Chapter 19

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^^^ Look how sweet Byron and Audrey are:)

January, 12th

This would ruin her night... I should wait until Byron knows.

"I was wondering if you would let me stay the night?" Audrey asked, feeling her cheeks heat up.

"Of course! You could live here if you want," Aunt Liz said. She's probably not joking.

"Aunt Liz?"

"Yes dear?"

"Thank you for everything." Audrey pulled Liz into a hug. Audrey was never big on hugs, but they were growing on her.

"Oh sweetie!" Aunt Liz tightened her arms around Audrey, trying not to cry. She had always wanted a daughter.

"One day, you'll learn that women are nothing but walking soap operas," Henry laughed, Byron walking in behind in.

"Oh hush Henry," Liz warned, smacking his stomach.

"Yes ma'am!"

Audrey could feel a smile grow on her face. Everything that she has ever wanted was right here, besides Abigail and Dean.

After the kitchen was clean, the four settled in the living room. Aunt Liz picked a gory movie. To say Audrey was shocked would be an understatement. Aunt Liz was laughing at the TV, acting like a person being murdered was hilarious. I mean... who's surprised?

An hour into the movie, Audrey heard a deep snore. She took her eyes off the movie to see both Henry and Liz fast asleep. Both of them had their heads back, and their mouths hanging open. She quickly grabbed her phone to take a picture, planning on printing it off later.

"Wanna go to bed?" Byron asked, looking down at Audrey.

"Yes, but won't we get in trouble if we sleep together?"

"They are passed out. They won't see us."

Audrey nodded excitedly, and just like that they ran up the stairs like kids.


Byron woke up to the sound of his door opening. He peaked his eye open to see Aunt Liz softly close the door.

"Henry I have a strong feeling about it. I know what I saw," Liz softly whispered outside the door.

"Now Liz, you can't just go accusing girls of being pregnant." Henry said, as the two moved down the hall.

"Henry she grabbed her stomach when we were talking. I did the same thing before... before..."

"Before the miscarriage. Liz it's been fifteen years. You can talk about it now."

"I know how long it's been Henry. I think about it everyday, but it still hurts." Byron could hear his Aunt begin to cry.

"I know it does Liz. If you think Audrey's pregnant, I believe you."

Byron quietly got up, unlatching Audrey's arm from his torso. He replaced his body with a pillow, and quickly walked down the hallway. He stopped outside of their room.

"I cannot believe they were not careful Liz. This is serious."

"Henry you act like I didn't get pregnant in high school. We've been through the same thing."

"I know, but you lost the baby. It will be completely different with them."

"We can help them," Liz offered.

"Liz what about her parents. Everyone around town knows how her parents are. They'll kick her out!"

"If they do that then, she can just move in with us. Heck, her siblings could too. We've always wanted a big family!"

"Liz don't get ahead of yourself. The parents would never let them leave."

"I can at least offer," Aunt Liz said, sounding determined.

"That's fine by me. They just can't take my Netflix account," Henry remarked.

Byron snorted. Leave it to him, to be thinking about Netflix during a serious conversation. Uncle Henry wouldn't even let him use his Netflix. Byron was not even aware that he made a sound until Aunt Liz opened the door.

"Byron Reed Rivers!" Aunt Liz looked up at her nephew, her hands on her hips. "Boy you have some explaining to do!" She grabbed Byron by his ear like she always did as a child. He certainly did not miss it.

As Audrey's eyes fluttered open, she immediately stretched her arm out. She frowned slightly, not feeling Byron beside her.

5:45 her phone read. She texted the group chat with Dean and Abigail to tell them that she was okay.

She climbed out of bed, lifting her arms up to stretch. Her feet padded against the floor, making her way to the bathroom. She went to the toilet to pee, her eyes closed. Audrey was never a morning person.

She heard someone clear their throat, and she quickly opened her eyes. A squeal passing her lips. Byron was standing their, a towel around his waist.

"Oh sorry! I didn't even know you were in here," Audrey could feel her cheeks burn.

"I saw that," Byron smirked at her.

Is he smirking at me. She finished her business and stood up. Byron raised his eyebrows at her. Without taking her eyes from his, she took off her shirt... well technically it was his. Byron's eyes grew wide, beginning to choke.

"Sorry, I have to take a shower," she muttered.

"Can I join?"

She looked at Byron, he was practically begging. "No you can't. We will not be doing no such thing in your Aunt's house."

Byron huffed, walking out of the bathroom like a child. Audrey shook her head, giggling. She took the time to clear her head.

When she was done, she wrapped a towel around her body, walking back into Byron's room.

Byron was no where in sight. She grabbed a shirt and boxers from Byron's drawer. She quickly changed, folding the waist band of the boxers multiple times so they would not fall from her hips.

Hearing a small ding coming from the nightstand, she curiously walked to it. Who could be texting him this early?

She was surprised to see a text from Dean. She scrunched her eyebrows confusingly.

Dean: Audrey doesn't know it yet, but it's what is best for her"

"What the hell," Audrey muttered. What is Dean talking about.

"Whats wrong?" Byron asked, concerned. She turned around, his phone in her hand. She looked at him angrily.

"What are you and Dean talking about?"

WOAH! what are Dean and Byron talking about?? Also we want to thank y'all so much for reading and voting for our book. We are so grateful for all of y'all. Don't forget to vote on this chapter too!!

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