Chapter 2 First Day with you

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After school, I wait for Carlos.

"Lisa!" He finds me sitting down in the school's garden. I close my book and pat the floor next to me. He is still wearing his football practice uniform. He picks me up instead and hugs me.

"I heard what happened. I am so sorry I wasn't there. I already settled things with Alex. That jerk won't bother you anymore." He hugs me tighter.

"It's okay. I'm fine." I reassure him.

While he drives us to the coffee shop, he lets me know the latest news of his football friends. His friend Jeremy got caught cheating on his girlfriend. Well, ex now. His other friend Johnny broke his arm so he's off the tournament. We arrive at the cafe and we order two hot chocolates and 2 cookies. We sit down on the couch and Carlos goes on about football while I pretend to know what he's talking about. The big hand on the clock turns to four so we leave the cafe. He drops me off work and drives off to work as well. He works at a video game store inside a mall. Even though his parents are wealthy, he still got a job since he wants to build up his resume for college. Even though I am pretty sure he will get a full-ride scholarship for any sport he chooses.

I am about to enter the library when I notice a help wanted sign attached to the wall that I didn't see before. I entered the library and Mr. William is blogging about the open job online. I come to his desk and say hello. He tells me that he is going to take time off work because his daughter is coming to town to visit therefore I am going to need more help around here while he's gone.

"It will just be temporary. Until my daughter decides where she wants to settle." He reassures.

After my shift ends at eight, I walk home. I make a right turn and enter the main street when I bump into someone. Our shoulders hit which makes me lose my balance. The person grabs hold of me before I fall and picks me up so that I am standing. I grab hold on the person's arms to keep my balance.

"I'm so sorry. I did not see you there." I look up and see it's Michael. I notice that he is still holding me and our eyes meet.

After what seems like forever, he says, "No pardon me. I wasn't looking." A smirk appears on his face and he asks, "Are we going to continue meeting like this?"

I smile and shrug. I slightly push myself away from what seems like a hug.

I am about to continue walking when he asks where I am going.

"Home," I reply.

"Well, I was just walking around, getting to know this place. You know since I'm new here. Where did you come from?" He folds his arm like a concerned cop. "It's dark out here and you're all by yourself."

"I just got out from work, I live a couple of blocks down this way." I point up the street behind him. "Really? I'll walk you home. I got nothing else to do." He moves aside to let me come next to him. 


We start walking and after we pass a few houses I break the silence.

"Why did you move here?" I ask. Not that it's a bad place. I'm just curious.

"My father opened a new restaurant here and we had to move near it since my father needs to be around until the restaurant makes a hit."

"That must suck leaving your hometown."

"No, not really." He gives me a sideways glance. "My mother wasn't ready to leave Servain but I was."

He continues, "I used to work at a music shop even though my father earns a lot of money. But I like to earn my own money."

"They are hiring at the library where I work. Well, it's temporary."

"Really?" He thinks about it.

"Yeah, I mean, you can look somewhere else if you want. Who would like to work at the library anyway?" Me...

"No... No, actually a temp job at a library sounds calm. I have been working in a loud music shop for two years. I think I need a quiet place now." I sigh in relief.

"Well, this is me." I point at my little house. All my mother could afford in this safe neighborhood. However, I do not mind. I like to think of it as a shack.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Right?" He sticks his hand out and I shake it.

"Yeah. Sure." 

First Day of My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now