Chapter 9

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January, 8

Audrey sucked in a large amount of air, looking at her friend with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here A?" Stevie asked, fumbling with her fingers.

"" Audrey began twirling her hair around her finger, a habit she picked up when she told a lie.

"Birth control... yeah I came here for birth control." Her voice raising an octave.

Stevie failed to notice her friend's obvious lie, focused on telling her own fib.

"You're not on it yet, Audrey you could have gotten pregnant!" her friend warns, trying to take the attention off of herself.

"I, um... I've been careful. Anyway, what are you doing here?" Audrey asked, hoping her friend wasn't there for the same reason she was.

"I have a yearly check up every year!" Stevie said, avoiding eye contact.

Silence fell between the two girls, them both telling each other they'll see them tomorrow.

The girls were so focused on their own lies, that they failed to notice each other's nervousness. However, Dean observed how Stevie diverted her eyes when Audrey asked her the question, and the nervousness Stevie was clearly showing.

I wonder what she's actually doing here, Dean wondered curiously.

The two siblings went by Target to get Audrey's prescription filled. The wait was thirty minutes so, Audrey began walking around the store to pass the time.

She found herself in the baby department, looking at all of the baby clothes. She was observing all of the items when she heard laughter. She looked towards the direction of the noise. In front of her was a family. A toddler on a man's shoulder, while a woman was taking their picture, all of them in laughter.

My baby could never have that. It will never have a normal family, Audrey thought to herself.

She had made a promise to herself long ago, to never have her future family go through what she did. She promised to give it a normal life, but how could she. Normal was never in Audrey's vocabulary. Her baby would never have that as long as she was with Audrey.

Maybe I could give my baby up for adoption, Audrey thought.

She had read several times of woman that were unable to have kids. She could give that family a normal life, as well as her child.

After thirty minutes, she picked up her prescription. She began walking back to Dean's jeep.

As she sat in her seat, Dean began to reverse out of the Target parking lot.

"I think I want to give my baby up for adoption," she says suddenly.

"What?" Dean asked, his eyes wide.

"I want to put the baby up for adoption, this baby doesn't deserve to be born in chaos," Audrey explained.

"Really think about it Audrey. I know our family isn't perfect, but we can raise it with love. You aren't alone in this!" Dean pleaded, hoping Audrey would consider.

"Dean face reality. You get high all the time, and I always seem to mess thing up!" Audrey tells, refusing to change her mind.

"A, I'll change I promise. I'll clean myself up, and we can co-parent!" Dean yelled, trying to convince her.

"I'm sorry Dean, but this is my choice. I'm not changing my mind." Audrey said, sternness lacing her voice.

"If... If that's what you want," Dean said, trying not to show how sad he truly was. After the initial shock, he was excited to help his sister raise a baby.

"I hope you understand why I'm doing this Dean. " Audrey said softly.

"I do, I just don't want you to look back at your past and regret it," her brother said.

"I do regret Dean, I regret it all. Dragging an innocent baby into the picture is not going to help!"

"Well, I'm always here for you A," he said. He would always be by his sisters side, no matter what happened.

"We'll have to tell Abigail. " Audrey said, remembering her promise.

"Really? I'm surprised you want to tell her," Dean said.

"I promised her that we would tell her everything, no more secrets!" Audrey said.

"I'm really proud of you, A. You're the strongest person I know." Dean said, his voice breaking.

"I'm only holding everything together because of you and Abigail," Audrey remarked, tears feeling her eyes.

"As long as we're together, we can face anything that comes our way," Dean said, Audrey nodding in aggreement.

"Oh my goodness, we have to pick up Abigail!" Audrey yelled, almost forgetting her sister.

"Don't worry, Byron is going to drop her off at the house," Dean said.

Secretly, he wanted Byron to pick her up to prove his theory. He noticed the tension between Audrey and him.

Is Bryon the father of Audrey's baby? Dean asked himself curiously.


Sorry that we did not upload yesterday. We were taking a breather, but we're back on schedule. Will Dean figure out that Byron is the father, and how will Audrey react to seeing Byron once again.
Read to find out!!

Also we're praying that everyone stays safe and healthy during quarantine. Gods got this!!

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