CHAPTER 20 I Miss them

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On Saturday morning, I bussed it to Carlos' house. I did my best to remember where he lived. But I only remembered little parts so when I was in his street I just looked for his car.

"Carlos?" I scream outside his house. "It's me, Lisa!"

He appears in the window and he looks like he just woke up.

"Lisa?" He blinks to make sure he's not seeing things. "It's really you!" He yells with joy and disappears from the window.

A minute later he appears again from his front door wearing grey sweats and a white t-shirt. He jogs me and hugs me.

"I am so sorry for being so rude to you. I should have explained more. Just that I didn't want you thinking anything bad." He explains.

"I know. It's fine. Just that you said you're my best friend and I was so confused to know that we kissed and.." I trail off.

"I kissed you because there was a point when I had a crush on you, Lisa. I never told you this until now." He reveals.

I gasp. "Really?"

"Yeah, really." He grins

"What happened?" I ask him.

"With what?"

"Well, you said there was a point when you liked me. What made you stop? Did I do something wrong?"

"No Lisa, of course not."

"Then what?" I ask.

"I just realized that I loved being your friend. That's it." He holds my hands and continues "I just... don't want to lose you, okay?"

"Oh okay."

"Look Lisa.."

"No, don't explain. Please I understand." I smile.

He hugs me again.

"You should really go to see Michael. He misses you."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"Did I like Michael?"

He thinks for a moment then responds, "You never told me if you did but when I saw you with him, I never have seen that smile you always have with him. It's a different smile that I couldn't get out of you... No matter how dorky or charming I acted with you, I couldn't. You know, you guys were supposed to go on a date when you came back from your grandma's."


"Yeah the other day he was here and he told me that he had asked you out and you said yes."

"Oh my gosh, I got to go see him!"

"I'll drive you. Come on."

We get in the car and he drops me off at an elegant home. It's three stories high and fancy.

Thanks, Carlos." I get out of the car and lean down to his window. "Carlos?"


"Do Amber a favor and shower."

He laughs and nods. "Go get him."

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