Chapter 3

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The minute the bell dismissed everyone from English (which she, unfortunately, did not have with Clove, because Clove was in Advanced with Paylor instead of mainstream with Lyme), Glimmer rushed as quickly as she could to room 9H, where Effie was setting music up at the piano and moving low blocks to make a stage at the back of the room.

"Um, Effie?" she asked nervously.

"Yes, dear?" she said, sighing loudly as she turned to face the blond girl, who had a timid smile on her face.

"See, I don't think the block stage is going to work," Glimmer said gently.

"And why ever not?" scoffed the teacher.

"Well, if someone has a misstep or their foot catches, the blocks are going to slide apart and the performer will fall," she explained.

"Well, if you have a better idea," Effie said snappishly, "I would certainly like to hear it!"

"You could use duct tape to mark off the stage area. That way, the space is distinct, but no one could fall or get hurt. And this way, you can make it as big as you want, which you couldn't before because there weren't enough blocks." Effie looked stunned but quickly regained her composure.

"Well," she said, clearly annoyed, "we could, I suppose but one does perform better on a raised stage, in my experience." But she took the tape from Glimmer and marked a large rectangle on the floor where her blocks had been.

"Well, anytime you think we really need a raised stage for something, you could sign our class up to use the auditorium that day. Then, we have a big stage for most classes and any regular practices, but you have the option of a bigger, raised one for any big rehearsals you think we need."

Effie pouted about Glimmer one-upping her until the rest of the students arrived. She did a headcount. "Sixty-one," she muttered, and everyone sucked in their breath. "Very well," she sighed. "What's one more?" Several people sighed dramatically and Effie had to glare at them before continuing. "But the first person who touches that lovely mahogany desk over there is getting sent into Enobaria's combat class, and if you touch her mahogany desk, there will be much worse punishment inflicted!" A few kids snickered, but Effie ignored them.

"Now, in my elective, you are not just here to learn the performing arts. You are here to learn something else, too, something that is inside anyone who came out for this class. You have power. It is different for each of you. For some, you may be good supporters. Not just dramatic supporters who play backup roles to enhance main characters, but people who support others when they need some emotional help. Some of you may be good leaders or smooth talkers with the power of persuasion. Some may be loyal friends, others affectionate. But you're all just growing into yourselves, and you have much to learn, which is why I'm making it my personal goal, and I always achieve my goals, to teach you something about yourselves this year. Now, I'm sure we have singers in this room. I'm sure we have actors and dancers. Soloists and group performers. Here, you must take on all these roles. Read monologues, and sing solos and dance single numbers. But also, engage in dialogue, sing choir performances and dance group numbers. You must be actors, singers and dancers, and perform together as well as by yourselves, to build as the young performers that you are."

"Until we start preparing for a show, you will do challenges each day. These challenges will range from writing songs to doing improvised dance numbers, to performing skits while blindfolded, and in some, you may not perform at all. In today's challenge, I will be handing out paper and pens, and you will be writing essays about yourselves. These pages will be used to help me get to know you, as well as for other challenges and games later this week. I do not have many guidelines for your essay, but I do ask that you fill the page, at least on the front side, and include what type of performer you are, and a little bit of your history in the performance department. Now, there is no more time for my silly chatter, so you may begin." Glimmer raised her hand.

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