Chapter 11

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January, 9

Audrey woke up with sweat soaking her clothes and an unknown weight on top of her. What in the world, Audrey thought to herself.

She opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the sun beaming through her windows. She looked down to see one tan arm wrapped around her waist while one more tan arm was wrapped around her bicep. She looked farther down and saw a large leg on top of her short ones.

OH.MY.LORD, Audrey internally screamed. The memories of last night came rushing to her mind. He came into her room and confessed his feelings to her. Audrey, being the stubborn girl she was, told him that he could not waltz in her room and just randomly tell her that.

This started a fight between the two, which led to even more sexual tension. Byron just became so angry that he grabbed Audrey and kissed her. Audrey, being the nice person she was, allowed him to kiss her. Okay, she may have kissed him back but that's besides the point.

One thing led to another and their clothes fell off. Yes, fell off. Audrey definitely couldn't remember ripping his shirt off. They might have connected their bodies together in a sexual manner, and after it was through, they told each other all about themselves. The two acted like long lost best friends, and to sum it all up, it was a great night.

This was absolutely necessary to work out their problems, Audrey confirmed. She ignored the heat Byron was producing in waves onto hers. She dug herself deeper into him, feeling content.


She woke up to the feeling of her hair being brushed out of her face. She peaked one eye open, only to be met with familiar green ones.

"Good morning," Byron hoarsely whispered.

Oh my god, why is his voice so sexy in the morning, Audrey internally drooled.

"Hey," Audrey squeaked.

She felt his arms tighten around her, while her bladder felt like it was going to explode.

"Byron," Audrey started.

"Hm?" Byron muttered into her hair, giving her butterflies.

"I have to get up," Audrey said quietly.

She could feel his arms tighten even more, if that was possible. It was taking everything within her to not pee on him.

"If you don't let me get up, I'm going to pee on you," Audrey said completely serious.

He loosened his arms, giving her room to stand up. She suddenly missed his warmth, feeling the cold hard wood floor on her feet. She walked to the bathroom, suddenly remembering she was naked.

"Ah!" She squealed, hearing a deep chuckle behind her. After she was finished with her business, she came out in her robe.

Oh my goodness, Audrey drooled. In front of her laid Byron. The covers were no longer on him and he had his eyes closed, his arms sprawled out on the sides of him. He must have put boxers on when she went to the bathroom.

She let her eyes travel, greedily soak up every inch of him. She watched the muscles in his arms, his long legs hanging off her bed. His hair was messy, falling onto his forehead in waves. She looked at his eyes, only to seem them open and staring at her. She could feel a burn in her cheeks, being caught staring at him.

"I like your hair," He said huskily.

Audrey's hands traveled up to her hair, feeling the wild curls. She completely forgot to look in the mirror. Her siblings had always made fun of her because her curls would be untamed when she woke up in the morning.

Audrey giggled nervously, not knowing what to say. Their actions of the night before seeping into her mind. Byron must had been thinking the same thing because when she met his eyes, she could almost see them darken.

She cleared her throat, walking toward her dresser. She pulled out one of Dean's old shirts and blue jeans shorts. Audrey always took Dean's shirts. She awkwardly walked back toward the bed and picked up the bra that was on the ground. That must have fell off too, Audrey thought.

She turned her back to Byron and changed without shame. He had already seen everything before. By the time she was dressed, she turned around to be met with Byron. However, he had pants on.

"I need a shirt because you ripped mine off," he said without shame.

"I did not rip it off, it fell off," Audrey said stubbornly.

"Ah, well do you have a large shirt I can wear? When my shirt fell off, it ripped in half."

"Um... yeah I have one of Dean's shirts you can wear." She muttered, handing him a shirt.

He slipped it over his head quickly, staring lasers into Audrey. The shirt was slightly tight, Byron being more muscular than Dean.

They did not have to go to school today because it had snowed the night before. In the south, if it snowed, schools were closed. So, they were in no rush.

They walked down the stairs quietly. Audrey's parents were never home at this time so she was not worried to run into them. However, she was trying to avoid her siblings.

They walked into the living room, only to be met with Dean and Abigail sitting on the couch smugly.

"How did y'all sleep?" Abigail asked in an innocent voice, amusement in her eyes.

Audrey choked on her spit, coughing for almost a minute. Byron started rubbing her back, only making her go into hysterics. Her head began to hurt from her choking. Once she finally calmed down she looked up, rubbing the tears from her eyes.

Dean and Abigail were shaking from laughter, while Byron was looking away shaking his head in amusement. Lord, could this get an worse? Audrey thought to herself.

"Byron, is that my shirt?" Dean asked, making Abigail burst into fits of laughter. Dean began laughing too, while Audrey's cheeks felt like they were on fire.

"His other shirt fell off!" Audrey quickly blurted, only making them laugh even harder. Even Byron was laughing.

Audrey began to laugh as well, letting the situation sink in. Abigail began snorting, only making them laugh harder. Audrey was bent over, her stomach hurting from laughing so hard.

Audrey was pretty positive that Dean had peed his pants, and the whole time she was wondering how someone could look as beautiful as Byron did when he was laughing.
Once the four had calmed down, silence fell across the living room.

"Do y'all want to go build a snowman?" Dean asked, only making them laugh harder.

This chapter was a lot of fun to write. We hope you like it. Do y'all like Byron and Audrey??

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