Chapter 12

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January, 9

After the events that took place, they all changed into warmer clothes. Excitement ran through Audrey, quickly walking toward her front door.

Audrey shivered as the cold wind hit her face. How did it go from warm weather to snow in two days. That's Mississippi weather for you.

She gazed across her front yard in awe, admiring the winter wonderland in front of her. She looked towards the others and noticed the same expression on their face as well.

While they were in shock, she quickly grabbed snow and threw it at Dean's head. Dean turned around quickly, seeing the smirk on his sister's face.

He grabbed a handful of snow, noticing panic quickly replace her smirk. Before she could run, Dean threw a handful of snow at Audrey's face.

Audrey gasped for air, taken back from the cold sting on her face. Byron and Abigail just watched, as the two siblings threw as hard as they could at each other.

Byron was staring at Audrey, admiring the way redness coating her nose and cheeks. She's beautiful.

A hard snowball hit Byron's face, completely taken aback from the intrusion. He turned quickly, seeing a smirk on Dean's face.

"Maybe if you weren't staring at my sister, this wouldn't have happened," Dean said laughing.

Bryon felt no shame, turning to look at Audrey only to see her already staring at him. He winked at her, making Audrey blush.

For the next hour, the four had a snowball fight. Abigail felt happiness rushing through her, seeing her big sister happy for once.

The four were slowly getting tired, the snow balls hitting them softer than before. Audrey's lungs hurt from laughing.

She was taking in the view of her favorite people when her eyes connected with Byron. He started running towards her. Audrey quickly started running in the opposite direction.

Her legs were burning from exhaustion. She turned around to see Byron on her heels. Suddenly, her legs collapsed. Byron let out a surprised yelp, but was unable to stop his feet.
He fell on top of her, putting his arms on either side of Audrey so he wouldn't crush her.

Audrey fell on her back, struggling to breathe in air. The two just stared at each other, trying to catch their breathe. Unaware, their lips levitated to each other like a magnet.

Audrey felt his warm lips meet hers, making her feel warm despite the cold around her. They kissed each other tenderly, expressing their fondness for each other.

For some reason, Audrey knew in her heart that this was her soulmate. This is the only person she is wanted to ever be with again.

They slowly broke apart, sharing a sense of love between each other. Byron helped her up, holding her hand tenderly.

Of course, this moment of happiness had to end. They were walking back towards the house when she made eye contact with her mother.

Her mother's eyes drifted to their connect hands, disgust lacing her face. Byron squeezed  Audrey's hand, giving her a boost of confidence.


Audrey walked into her house, asking Byron to give her and her mother some privacy. Audrey was well aware that she was about to receive a lecture.

"How can you be so disrespectful? I have told you that you cannot be whoring around with a boy... we are a pastor's family!" Audreys mom screamed.

"I was not whoring around. I kissed him... once" Audrey sighed, telling a small lie to her mother. She did not need to know the details.

"He was all over you and in my yard. What if someone passed by Audrey? Do you realize what would be said?"

Audrey laughed, "What's worse is people seeing a pastor beating his family, but that's never a concern."

Audrey felt a sharp sting, and her head jolted to the side. She grabbed her cheek, tears streaming down her face. Her mother had slapped her.

"Audrey I-" Her mother started.

"I cannot believe you just did that to me. I felt sorry for you" Audrey said angrily, wiping the tears from her face.

"I actually felt sorry for you. You deserve to spend the rest of your miserable life with him. Y'all are a match made in Heaven because you both hit your kids."

Audrey turned around at the sound of a small sniffle. Abigail was standing their, tears in her eyes.

Their mother quickly walked out of the house. The two sisters sat in silence while they watched her pull out of the driveway.

They both glanced at each other, and Abigale ran into Audrey's arms. Abigale sobbed into her big sister, feeling sympathy for Audrey.

"It's all going to be okay," Audrey whispered comfortingly.

The two sat on the couch and watched reruns of Friends while eating a carton of ice cream together.

Audrey lazily walked up the stairs hours later, feeling the impact of all the ice cream she consumed. She got ready for bed and was about to go to sleep when her phone dinged.

Byron: hey, I hope your not in to much shit because of me.

Audrey: I'm okay! btw I had fun...

Byron: me too, do you want to hang out tomorrow after school?

Audrey couldn't help but smile. She felt a glimmer of happiness that he wanted to spend more time with her.

Audrey: sounds like a plan!

Byron: pizza and Netflix sound good?

Audrey: as long as I get to pick out the show ;)

Byron: as you wish your highness

Audrey found herself falling asleep with a smile on her face. The past events only a distant memory.

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