Chapter 10

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^^^ Audrey and Byron playing on Just Dance later on in this chapter:))

January, 8th

"Why is Byron picking her up? You two aren't even close?" Audrey asked.

Why are all of these things happening to me? I was a normal teenage girl two weeks ago, and now it feels like the world is plotting against me, Audrey miserably thinks.

"He actually volunteered to. Apparently, he saw you leave in first period, and since I was not there during lunch, he knew nobody was there to pick up Abigail," Dean responded.

"Why does it matter that he is picking her up, A?"

"Well it doesn't, I was just wondering I guess," Audrey sighed.

"So, um are you and Byron close?" Audrey asked curiously.

"Well, we're friends I guess. We hang out at party's together. He drove me home once when I was wasted so, I trust him enough to drop Abigail off," Dean said.

"So he's not a complete douche?" Audrey asked, sounding somewhat relieved.

"No, I don't guess. Why do you care so much?"

"I don't, I'm just surprised is all," Audrey said defensively.

"Oh okay," Dean shrugged. This confirmed his suspicions that they had history together. She never gets defensive unless she's hiding something.

Audrey leaned toward the radio, and turned up the volume. She was trying to end her and Dean's conversation.

For the thousandth time, Audrey was zoning out. Maybe it would be okay to tell Byron about the pregnancy, Dean trust him so he must be okay.

She imagined Byron holding a little boy with dimples. She barely new Byron but just for a second, she allowed herself to imagine building a family with him. She would have a normal life. She could watch her baby grow, and give him a normal life.

When she accepted her pregnancy, she always imagined the baby as a boy, it just felt right. She put her hands on her stomach, and dreamed of a world where she could be happy.


Waking up to Dean lightly tapping her shoulder, Audrey sat up quickly. She looked around, remembering where she was.

When her mind became unclouded, she noticed the unfamiliar vehicle parked in her driveway. Lord, please let it be a church member, Audrey prayed.

"What's wrong, A," Dean asked, trying to hide his grin. He may or may not have invited Byron to hang out with him tonight.

Audrey opened her eyes, noticing she had closed them to pray. "Nothing, I'm just tired," she squeaked.

Saying a second mental prayer for good luck, she grabbed her bag from the Jeep and began walking towards the door.

Walking inside, she heard laughter from the living room. Is this real life? Audrey asked herself.

I'm front of her, was her sister and Byron... playing Just Dance. She put her hand over her mouth, hiding her laugh. She grabbed her phone to take a quick video. Why is he good at this? The danced ended, Byron having five stars at the end.

"Hey A!" Abigail squealed, hugging her sister.

"Hey," Audrey muttered, rubbing her sisters hair.

She looked up to notice Byrons cheeks tainted red. Is he embarrassed, this is gold!

"A, he beat your high score, you have to have a competition!" Abigail said excitedly.

"No it's okay, I'm sure he was just leaving." Audrey put emphasis on the last word.

"Actually, I would like that very much. Lets go a round, A" Byron said, mocking her nickname.

"You know what? FINE! Just be prepared to loose." Audrey took her sisters control, attacking it to her wrist.


Thirty minutes had passed, and Audrey was collapsed on the floor, sucking in gulps of air.
She looked up to see Byron looking at her with a "I'm better than you" face.

"You know what? It's just an off day, I was sick remember?" Audrey said pathetically, trying to come up with an excuse on how she was no longer the best Just Dance player.

"Well you seemed to feel much better when we were dancing!" Byron remarked, remembering her shaking her butt.

"Whatever! I'm going to my room, Byron see yourself out," Audrey said with sass, walking up the stairs and slamming her door.

Dean had watched their entire exchange, and he was now completely positive they hooked up. He credited himself with being very observant, and he saw his friend look at Audrey multiple times when she was dancing.

He also noticed how Audrey would look at him the same time, and they would both quickly divert their eyes. He noticed how when she saw Byron dancing with Abigail, she nonchalantly held her stomach.

He noticed how Byron's eyes would light up when Audrey said something. Not only did they hook up, Byron is the damn father, Dean confirmed to himself.

He noticed all of this, but decided to not say a word. He was going to wait for her to tell him herself. He looked over at Abigail to see if she came to the same conclusion, only to see Abigail looking at Dean with a knowing smirk.

Both of Audrey's siblings found the truth, knowing their sister better than she knew herself. They hid this knowledge between themselves, deciding to keep it to their selves.

When Audrey walked upstairs, only five minutes passed before Byron said he needed to go to the bathroom. He went upstairs, despite their being a bathroom right beside the living room.

Dean and Abigail looked over at each other, reading each other's thoughts.

"Let's play Just Dance," Dean said, standing up.


Audrey's POV:

I slammed my door and immediately changed into Dean's big shirt.

I dug through my bag, latching onto the vitamins that the doctor prescribed for me. I popped one into my mouth happily, feeling a sense of proudness that I could keep my baby healthy.

I threw the vitamins in my night stand, and began to turn on Netflix when I heard a soft knock on my door.

Pulling the blankets off of me, I begrudgingly got up, dragging my feet across the floor. "Dean, if you're going to run in my face that Byron bea-"

There in front of me stood Byron, his eyes looking down at me nervously.

"Can we talk?" He asked sheepishly.

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