Chapter 3

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Memories flood my mind. There are so many good memories from my childhood, yet these ones are quite the opposite. The day the doctor told us I wouldn't be getting a quirk, when kids at school started to pick on me, the first time Kacchan ever called me Deku, how Aizawa sensei didnt trust that I could help people with the quirk I worked so hard to obtain. I think about how hard I worked just so that I could be equal with others in my life. Was it all worth it? I let Dabi's words float through my mind for a while. What if I really did join them? It seems so much easier than my life is at the moment. They seem genuine and like good people, (other than being villains.) When I look at the league as a whole, they really do seem like a family. I can relate to them, we haven't had the easiest of lives and no matter how hard we work, people don't see it as good enough. The other encounters that I've had with the league haven't been the best, considering the fact that they were trying to kill us, but they work as a team and from what I've seen, they don't give up.
I finally allow myself to look up. Dabi is still patiently standing in front of me, Toga and Twice are pouting by the bar (probably for being treated like kids, haha,) and Shigaraki is standing a little bit off to the side of Dabi. I thought there are more members of the league, maybe they're out. There seems to be a glimmer of hope in Dabi's blue-green orbs. It wouldn't be so bad, would it? I would be around people who cared, people who understand. Kacchan wouldn't care if I was gone. Isn't it what he's always wanted anyway? For me to be out of his life. My mom would be disappointed, I can't just leave her after she's seen me work so hard towards my goal. Uraraka, Iida, Tsu and Todoroki all have each other so they wouldn't miss me too much. All might would think that i dont want to be a hero anymore. He's seen me work so hard, he's helped my work so hard. I can't have him thinking we did this for nothing. But what if I find another user for One For All? They wouldn't be All Might approved but it could work, I can pass down OFA and send whomever they are to All might so that they have the proper training. "I... I think I've made a decision."


We've been watching this little greenie for a while now. We learned a bit about his past in the process and I feel bad for him. He's clearly worked extra hard just to keep up with everyone else in his life. He has yet to give up on his dreams and he always has a bright and shining smile on his face. He's been through a lot. One thing I've learned from joining the league is that we've always got each other's backs. We're kinda like a family, a dysfunctional yet lovable family.
It makes sense if the kid were to fight back, scream at us or tell us that he's a hero through and through. I'm taken aback when he doesn't answer right away. The last kid we brought in here nearly blew the place to shreds, he's an explosive boy so I thought that because this one was seen around him so often then he would equally despise us. I've come to realize, after watching him for a bit, that Izuku Midoryia needs a break. He needs us.
"I... I think I've made a decision." The green fluff finally speaks up. "I... I think that I want to join you." That was not what I was expecting. "I don't see why I shouldn't give it a shot," he mumbles. "Well then, Izuku Midoryia, welcome to the league of villains." The once thick tension in the air is now gone. All that's left is a, slightly less nervous but clearly uncomfortable green broccoli boy and a group of criminals.
I make my way over to where he's restrained and I free him from the ropes. He doesn't try to run away like I thought he would. He instead, calmly sits there while rubbing his wrists in the places that the ropes were. His big green eyes stare up into mine and I can sense a hint of curiosity. He soon speaks up, "Is your real name Dabi?" What? The heck kind of question is that. "No, it's just used to hide who I really am." A hint of amusement crosses his features. "So you really think people would judge you for who you really are?" "Yes." He seems to understand and doesn't push the subject. "Well, Dabi, you can call me Deku."


Nothing. I can't find a damn thing! It's already been dark out for a while. All I've been doing is searching and searching but I can't find any clues as to where he went! I can't even save a hero in training. How in the hell am I supposed to be able to save random civilians if I can't even save someone that I care about?! What if I can't find him. What if he's gone and it's all my fault. Tears prick the corners of my eyes. I can't lose that stupid nerd! Who's going to call me 'Kacchan' when he's gone? I'm sure as hell not gonna let Kaminari have that pleasure. What if I never get to hear that stupid nickname again?! I can't live like that. No matter what, I need to find him.
Making a whole 180 turn, I sprint to U.A. If anybody can help me find him, they're bound to be at the school. All might, Azaiwa, anybody. I need somebody! As I run through the eerie dark streets, I pass a beautiful lilac tree. When we were younger, I would always find Izuku reading under that fragrant lilac tree. Even when we started to drift apart from each other, I knew that I could always find him there. I can almost see the wind gently blowing through his green locks, or even the beautiful lilac that surrounds him. I need to bring him back.

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