Chapter 6

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"Hi," Madge smiled. Delly mumbled a quiet greeting after her.

"Madge, you've been here before, of course, but Delly... You haven't been over yet, have you?" Amie asked. Delly shook her head. "I'm Amie. Glimmer's brother Gabriel is upstairs, and I will have him set the table later and introduce himself, but other than that I will make sure he stays out of your way. You girls head on back."

"C'mon y'all," Clove said, leading the rest of the girls through the cozy living room and farmhouse-style kitchen. She opened the sliding glass door and walked onto the deck, the others following.

Glimmer and Johanna were sitting at a six-person glass patio table with cushioned chairs. There was a hole, about three inches in diameter, in the center of the table for the navy and white striped table umbrella, which was lying on the ground.

"Okay," Glimmer said excitedly. "We have much to discuss."

"Oh, sweet Jesus," said Clove, but she sat down next to her best friend with a grin. There were eight of them, and only six chairs, but instead of simply pulling up a chair, Johanna squeezed into Clove's and Annie wedged in with Finch.

"So. Michael Greene asked me out last week," Glimmer started, "but I said no, of course. "I hate that pruny little shrimp." The girls laughed a bit. "So I figured- I don't even know who most of you losers like- except Clove, of course-" A few looks were exchanged, along with some whispered oohs and aahs.

"No, no, no," Clove interjected. "Glimmer knows nothing. She just likes to think that." Johanna raised her eyebrows. "Besides, there is nothing to know. So Glimmer, if you would please just continue what you were saying..."

"Oh, of course," Glimmer winked. "So if any of you have seen the way Clove looks at-"

"Glimmer!" Clove exclaimed, clapping a hand over her friend's mouth.

"I know, I know," she laughed, and Clove moved her hand. "Anyway, I thought, since we're three weeks into school already, I figure you each must have your eyes on someone." There were a few whispers among the other girls, and some pointed looks. "I mean, there's Annie and Finnick of course, but I would assume that if anyone else here was in a relationship, I am enough of a socialite to know of it."

"Oh, you're something," Clove muttered. Glimmer smacked her friend's arm.

"May I continue?" she snapped, and Clove winked at her. "Soooo. We'll start with you, Clove."

"Hard. Pass," she said. "Start with Johanna."

Johanna sighed dramatically. "Well, if you really wanna know..." she trailed off suggestively. Her friends' eyes widened drastically. "There's this guy in my elective-"

"You're in combat, right?" asked Katniss.

"Shut up!" Clove exclaimed, leaning onto her elbows on the table.

"Sorry," Katniss muttered. For the most part, the two were very good friends and normally got on fine, but they had their differences, and there were many things they just didn't understand or like about each other. Delly knew that the others usually found it irritating because come on you two we're just trying to have one conversation without the two of you being at each other's throats, but she didn't mind. 

"Yes, brainless," Johanna continued. "I'm in combat. Anyway, last week after my 'entrance exam', this guy came over and asked if I was actually injured already, 'cause I was taping up my knuckles, and I said no, I wasn't, but I wanted to be careful so I didn't hurt them any further, and he laughed at me. He introduced himself as Bo Duke at first-"


"Dude!" Clove said loudly. "Go on, Jo."

"So anyway, I found out his real name is MacDonald. MacDonald Grant, but everyone just calls him Mac. So anyway, I got his Snap and we've been talking for a few weeks, and I really like him. He's from the very bottom of Florida, right on the coast, and he has this super Southern accent, not Georgia Southern, but like, Florida Southern with like a country twang sort of, and I swear to God if the Sun itself could talk it would not sound so hot."

"Wow," said Clove.

"I thought you didn't want anyone interrupting her," Katniss scoffed at Clove.

"I was finished, brainless," Johanna said. Katniss laughed a bit and rolled her eyes.

"That guy is in my math and science classes," Clove said, and Glimmer nodded. "He is cute. Nice pick," she laughed.

"I know," Johanna said. "His hair, and his freckles, and his eyes, oh sweet holy Lord. They're so green."

"I didn't think Johanna was capable of fangirling," Annie giggled. Johanna smirked and rolled her eyes.

"That's just what I want you guys to think," she said, running her thumb and forefinger down opposite sides of her jaw and biting her lip. The girls laughed and mocked her. "Anyway. Finch's turn."

Finch's cheeks coloured. "Um. So Lena told me last week that she heard from her twin brother Nate who's friends with the person in question that Thresh likes me." Jaws dropped. "And I think I like him too, but I don't think I am ready to start something with anyone right now. Uh, yeah. Can Madge or someone go now?"

"I think I like Gale... But someone told me he likes Katniss."

"Someone told me he likes Clove," Katniss said. "But anyway. Go on."

"No, that's all," she said. "I'm done."

"Oh," said Glimmer. "Delly?"

"I dunno. I could never like any of the guys in our friend group. It would be like those awful books where the girl falls in love with her guy best friend. And the rest of the guys in our school are so dry, you know? I mean, nice people-" Delly tried really hard to be polite, so if she accidentally said something kind of rude, she followed it up with a compliment so she wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings - "but they seem pretty surfaced to me. Everything is right on the top, no sentiment. It wouldn't be like a Nicholas Sparks novel, where you find out so much more about them, and how there's so much more to them than you ever knew." The girls giggles. "I can't picture any boys I know being like that. Anyway. Katniss?"

"Um," she said. "I- I don't know. I don't really know, honestly. So, can someone else go now?"

"Glimmer, your turn," Clove smirked.

"Well, I really like Marvel," she said plainly, "but I don't think he likes me. Clove..." Glimmer grinned.

"She doesn't even have to go," Johanna scoffed. "I mean, it's not like any of us haven't witnessed her hardcore flirting with Cato."

Clove's jaw dropped. "What the hell?! That guy is such an asshole! He never shuts up and he tells me I'm too short and he is just so obnoxious and-"

"You like him anyway?" Finch asked. Glimmer and Johanna smirked; the rest of the girls sat quietly, exchanging nervous glances.

Just then the patio door slid open and Gabriel stepped out holding plates, cutlery, napkins and stacked glasses.

"C'mon guys," Clove muttered, urging the others away from the table so Gabe could lay out the dishes. When he went back inside, they took their seats again, but this time Clove purposely filled her seat and Johanna had to move and sit with Katniss. Delly stared at Clove, as did the other girls, some gaping and some just looking, until Clove finally noticed nearly a minute later, and the girls burst into laughter.

"Pizza!" said Amie with a grin, placing two large round trays on the table.

Authour's Note: So sorry I haven't been updating this lately, I know I said I would. But I am really going to try. I'm fighting a bit of a writer's block right now but my friend Liv is giving me some really good ideas.

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