Chapter 17

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Stevie tilted her head to the side, studying Audrey. "You're lying."

"Steve I swear. I wouldn't lie about something like this!"

Stevie analyzed Audrey's face, trying to find a lie. What are the odds that Audrey got pregnant when Stevie just lost her baby.

"How long has it been?"

"It happened in November..."

Stevie thought back to November. Only remembering one time they went out.

Stevie gasped, "Audrey it's his?"

Audrey nodded. Stevie did not have to say his name for Audrey to know who she was referring to. She told Stevie about that night.

"Have you told him?"

"Well no..." Audrey muttered, noticing Stevie's disappointed stare. "But I'm planning on it soon. I'm just trying to find the right time."

"Why didn't you tell me A? We tell each other everything."

"I just wanted to figure this out by myself. It still doesn't feel real."

Audrey remembered the pictures that she had in her bag. She has been wanting to show Stevie these pictures ever since she got them.

Standing up, she told her friend not to go anywhere. She raced to the car, digging through her purse to find the sonograms.

Stevie was relieved that Audrey went to the car. She needed a moment to process what she had just found out. Yes she did not want a baby right now, but she couldn't help but feel jealous that her best friend got to experience this. She knew that if she had the opportunity to have a baby right now, she would take it. She had not realized how much she wanted to be a mother until now.

"It's not fair," Stevie sniffled, a few tears leaving her eyes. She quickly wiped her face, not wanting her friend to see how sad she was. She couldn't let herself become jealous.

"Steve look how sweet!"

Stevie put one of her biggest smiles on, trying to ignore the sadness that was once again creeping in. A genuine smile appeared when she saw the little bean.

"You're definitely gonna be the god mother," Audrey said. Stevie smiled at that.

"Well the few minutes it's mine..."

"What do you mean?"

Audrey looked at the ground, kicking a rock. "Well I have decided to place it for adoption."

Stevie looked at her like she had grown two heads. Why would she want to give her baby away.

"Steve there are so many people that can't have babies..." tossing a sympathetic glance Stevie's way. "They could give it a happy life, something I could never give."

"I'll stand by whatever you decide, but just really take some time to think before you make a decision."

Audrey nodded, hugging her best friend. She felt a weight lifted off her shoulders now that her best friend knew.

And just like that, Stevie and Audrey were ready to take on anything life threw at them.


The girls began to head back to town, Stevie driving this time. Hearing a buzz come from her purse, Audrey reached her hand inside to find her phone. She glanced at the screen, only to see 14 missed calls from Byron. Great.

She clicked on one the many missed calls from him. He answered on the first ring.

"Are you okay? I've been calling you!"

Audrey held the phone away from her ear, surprised at his loud tone. "Yeah I'm fine... Why are you so worried?"

"You didn't come to homeroom, and Stevie was crying. You could have at least texted me or Dean."

"I'm really fine. I was just distracted. I didn't even think of texting y'all."

"Well you should have. I had no idea if you were dead or alive!"

"If I died you, would know it,"Audrey said, trying to calm the beast down.

"How would I know?"

"Well I don't know. I just think that you could feel it."


Byron felt a tinge of happiness. It was almost like she thought they were soulmates, even though she would never admit it. He did feel like he would know if something happened to her, he was just being dramatic earlier.

"I have a question," Byron started. He remembered Aunt Liz ordering him to invite Audrey for dinner, though he was not complaining.


"Aunt Liz is making dinner tonight, and she wanted me to invite you."

Audrey felt a tinge of happiness pass over her. "That sounds nice. What time?" Audrey said much more enthusiastic than she had hoped.

"Pick you up at 7?"

"Seven sounds good,"Audrey said smiling.


As Audrey applied the last of her make up, she wondered if she would tell Byron about the baby tonight. She slid on her jeans, noticing how tighter they feel on her.

She had been gaining weight, and she didn't even notice. She looked in her mirror, noticing the slight bulge of her stomach when she turned to the side. She could easily say that she was bloated, but she had no idea how she was going to hide the growing bump as time passed.

Trying to ignore the complications that the baby bump could cause, she slipped on her top and smiled at herself in the mirror. She wondered if she had a pregnancy glow.

Audrey heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. Slinging her purse over her shoulder, she quickly ran down the stairs. She hoped that Dean had not beat her to it. Dean could talk to a wall for hours.

She let out a sigh of relief as she saw Byron, Dean not in sight. As she turned the corner, her smile quickly faded. Her parents were in front of him, not hiding their disapproval. Lovely.


Yay! We update two days in a row. Quarantine is giving us a lot of free time:) What will Audrey's parents say??

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