Chapters 13 The wrong road trip

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It grew dark and my mother was exhausted so we stopped by to grab a coffee at a gas station.

"He's such good looking boy honey." My mom says.

"Mother!" I laugh.

"He seems like he really cares about you. I am glad you found someone like him." She admits.

"I am too," I confess.

It was already midnight and we were near my grandmother's house. The night was misty. It was just my mom and me on the road for a while. Then I spot headlights a couple of yards away. I told my mom how I can help her drive but she assured her she was fine. I put on music and the song Save the last dance for me by Ben E. King is playing. I lay my head back to relax. I look at the road and realize that the car is heading to the other lane. I look at my mom and she is dazing off. There is a truck heading the opposite direction from us and they are honking at us.

"Mother! Wake up!" I alert her while I shake her to wake her up.

I turn the wheel but it's too late. The last thing I saw was my mother awaken and turn the wheel the other way.

I wake up and I am in a white room. I panic until a lady tells me to calm down. She is wearing a white uniform and I know where I am.

"Ma'am you're fine. I want you to relax and breathe slowly." I hear a loud beep go down from a fast rhythm to a slow one once I start breathing slowly. "Okay honey that's it." I hear the door open and it's a man.

"Did she just wake up?" He asks the nurse.

"Yes, doctor. Just seconds ago." She leaves the room and the doctor comes near me. "Hello sweety. Do you know who you are?" I start to think. I don't remember my name. I panic and the loud beeper goes to a fast rhythm again. "It's okay honey just calm down okay. Your name is Lisa Atkinson and you were in a car accident a couple of nights ago with your mother. She is fine. Unfortunately, you were affected the most." He takes out an x-ray of my brain. "You see this right here?"

I nod.

"That is where your memory is stored. Well in the accident you hit it right there near it. So you lost your memory but fortunately, it's only for a short time. Little by little your memory will be restored." I begin to cry.

"How's my mother?" The doctor rubs my hand.

"She got a few stitches in her arms but she's going to be fine. I just need some rest. She is in the other room." He stands up. "You need some rest too." He's about to leave when I begin to refuse to sleep.

"I don't need rest. I'm fine. Can I go see her?" He sighs.

"I'm sorry I can not let you do that. Please rest." He's gone. I take his advice and sleep. I wake up when I feel someone rubbing my hand. But when I wake up, I can not open my eyes or move. I start to panic and I hear the beeper go to a fast rhythm. I don't feel the hand anymore but I hear someone calling the nurse. Seconds later I hear a nurse instruct me to breathe slowly. She explains how my brain is just reacting to its injury, therefore, it shut down my body just for a while so I won't be able to move or open my eyes until my brain is functioning well again. Once the beeper slows down to a regular rhythm, I hear the nurse talking but not to me. Then the nurse talks to me again. "Hunny someone is here to see you. You're going to be fine okay." Then I hear the door open and close.

"Lisa, it's me, your grandmother. My name is Lilia. You and your mother were on your way to see me."

I can't move, talk, or see so I listen to her explain to me who she is.

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