Chapter 8

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January, 8th

As Audrey walked towards her high school, she took a deep breath, preparing herself herself for the day. She tightened her hands around her backpack straps and walked through the doors.

"Hey A!" Stevie squealed, hugging her best friend like they hadn't just seen each other Saturday.

Audrey looked at her friend, replying "Hey Steve" (A nickname Audrey calls Stevie).

They walked to their lockers together, like they do every morning. As Audrey was getting her books, her stomach began to ache.

It's probably that Pop Tart, Audrey thought to herself.

She began walking to her new class, they changed classes every semester. She chose to sit in the middle of the classroom, trying to ignore the increasing pain in her stomach.

When the bell rung for class to start, Byron walked in. His eyes scanned the room before they fell on Audrey.

Audrey quickly diverted her eyes, looking at her pencil like it could cure cancer. She felt him walk past her, sitting in the seat behind her.

Great, Audrey thought. Not only was her stomach hurting, but she was also going to be uncomfortable for the next hour.

She could feel his stare on the back of her head, but she ignored it. Even if she was getting aggravated from his constant stares, it was the least of her worries. Her stomach had begun to hurt even worse, making Audrey want to curl in a ball.

She slowly got up, asking her teacher if she could go to the bathroom. The teacher gave her a pass, and Audrey walked as fast as she could toward the girl's bathroom.

When she made it into a stall, she pulled her pants down, only to see blood covering her underwear.

"Oh my God," Audrey whispered. She shakily grabbed her phone, texting Dean to meet her outside the girl's bathroom.

She tried to clean up the blood, in somewhat shock because of the situation. She quickly ran out of the bathroom, meeting Dean's worried glance. He was carrying her bag, somehow knowing she left it in her first period class.

He probably ran out of class, Audrey thought to herself.

"I'll explain everything on the way. Let's go!" Audrey says loudly, trying not to panic.

When they are inside the Jeep, Audrey tells Dean to go to the Gynecologist. She explains to him that her stomach had been hurting since she went inside the school, and when she went to the bathroom there was blood.

Dean had a worried look on his face, his eyebrows scrunched together. Audrey was trying not to cry. Yes the baby was an accident, but the thought of loosing her unborn child brought a sharp pain to her heart.

They arrived to the Gynecologist in half the time it takes to get there, Dean speeding the entire way. They jogged into the clinic, telling the front lady that this was an emergency.

She gave them a piece of paper to fill out, Audrey wanting to pull the woman's hair out. Audrey filled everything out, her handwriting almost unreadable.

She gave it to the lady and sat down quickly. Audrey had an unpredictable mouth when she was aggravated so, she did not want to say anything mean to her.

As she sat down, Dean looked at her with concern lacing his face. She leaned her head on his shoulder, putting her hands over her flat stomach.

She almost forgot the cramps in her stomach until now, too worried about what the problem what.

"Everything is going to be okay, A." Dean hoarsely whispered in Audrey's ear.

Dean was worried for not only Audrey, but the baby as well. This baby was apart of his family, and he couldn't help but feel a connection towards it.

He placed his hand on her head, rubbing it softly. This how the three siblings have always comforted each other.

"Audrey Jennings," A nurse called.

Audrey walked to the nurse, while Dean stayed in his seat. He wanted to give her some privacy.

Audrey was breathing in and out consistently, making sure to stay calm. She was terrified of what the problem could be.

They nurse led her into the examining room, closing the door behind Audrey. Audrey sat on the table, trying to ignore the constant cramps.

"So why don't you tell me what seems to be the problem Audrey?" The nurse asked calmly, smiling at her.

Audrey took a deep breathe before replying, "Well I was at school and I started having cramps. They got worse as time went on, and when I went to the bathroom, there was blood in my underwear. Oh and I'm pregnant..." That part was probably important.

"Okay, let me have a look," the nurse said softly.

"Can you please lift up your shirt?" The nurse asked.

Audrey lifted up her shirt, while the nurse squirted some type of gel onto her stomach. Audrey sucked in deeply when the gel was applied, it was cold.

The nurse put the plastic scanner on Audrey's stomach, rubbing the gel around. Audrey looked over at the Sonogram closely.

"Ah, there it is" the nurse said, pointing at a black speck.

"It's so tiny," Audrey whispered, feeling her eyes begin to water.

"Here's the baby's heart beat" The nurse said softly.

Audrey listened, too in awe to say anything. All of a sudden, a thumping sound filled the room. In the moment, Audrey felt a love like no other. That baby was her world, no matter the circumstance.
30 minutes later, she was walking out of the room with a picture of her bean in her hand. Her doctor informed her that the blood and cramps were from cervical changes, and prescribed her vitamins to take throughout the pregnancy.

As soon as she entered into the waiting room, Dean stood up. Audrey smiled at him, answering his question. Dean ran and hugged Audrey, both so relieved that the baby was okay.

Audrey stepped away and wiped the tears from her face.

Everything is okay, Audrey thought contently.

They began walking out the office, smiles on their faces. Audrey bumped into someone on the way out, looking up her heart stopped.

Cue the dramatic music!! Who did Audrey bump into? Stay tuned to find out!!

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