's not the nickname type. What happened to Kacchan's mean nicknames for everyone? Didn't he used to call Kirishima 'Weird hair?' 'Eij' is... different. Maybe everyone is really close to each other now. Nicknames shouldn't be too uncommon. Right?

Along with the prolonged sit on the uncomfortable infirmary bed, curiosity gets the better of me and I decided that it couldn't hurt if I just peeked on them. Just to see if they're almost done. I brace myself on the edge of the bed. My legs are like jello, but not so much so that I can't try to stand. It takes a lot of effort to stand, and even more to stay standing. I can do it. Slowly, I place one foot in front of the other and carefully make way to the door. The small length of glass on the side of the door provides me with a clear view of the other two in the hall.

The lighting is soft, the setting sun casting a warm glow through the windows. The image before me is not one I had imagined prior to my 'investigation.' Kacchan and Kirishima were caught up in an embrace. Kirishima, with his arms around Kacchans waist; and Kacchan, with his arms around the other's shoulders with his hand treading through red locks. That's... close. I never would have imagined them being this close. Sure, Kirishima seemed to be one of the few that Kacchan could tolerate, but that's... close. A moment later they pull away, but not before Kirishima places a soft kiss by Kacchans jaw. ... oh..? They exchange a few words, a kiss placed on the top of red hair, and they part. That was... not something friends do, was it? They were so... close. What... was that?

Before I can run my brain any longer, the door softly opens. "Izuku?" His voice is soft, not the harsh tone I'm accustomed to. My legs have had enough. As my knees buckle beneath me, I begin my descent to the floor. I don't make it all the way, though, as strong arms catch me and pull me into an equally strong chest. "Izuku," the worried tone catches me off guard. "Are you okay?! Maybe you shouldn't have been walking around. A lot has happened today." He lifts me to the bed and places me down onto the uncomfortable surface. Hands and eyes check me over, assuring that I am alright.

I can assume that my face would appear to be one of shock. Though, I seem more confused than anything. "Izuku," I can't reply. "Izuku." He cups my cheeks this time, his hands are warm and soft. One would assume they'd be rough from such training, but they really are soft. They give a sense of security. Big, warm, soft. "Izuku!" He says it louder this time. With that, I blink and look up. Forest green meet dazzling red. And wow, I forgot how easily I could get lost in those pools of crimson. I open my mouth to speak, but close it after a moment. What do I say? I need to think before I speak. I can't just blurt out, "You two are close," that would mea- My mouth didn't the memo. Unfortunately, it stated just that. My eyes blow wide. Whoops


"You two are close." What? What does he mean? Who am I close wit- Oh. That's when I see why he was by the door. The window. Was he watching us the whole time? Were they taking too long and he came to find them? His eyes widen, almost as if he wasn't prepared for his own mouth to make noise. "Ah- I- I'm sorry. I didn't- I didn't mean tha-" I cut him off, "No, it's fine. You should know." I didn't want him to find out this way. He looks confused, and it may just be the lighting, but he looks a little scared.

I move my hands to grab his own, trying to give him a little comfort. My eyes dart around, trying to find anything else to look at, but I can't stop our eyes from meeting once again. "Eij and I- well. Eij is my boyfriend." And oh. He has an awfully pained look on his face. An expression that I never wanted to see him wear again. His hands pull away from mine, he holds his knees to his chest and whispers a little, "oh." What do I do, what do I do? Before I can do anything, he speaks up, "How long?" There's an extended beat before I can reply, "Six months." He hums a reply. Moments go by before, "Good for you Kacchan." But it doesn't sound genuine. I can't believe a statement like that when he's curled into himself looking as though he just dropped his bowl of Katsudon. I scootch closer, careful not to startle him. slowly, I pull him into a hug. He lets himself relax and return the embrace.

We stay like that for some time until Aizawa makes ann appearance. The disheveled man clears his throat and begins, "Midoryia," he's careful not to speak too loudly, which I'm grateful for. Izuku slightly pulls from my grasp, moving only so much that his hands grab onto my own. He looks towards the hero, "Aizawa-sensei."


I can't believe this. After so much time searching. And he just appears. The class wasn't themselves for so long after his disappearance. Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki and Asui took it pretty hard. The whole class had a connection with Midoryia which made it especially difficult for those the closest to him. Though, Bakugo definitely took it the worst. He was relentless when it came to searching for him. The night Midoryia went missing, Bakugo stayed out looking until we had his mother drag him to bed.

For weeks after that night, he wouldn't do anything but eat, sleep, and search for the boy. He went three months before coming back to school. His mother had informed us that, after he was forced to stop his search and let the professionals do the work, he had barely left his room. She explained that he wasn't himself and might not be able to do his best in class, but he needed to try to get back. She was right, he was not himself. Everyone noticed, but nobody mentioned it. He was quiet, he didn't yell at anybody even when he was provoked. His fighting skills though, he was quick, ending the fight faster then it started. The way he yelled during fights stopped. He didn't try to do anything other than win the fight.

It took almost a year for him to get back to his 'normal' self. Though he didn't yell like he used to, and he had a better grasp on his temper, he got better. It's not like I didn't notice when he and Kirishima got closer. I'm not an idiot, and I am also grateful for it. Kirishima seemed to be the push he needed to make an almost full recovery. He gave Bakugo someone to fully rely on. He had almost put everything behind him. But, we couldn't mention Midoryia in class. That seemed to be understandable though.

When Recovery Girl had filled me in on everything earlier, I almost didn't believe her. After all this time, after the heartache everyone was put through. He came to us in the middle of an attack. Nezu held a meeting with the teachers and some heroes, informing everyone on the situation. Toshinori wouldn't stop crying. He couldn't believe it as much as anyone else in the room. We took into consideration everything Recovery Girl had told us. About his health, about his whereabouts, everything about what he had been doing these past two years. We concluded that, if he was mentally stable enough, we'd allow him back into class 3A. He'd have to put extra effort into his studies, but we believe that he'll be able to graduate with the others.

The hallway to the infirmary is quiet. Nobody else around, everyone in their dorms for the night. The setting sun casting a warm glow through the windows. I approach the wooden door. The handle is cold beneath my warm hand. I take a moment to breath before pulling open the door. A boy with ash blond, spikey hair, sits on an infirmary bed. Embraced in his arms lay a slightly smaller boy, with unmistakably unruly green hair. I clear my throat, "Midoryia," Bakugo has already noticed me and it takes Midoryia a moment longer to do so. He sits up and slightly pulls away from Bakugo. Hands in hands, the greenette turns to me, "Aizawa-sensei."

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