Chapter 17

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"That's, like, your fifth cupcake!" Glimmer exclaimed. 

"So, what's your point?" Clove asked through a mouthful of chocolate cake and blue icing. 

"You're literally the biggest cow I have ever come across."

"Okay, first of all, ouch, and second, you used the word literally in the place of figuratively. Literally would imply that I, in all possible ways, am the animal you claimed I resemble, when I really bear little semblance to such an animal."

"Ugh," Glimmer scoffed. 


"You're impossible!" she laughed, smacking her best friend's arm. 

"Oh, am I?"

"Yes! Little Miss Grammar Police correcting everything I say! You're the most irritating person I've ever met!"

"I finally did it!" Clove whooped. "It took me all summer and the longest first two months of school ever but I finally did it!"

"Oh my god," Glimmer laughed. 

"Yes, my child?" Clove grinned at her. 

"That was the worst response to that that I have ever heard. You are quite possibly the furthest person from God I can imagine. Now finish your cupcake, nasty."

"Okay," she mumbled as she stuffed the rest into her mouth."


"What is it this time?!"

"You don't have to be disgusting about it."

"Trust me," Clove said, "there is absolutely nothing disgusting about this cupcake."

"Impossible," Glimmer said again.

"I do try my hardest."

"Mmm, I can tell, believe it or not."

"Good. It's nice to know my efforts are being recognized."

"Uh huh," she said while Clove took another mini cupcake. 

"Is there a problem?" Clove asked as she stuffed the entire cupcake in her mouth. 

"Oh my god."

"Yes, my child?" Cato replied, coming around the corner of the table and putting a whole mini cupcake in his mouth.

"Jesus, what is it with you two?!" Glimmer exclaimed. 

"What?" asked Cato cluelessly. 

"Miss Dipshit over here just used that line!"

"Nice," Cato grinned, giving Clove a quick fist bump. 

"Okay, I'm going to get some punch. I can't deal with you two when you're together."

"Too hot to handle," Cato grinned. 

"Sure, something like that," Glimmer rolled her eyes. She turned on her heel and walked away, shaking her head. 

"Ayy, we got rid of her!" Clove cheered, purposely raising her voice. Glimmer turned back at them and made a face, the distraction nearly causing her to spill the punch she was pouring. 

"You're such an asshole," Cato laughed. 

"You're as much of an ass as I am and you know that's true so don't even try denying it."

"Blah, blah. Come on, let's dance."

"Absolutely not."

"Absolutely yes."

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