Chapter 9

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On a chilly but sunny Monday in early October, Katniss sat on a tall blue lab stool rapidly taking notes from the video Beetee was presenting.

Particle Theory, she wrote.

All matter is made up of particles

Particles are separated by tiny spaces

Particles are in constant movement

Particles move faster when heated

Particles are all attracted to one another

Like teenagers, Katniss thought sourly. She frowned. Gale nudged her side and she looked over at her lab partner and best friend.

"What?" she murmured under her breath.

"Are you okay?" he asked, a hint of teasing in his voice.

"I'm fine," she scowled.

"Katniss," said Beetee sternly, pausing the video. "I believe it would be greatly appreciated by the rest of the students if you would pay attention in my class and not talk while I am presenting something, which, may I add, is purely for the benefit of your learning experience."

"Sorry, Beetee," she muttered.

"Apology accepted," he smiled grimly. Katniss knew he wasn't mad. He rarely scolded her in class, and when he did it was often because Gale had prompted her to talk or play some sort of game, but their teacher was always particularly gentle with the two of them and he never punished them. Katniss and Gale both usually showed great interest in science and had the top grades in the class.

Speak of the devil, Gale snickered almost but not quite silently next to her. Take notes loser, she wrote lightly on the side of the paper, then nudged him and gestured to it. He rolled his eyes but complied, averting his eyes to the projected screen, scanning it briefly and noting something in black pen. He winked at her, and it was her turn to roll her eyes.

She sketched a quick diagram on her lined paper and concluded her notes as the presentation finished.

"We'll be continuing to study particle theory until the end of November," Beetee told them, "which I know is a long time, but I can assure you it will be an interesting unit. There will be lots of opportunities for lab experiments as this is a very hands-on area of study. I believe it to be nearly impossible to study chemistry without many experiments and personal experiences conducted as they are such an effective method to truly understand the subject, and I am sure you will all enjoy this class much more if you know what it is you are doing, and if you really do learn from it and take something of value away from each lesson," he said. "You may take out your computers. I have attached a PDF of the first textbook chapter on Google Classroom, and for those of you who prefer a hard copy I have the physical textbooks on the lab cart at the front."

"Okay, partner," Gale grinned. Katniss only scowled. "Ugh, you're so moody. Do you want the online version or do you want me to go get a textbook?"

"I don't care," she replied sullenly. He rolled his eyes at her and walked up to the front of the room, returning with one of the hardcover textbooks. "Thanks," she mumbled.

"You're welcome," he mocked in the same tone.

"You're being a particular asshat today for someone who needs a Spanish tutor, considering you are currently looking at the only person with the patience to deal with you," she scoffed.

"You're being a particular bitch for someone who wouldn't have a lab partner without me, considering no one else can handle your persistent moodiness." A hint of a smile spread across her hard face. "Thought so," he said.

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