Chapter 21 I Remember

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I knock on the door and this nice lady, perhaps his mother, opens the door.

"Hello, I am looking for Michael Henderson."

"You must be Lisa. Come in. He is upstairs in his room. Last door down the hall to your right." I go upstairs and follow her directions. I finally found his door.

"Michael?" I call out for him instead of knocking.

In seconds the door flies open. He's wearing basketball shorts and a grey muscle shirt.

"Lisa." He whispers my name. He puts his hands on my shoulders to hold him steady and when he sees that I don't resist, he hugs me. He lets me inside his room and shuts the door. "Are you okay? How are you doing?" He asks me.

"I am fine and I feel better."

I look around his room and I see star records hanging on his wall, pictures of him with some old friends in Servain and I see posters of bands on his walls as well.

"Sorry for the mess." He cleans off his bed and I sit down.

I stare at him while he apologizes for walking out on me.

"I just couldn't take it. Knowing that he kissed you. I guess... I got jealous," he admits.

Before he can say anymore I come closer to him and put my hand around his neck and kiss him. I noticed he's been wanting to kiss me ever since. He grabs me in closer to him and holds me tight.

"Happy Birthday," I tell him and he grins.

We lay down on his bed and kiss for what seems like an hour. And within that hour a load of memories inserts all in my mind. Like our kiss held all my memories. I clench my hands hard on his biceps because my head begins to hurt.

"Are you okay?" He stops kissing me to make sure if I am not going to forget about him again. But I don't. Instead, I remember him completely and everything else as well.

"I like you Michael," I reply.

He knows I'm back. The real Lisa Atkinson.

"I like you too Ms. Atkinson, a lot." and he continues to kiss me. Through the kiss, he mumbles, "Best birthday present ever." I laugh.

After a while, he puts on a movie Pretty in Pink and we cuddle to watch it.


"Yes beautiful?"

"I want to hear my song."

"You heard me singing it?"


He grabs his guitar and I sit up facing him. He starts to sing and I sing as well. But I don't sing along with him, I add my own verse.

"You yeah you, you appeared out of nowhere and now I'm here wishing you would come closer. You bumped into me, literally, and that was the beginning of us. I say I can live a day without you but I would just be lying to myself because not a day goes by without you on my mind. You yeah you, You are the apple in my eye so I want you forever in my life. Michael will come closer and tell me it will never be over."

He drops his guitar on the floor and pulls me in.


"Yes, Michael?" I responded looking at his lips.

"It will never be over." He replies and his lips touch mine.

A tear comes out and with his thumb, he wipes it off. I close my eyes, not wanting this moment right here over.

"Lisa, can I tell you something?"


"Member in my first day in art you told me to think about a happy place that leads to my picture then stop and snap a shot of that image?"

I chuckle, "Sounds like me."

"What I thought about was a time when I went hiking back in Servain. The sun was just setting down when I reached the top of the mountain. I sat down there and took the whole view in. I wished I had someone special to share this moment and that's when I snapshot a picture of me and you there. But I only painted the horizon because I didn't want you thinking I'm a creep. But I want you to know when I first laid my eyes on you, I couldn't stop thinking about you." Before I can say anything he goes to his closet and pulls out a painting on top of his closet.

"When you were recovering at the hospital, Ms. Heather let us finish a painting we never got to complete. So I chose this one. Since I never got to take you on a date, I painted you and me on our first date here."

He shows me the painting. The painting demonstrates us facing the sunset. Our backs are facing us. In the painting, my head is laying on his shoulder and his arm is wrapped around me.

"I am so sorry." I clasp my hand on my face.

"Don't be Lisa. It wasn't your fault or anyone's." he removes my hands off my face.

I don't say anything.

"You just owe me a first date okay?"

I look at him and I give him a smirk. "Don't you mean the second, the first date?" I point at the picture.

He laughs and says, "Yeah. Exactly."


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