Chapter 10 Bethany

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I head to my locker and once I open it, two notes fall on the floor. One is from Carlos and it says: Hey you! Michael and I are at Basketball practice. We'll see you in the fourth period, okay? Be safe! I read the second letter and it's from Michael: Hey beautiful. I am really sorry I can't keep you company today! I will see you in the fourth period okay? Love, Michael. He wrote to Love. Could that possibly mean something? I shake my head and ignore it. He was just being thoughtful. I grab my lunch and as I am about to exit the cafeteria, these two girls open the doors.

"Oh look, Bethany, it's a little miss princess." They look at each other and laugh.

"Wow, Elena does she really think she looks cute in that outfit?" Just as I am about to pass through them, Elena pushes the tray that contains apple sauce, apple juice, and pasta on me. "Oops did I do that?" She puts her hand on her mouth and giggles.

"Look, Elena, she actually looks better. If that's even possible. Maybe Michael will find this attractive."

"Yeah, how nice of him to help this poor girl. He must do a lot of charity events." Bethany says.

They push past me and I run out of school and arrive at the park. I find the public bathroom and look at the mirror. I'm a mess. I take off my cardigan and my t-shirt and I am left with my spaghetti strap shirt. I don't want to go home and make my mom worry so I stay at the park reading my book and keep myself from crying. I stop myself from accepting the words that they say about Michael. He wouldn't do that. He likes me. I feel it. After an hour passes by I hear someone screaming my name. When I look around I see Michael running towards me. I stand up and wipe my tears away.

"Lisa!" He is still yelling so I walk towards him to let him know it's me.

Once he's right in front of me, he hugs me as if I just came back from a long trip. He's panting so fast. He smells like fresh out of the shower. His hair is still wet from the quick shower he took after basketball practice and it smells like cucumber peppermint. He pushes away from the hug and plants his hands on my shoulders.

"Why did you leave school? What is wrong with you? Its school! What are you doing here? Why were you crying? Are you okay? What happened?" He searches my face and looks all around me to see if I'm hurt. He sighs in relief when he sees no mark of injury. But I am hurt. Emotionally. When I am about to answer him and confess how I am bullied for reasons that shouldn't matter, he notices my cardigan and my t-shirt full of food stains.

"Did someone do that?" I look down and nod. I am about to break into tears. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I look up. "How could I?" He waits for me to say more. But I can't. He gives me his sweater, helps me put it on and zips it all the way up. He breaks the silence.

"No wonder Carlos told me to be easy on you." He says to himself quietly as he realizes that Carlos knows that I get bullied.

"What do you mean?" I want to hear him explain.

"I went to the fourth period and after the bell rang and you didn't show up, I asked Carlos where you were. But he was already telling the teacher that he needed to go find you. He knew something happened didn't he?" He doesn't let me answer him but continues. "He looked really worried so I asked him what's wrong and he looked upset. He told me you were in the park. I ran outside of class to come to find you and he yelled for me to hear, 'Be easy on her. It's not her fault.' How could he have known where you would be at? Does this always happen Lisa?" This time he does let me answer.

"Yes, I always come here because I don't want to go home."


"I don't want my mother knowing that her daughter gets punked on just because she's not rich like everyone else in this school. I don't want her worrying. She's got enough on her plate. I'm fine though. I understand that I don't fit in. But who cares right? I shouldn't. That's why I stayed here in this crappy high school. I just want to finish and make my mother happy. Is it too much to ask?" I sit down on the floor. He does too. He hasn't said a word. So we sit in silence. I watch people running with their dogs and a bird fly by. I turn to look at Michael. His elbows are touching his knees and his head is buried between the gap of his arms.

"Hey, I'm fine, Really." He puts his head up and faces me. His eyes are bloodshot and look like he really needs to hit something. He puts his shades on.

"How could you be fine with it Lisa? It's not right what they do to you for a stupid reason."

"I know I don't get it either." I try to stay calm but he can't resist and hits the ground as hard as he can.

"Then why don't you tell anyone about this? Why don't you bust them!?" He's yelling now.

"I don't want any problems okay! I can handle it for a couple of months more and then I'll be out of here." He looks at me with disgust.

"You said something before didn't you and no one did anything about it?" I look down because he's right. In my freshman year, I had snitched about the bullying I went through and all that the deans did was give everyone a warning. After a week passed, it started again. I told them and the dean just changed my classes and the principal told me that she was busy with other things. That was the day I went behind the benches from the football field and met Carlos. I was so scared. I never felt so worthless.

All I could reply back was, "Yeah." He shakes his head.

"Wow." He gazes off into thought and then snaps out of it. "We should get back. I bet Carlos is freaking out about you." He stands up.

"Okay." He helps me get up. On our way back to school, Michael tells me that I should really inform my mother about this. I know he was right so I don't argue.

"Are you angry with me?" I ask him but he doesn't answer me.

School is almost over and I enter the principal's room as Michael told me so. He said he will go find Carlos and bring him to me.

"Hello Lisa, come in." When the principal finally turns around to look at me clearly she puts her book down and I have her full attention. "Have you been crying?"

"Yes, I have. Two girls today threw my food at me and told me stuff." I showed her my dirty cardigan and t-shirt. She gasps and lays her hand on her mouth.

"I am so sorry Lisa," I tell her how I am fine but she continues.

"No sweetie I remember you came here in your freshman year telling me how you were bullied. But I was a shipwreck. I didn't take it seriously." By the time I am finished talking to her she told me she was going to file a report to the police. I walk out of her office as the bell rings. Then I hear Carlos yell my name from the distance and he rushes to me and falls into a tight hug.

"I am so sorry. I can't leave your site without you getting hurt. I am such a bad friend! Please forgive me." I hug him tighter.

"You being my friend is all I need to stay strong."

He pulls away from our hug and looks at me. He smiles. "You kept your head up?"

I reply, "Always."

Michael is laying back in the locker a couple of feet away giving us time to talk.

"I'm going to tell Mr. Amster that you are fine," Carlos says. While he walks away, he winks at me when Michael is not looking. I know he only left to leave us alone.

"Hey, thanks for coming to find me," I tell Michael.

He smiles because he can't take the silent treatment anymore.

"I will always come to find you." He holds my hand and kisses me on the cheek. I shiver and can't help but smile. 

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