Ch.4 He's not my boyfriend

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In lunch, I spot Michael grabbing his food. He sees me, smiles at me, and walks towards my direction.

"Hey, Lisa? Earth to Lisa." Carlos is shaking my arm to get my attention.

I look at him with wide eyes. "Play cool," I warn him.

Before he is able to ask why Michael is in front of us.

"Can I sit here?" 

Carlos opens the chair by him and pats it.

 "Thanks. I'm Michael by the way. I never officially introduced myself." He takes his seat.

"I'm Carlos and this is Lisa." He pointed at me and I let out a little smile. "I think you two know each other already." Carlos winks at me. 

I mouth to him "shut up". I had told Carlos what had happened last night and how I thought he was nice. I guess he took it that I was interested in him. Which he is wrong, I think.

Michael laughs nervously. "Hopefully I am not third-wheeling."

He fakes a smile, looks down at his food and that smile disappears. I almost choke on my food and Carlos cracks up.

"Dude you got it all wrong. She's like my sister."

Carlos rubs my hair. I giggle and say, "Yeah I don't think I would date my own brother."

They both laugh but Michael's laugh is more like a relief laugh.

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys."

He begins to eat and this time lets out a real smile. By the time lunch ends, Carlos has convinced Michael to enter the Basketball team with him. He told him how they need serious help. Michael is also well-built and as tall as Carlos. They can pass as brothers if it wasn't for Michael's hazel colored eyes and different hairstyles. He has it a bit long from the front and short from everywhere else while Carlos has it curly and a bit long. They are both very handsome. I never thought I would ever know someone like them. But I do. Now I have every girl's, in the cafeterias, attention.

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