Chapter 23

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January 23rd

Beep, beep, beep...

Audrey lazily dragged her hand to her phone screen, snoozing the alarm. As she began to drift off to sleep, she began to feel like she was forgetting something. She grabbed her phone to check the time.

7:00 a.m.

"Oh my goodness," Audrey squealed. She scrambled out of bed, feeling goosebumps cover her body. She had exactly two hours to get to the adoption appointment. She felt a knot form in her throat, tears pricking her eyes. She was anxious to meet her baby's potential parents.

Her feet padded against the cold tile floor in her bathroom. She made her way into the shower, as she tried to push the upcoming events to the back of her mind. Audrey would face the situation when it was time. 

She felt tears prick from her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. She refused to acknowledge the negative thoughts in her head. This is good for the baby, Audrey reminded herself.

As Audrey began to notice the water turn cool, she hurried to step out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her body, and took a deep breathe in. I can do this.

She slightly winced at her reflection. She sighed as she used concealer to cover the dark circles under her eyes. Audrey has had trouble falling asleep without Byron beside her.

She smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress. Stevie had helped her pick out an outfit the night before. According to Stevie, Audrey needed to look "professional."

She took one quick glance at herself in the mirror, her eyes drifting to the growing bump. Her hand fell to her stomach.

"How did we get here," Audrey asked her baby. Of course the baby cannot respond, but she felt like it was listening.

She made her way downstairs, her heels clicking against the floor. Her siblings were still in their rooms, getting ready. She laid out their breakfast, as she grabbed herself two granola bars.

She slid into Stevie's car, handing her a granola bar. Stevie looked at her sympathetically. She could practically feel Audrey's sadness.


Audrey shifted her weight in the uncomfortable chair she was sitting in. Her leg was bouncing from her nerves.

Why am I even here?

She was pulled out of her doubts by her phone vibrating.

Byron: hey you weren't in first period, miss you.

Audrey gritted her teeth, feeling guilt seep into her pores. I am a terrible person, she thought to herself

Audrey: I'll be back soon... I miss you too

Audrey felt like throwing up. Byron was texting her innocently, and she was planning on giving their baby away. I'm a terrible person, Audrey thought. She sucked in a deep breath as she once again felt the tears prick her eyes. How many times am I gonna cry?

"Miss Jennings," a lady spoke out. Audrey lifted her head up, dabbing at her tears. She shakily walked to the front desk, grabbing the clipboard from the lady. She ignored the ladies concerned look, as she quickly walked back to her seat. She glanced down at the form.


Audrey burst into tears.

"I am so dramatic. How am I going to fill this form out if I'm crying at the first question," Audrey muttered to herself.

She felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Are you okay," a lady beside her asked.

Audrey wiped at her face, thankful that she decided to wear water proof mascara.

"I'm fine, I just..." Audrey took a deep breath in, trying to find her voice.

"I don't know what I'm doing. I-I... I'm a pregnant teenager, and the only reason I'm here is because I'm a coward. Everyone I love has offered to help me with this baby, and I'm still here, trying to give it up. What is wrong with me?" Audrey dropped her head in her hands, sobbing.

She heard the lady beside her take a deep breathe in. "I think I'm the one you were meeting with for the baby."

Audrey froze. She lifted her head, and looked at the lady with wide eyes.

"I want you to listen to me..." The lady began. "When I was a teenager, I was pregnant. And like you, I was scared. I had no one to help me, and it wasn't fair for me to try to raise a baby by myself. But, you do have people. And I'm telling you this because there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of my baby, and I do not want you to have to live with that." She sucked in a breath as she continued. "If you feel like the baby would feel happier with another family, then I say go for it. But if you're only doing this because you're young and scared, I say suck it up. Because you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Audrey looked at the stranger. She let out a shaky sigh. "I'm terrified that I'll be a bad mother."

The lady put a hand on Audrey's shoulder. "You won't be. I know this because you're pure. You're unselfish. Yes, you're young, but you'll figure it out."

Audrey felt like the Lord sent her an angel. This was a sign. "Can I, um... have your number?"

The lady smiled at Audrey warmly as she wrote down her number. Audrey pulled her into an embrace, as she stood up. "Thank you so much," Audrey whispered.

Audrey gripped the clipboard, as she made her way to the front desk. "I'm gonna leave, if that's all right with you."

She handed over the paper work, as she made her way to the door. She gave the lady one more smile, as she made her way outside.

She sucked in the cool air, as she stood outside. Audrey had no earthly clue what she was doing, but she knew this was the right decision.

She made her way to Stevie's car, the anxiousness leaving her body.

"So, how did it go?" Stevie asked curiously.

Audrey smiled softly at her. "I'm keeping the baby."
Hey y'all!! We hope you like this chapter!!!
                                            -phe and joe

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