Chapter 18

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This chapter is a bit shorter than my recent ones but I hope you like it!

Thanks for your support it means the world to me!!

"Come with us tonight," Madge pleaded. "Trick-or-treating is stupid," Johanna grumped, slugging back a swig of her coffee. 

"You just knock on doors and get free candy from people!"

"Exactly! It's weird! I don't know where their hands have been!" 

"The candy is wrapped, you ding dong," Annie said with a quiet laugh, earning her a wink from Finnick and looks of subtle surprise from the rest of the group. Annie had been in the hospital for over a week following the night of the dance, so the girls and a few of the guys had decided to each take a turn staying with her, as her mom had been working late shifts in the hospital (though she visited when she could, she could never get out of work to stay with her daughter overnight). Johanna got pretty beat up in Combat the night she was supposed to stay with Annie, so Finch had taken over her turn, as well as Katniss', because she couldn't get a ride. Finnick, Thresh and Cato had each taken a turn, as had Madge, Glimmer and Delly. Finch was still really worried about Annie, despite the latter's insistence that she was fine, and-

"We could always use a Maria Reynolds..." Clove said suggestively, pulling Finch out of her thoughts. 

"Yeuch, and help Alex cheat on Eliza? No thanks," Johanna snorted. "Y'all are wild."

"So, who's going with you guys?" Finch asked. 

"Oh, we've got the whole Hamilsquad," Madge grinned. "Clove, Annie and I are the Schuyler sisters-"

"Who's who?" Glimmer cut in eagerly. 

"Clove is Angelica, I'm Eliza, and Annie is Peggy," Madge said quickly. "And anyways, Clove's friends Josiah and Finnigan are Hamilton and Mulligan, respectively, Cato is Laurens and Finnick is Lafayette."

"I can picture that," Glimmer giggled. 

"The unrest in France will lead to on-archy," Finnick quoted in a goofy French accent. 

"On-archy?" Cato repeated. 

"How you say?" Finnick recited. "How you- oh! An-archy. When I fight I make the other side panicky with-"

"My shot!" finished the rest of the makeshift Hamilsquad. 

"Too bad you guys don't have a Jefferson," Glimmer teased. 

"This prick is asking for someone to bring him to task; somebody give me some dirt on this vacuous mass so we can at last unmask him," Finnick smirked, without the phony accent this time.

"But he's Lafayette," Glimmer said.

"Daveed Diggs played both in the musical," Cato reminded her.

"Then why isn't Finnigan playing James Madison? Oak played both."

"Because Hercules Mulligan is more prominent in Hamilton," Clove reminded her.

"But Thomas Jefferson was in much more of the musical than Lafayette was, so why isn't Finnick going as Jefferson?" Glimmer countered.

"Because Lafayette is better," Cato said.

Finch smirked when she saw Clove and Cato high-five under the table. They looked at each other and grinned, and Glimmer got a funny look on her face.

"Yeah," Clove laughed. "Why would we have some ass who consistently undermined someone who formed the financial system of the United States when we could have a French goof who made us laugh with every line that came out of his mouth?"

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