Chapter 8 The date?

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I call Carlos to pick Michael up and then me at Mr. Williams's house and before he asks why I tell him to drive safe and hang up. Fifteen minutes later I hear a car outside. I peek through Amber's window and I see Carlos and Michael getting out of the car and heading to the front door. Then there's a knock at the door.

"I got it!" Amber yells before her parents open it. I look at the mirror once more. I hear Carlos nervously asking for me. Amber laughs and says this is the right address. I appear behind her.

"Whoa." Carlos and Michael both say it at the same time. Carlos comes in and searches my face.

"Lisa are you in there?" I laughed and hit him.

"It's me," I tell him. He laughs.

"Hey, Lisa who's your friend." Carlos gives his attention back to Amber. She giggles.

"Guys this is my friend Amber. Amber, this is my best friend Carlos and my um Michael." Michael smiles and nods at Amber and then comes to me while Carlos gives his full attention to her. I laugh.

"Hey." Michael looks nervous. Wow, I never saw this image of him. It feels nice for him to feel the way I do with him every day.

"Hi." I feel like I am a totally different person. For once I feel confident.

"You look amazing" He lets out a nervous laugh and rubs the back of his neck.

"Thanks so do you." He grins.

"Thanks." He really does look amazing. He smells freshly shaved and I see that he got a haircut. It's still the same hairstyle but shorter.

When we head out of her house, Michael stops me while Carlos and Amber are still walking to the car. He rubs his fingers on my face and tells me, "You don't need makeup to impress me, Lisa Atkinson. And you sure don't need a different style. All you need is a smile of yours. Come on." I grin. He opens the door for me and sits in the passenger seat. Just as we leave, Amber pokes me. I look at her and she mouths, "Why didn't you say Carlos was cute?" I laugh and mouth back, "Surprise." She softly pushed me on my arm and I still act as it hurts.

We reached the theaters and we picked out a comedy movie called Don't let the door hit you on your way out. We crack up throughout the whole movie. I glimpse at Michael and catch him staring at me as well. I smile at him and he places his arm around my shoulder.

At the end of the movie, we head out to the plaza just outside the theaters.

"That was a funny scene when the guy thinks his girlfriend is cheating on him just because she didn't like him coming with her to eat." Carlos and Michael are talking about the film we just watched while Amber and I lock arms and walk together.

"Hey look at that couple over there." Amber nods to a couple who are arguing. "I didn't call you fat!" Amber makes up what the guy tells his girlfriend.

"Then why did you order me a small popcorn and soda pop." I made up what the girlfriend told the guy.

"Because you're overweight. There's a difference." Amber replies as the boyfriend. Once Amber said that the girlfriend slaps the guy and walks away.

"Ooooh!" Amber and I say at the same time and crack up because what we said went with the situation.

"They'll make up tomorrow." Amber treasures and we continue making up other people's conversations. After a walk around the Fairmont Plaza, we head to the Cafe.

Once we reached the cafe, Carlos and Michael got us our hot drinks.

"Carlos is a nice guy." I look at Amber, she is smiling.

"He is. He's a really great guy." I reassure her. She looks more relieved.

"He asked me out. I said yeah. Is that okay?" I laugh.

"Oh my gosh, that's fantastic! I've been trying to figure out a way to get him off my sight." We laugh. "Then you owe me." She winks.

"I really do." They come back and Michael hands me my hot chocolate and Carlos hands Amber her coffee.

"Hey, Lisa can I talk to you?" Carlos nods outside of the cafe.

"Sure." I take my hot chocolate with me. We step outside.

"Hey Lisa, I am sorry I didn't ask you before I did it..." Before he continued to confess about asking Amber out I told him that I know and it's fine.

"I am happy for you. I've been wondering what's your taste in girls. You never laid an eye in anyone." He laughs.

"I don't know. When I saw her, I just knew. You want to know what the bonus made me ask her out?" I think.

"She's older than you by a year?" He laughs.

"No. Okay, maybe. But that fact that I saw how nice she was to you today. I never saw you treat another girl as your friend." I grin. He's right. I never had many friends but when I did I wasn't so open with them. I hug him and kiss him on the cheek.

"Please don't forget about me though." I give a worried look.

"No girl will ever top you okay?" He messes my hair with his hand. "Let's get back inside. It's cold and your boyfriend is waiting for you." I push him.

"He is not my boyfriend!" I'm about to head inside when Carlos calls me. "What's up?" He looks serious.

"I like Michael and he seems to like you a lot. Lisa, don't be afraid to go for it. He's a nice guy." I smile and look away.

"Yeah, he is." I look at him by the glass and he's talking to Amber and it seems that he's talking about me because I can see that the mouths my name a lot.

We're about to leave when Michael whispers in my ear.

"I'll walk you home?"

I nod.

I hug Carlos and Amber bye.

"Be good you two." I squint my eyes at Carlos.

"I'll make sure she gets home safe." He opens the door for her and they're off.

The night is perfect. There's plenty of stars to light the neighborhood and the moon is full. "Epic night sky huh?" Michael is also starring in the sky.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." Michael stares back at me.

"Yeah, you are." I look at him and I smile. I look down to avoid getting caught blushing.

"So Amber and Carlos really hit it off didn't they?"

"Yeah, I'm happy for him. He always avoided girls because they were all..." I trail off. I can't believe I was about to tell him that I get bullied by everyone.

"They're all what?" He asks about finding my gaze.

"Oh, nothing."

He laughs. "You know you're something else, Lisa Atkinson."

"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment."

"Sure you'll take that as a compliment but when I tell you that you're beautiful you take it as an insult." He jokes.

"It's like you understand me." I joke as well. He laughs and holds my hand. I shiver to his touch.

"Your cold." He takes off his jacket and puts it on me.

"Thanks." He holds me and I need him too because I am losing my balance. I am wearing a jacket. It smells like him. Like vanilla mixed with the ocean scent.

"Thanks for inviting me. I had fun." He tells me while we reach my house.

"Anytime Michael." I stop and face him

"Okay." He closes the gap between us, he puts his arms around my back and pulls me in closer to him. I lay my hands on his chest and once I look at his lips he takes that as an approval to kiss me. His lips taste like popcorn. I pull away.

"I gotta go. You too. It's late." I advise him.

"Okay, Ms. Atkinson. Goodnight." He kisses my cheek and leaves. I watch him walk away until I can't see him anymore. 

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