Chapter 16

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January, 11th

"Steve what's wrong?" Audrey asked, worry lacing her voice.

"Can we leave?"

Audrey nodded her head, and locked her arm with Stevie's. Even during a crisis, they walked with confidence.

Audrey grabbed Stevie's keys, quickly unlocking the car. The duo were always together so, they almost shared Stevie's car.


The two sat in silence, both lost in thought. Whenever something bad happened, they always went to a certain place.

Throughout high school, there had been a few incidents where one another was upset. When this happened, they immediately left school and went to 'their' place.

As Audrey pulled onto the familiar dirt road, she began to think of just how they became best friends. Throughout Audrey's childhood, her mother had always dropped her and Dean off at a daycare.

Sometimes, Audrey wondered why her parents even had kids.  They never really raised them. Audrey figured that they had kids for their image only.

When Audrey was a kid, she had longed for her mother's attention. So, when she was dropped off at daycare, she would throw tantrums. Not even Dean could calm her down.

However, one day Audrey was having her tantrums, a babysitter tried to quiet her down. When the sweet old lady tried to give her a hug, Audrey kicked her in the face. Needless to say, Audrey was not allowed back at the daycare.

Audrey's mother was mortified. Word had spread around the church that Audrey was out of control. Desperate, Lucy had asked the women of the church if they could watch Audrey during the day. Every women came up with an excuse except Melissa.

Melissa McCarter had observed the lack of care Audrey's mother gave. She had seen Audrey cry because her mother would not listen to her. She was also in the process of adopting a small blonde child the same age as Audrey.

Believe it or not, Stevie was a very timid child. The young toddler had been through so much in such a short time, so Melissa had the idea of introducing her to Audrey. She believed that Audrey's bubbly personality would break down Stevie's walls.

So, Melissa had agreed to watch Audrey. Sure enough, the two girls clicked. Stevie's personality bloomed, and the lack of attention Audrey received vanished. The two girls had been stuck at the hip since then.

She looked over at Stevie, so thankful for her best friend. She had no idea how she would have made it without her. So, when the arrived at their destination, they locked arms and headed towards 'their' place.

Now this place had been apart of their childhood. The two girls had gotten into mischief from the beginning. One day, they decided to take an adventure in the woods. They somehow stumbled upon an old shed, and the rest is history.

Since that day, they would go back and decorate it. Stevie had gotten her dad to put electricity in it. So, they often came here for sleepovers. However, the outside of the shed is a different story.

Audrey had gotten the idea for the two to spray paint on the outside of the house when they felt troubled. The outside was a graffiti mess. It was covered with layers of old spray paint. However to them, this was their safe haven.

Unlocking the deadbolt, Audrey went to the breaker box and turned the lights on. Her eyes landed on their box of spray paint and she immediately grabbed it. She walked outside and set the box at Stevie's feet.

Stevie smiled softly and grabbed a hot pink bottle of spray paint. Audrey watched as her friend poured out her feelings through art. The two had a game where when they were upset, the other had to guess what was wrong with them by what they painted.

Audrey's jaw dropped when she realized what Stevie was saying. In hot pink, there was a baby. With a large x over it.

"Steve did you have a miscarriage?"

Stevie dropped to her knees, immediately engulfed by Audrey. Stevie began to explain what was wrong.

"So, I found out I was pregnant in December. Not even a week later, I began to feel a sharp pain in my stomach and I bled. I went to the doctor, and they said I had a miscarriage. As bad as it sounds, I felt relief. I had my whole life in front of me, and this baby could ruin it. The doctors told me that it was very common, but they were going to run some test to make sure everything was okay with me..."

Stevie began to sob. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to continue.

"That's why you saw me at the Gynecologist. They were taking test. This morning they called me to tell me what the results had showed."

Stevie's lips trembled as she looked at her best friend. "A, they told me I can't have kids. They said that because when I raped as a child, my body won't allow me to carry a baby. Audrey I've tried so hard to forget about that part of my life. No matter what, it follows me. I can't escape it. I don't know what to do!"

Audrey was speechless. Stevie had told her about the trauma that she had received as a child. Stevie could not remember what happened, but Melissa never kept that part of her life a secret. Stevie's birth parents were drug addicts. Her father had raped her as a child, somehow not killing her. Child services were called, and that's how Melissa adopted Stevie.

They sat in each other's embrace for hours. Audrey comforted her and told her that everything was going to be okay. She knew what she had to do.

She stood up, Stevie looking at her confused. She grabbed a spray paint bottle and told her biggest secret.

She could hear Stevie gasp behind her. She couldn't keep this a secret any longer.

"Steve, I'm pregnant..."


Woah... Audrey told Stevie. How is Stevie going to react??

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