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(Hey guys! If you could do me a favor and please vote and comment on this story! You guys did amazing with the last chapter and it made me feel really great and special! I just need a little extra inspiration to continue writing. Everything in my life is kind of going to shit and I'm trying my best to fix it. So please vote and comment 😁)

"Mom, I'm fine," Anthony said softly, looking down at his lap as he moved to hold Jaden's hand under the table. Stress was coursing through the boy's veins, knowing that someone would probably end up crying by the end of this dinner.

     The servers came back out, placing plates of peas, mashed potatoes, and steak in front of everyone as they cleared the plates that previously contained salad. A collective groan was heard from one side of the table as they slowly began to realize this nightmare of a dinner was far from over, in reality, it had just begun.

"So how was the human world? Did you fuck anyone interesting?" Josh said whilst casually taking a bite of his mashed potatoes. Griffin and Payton stifled a laugh as Jaden almost spit his drink out onto the table. Noen held his napkin in front of his face, hiding his laughs as Chase bit his lip. But contrary, on the other side of the table, seven mouths were hung open as few tried their hardest to say serious.

"Joshua Richards! What the hell did you just say!" Envy spoke angrily, ready to jump up out of her seat and beat the shit out of her son. They sat there in outrage, upset that their own children poked fun at the rumor that they went around and fucked countless humans.

"That was umm, v-very disrespectful. We'll have to talk about your behavior l-later," The Devil said through stifled laughs and giggles.

"No! That was incredibly rude! I want to see you give them a punishment now!" Pride shouted out whilst angrily standing up and slamming her hands down on the table. The boys rolled their eyes, praying that The Devil will quickly shut them the hell up. After a moment of silence, most of the boys resumed eating at a rather rapid speed. They hoped the faster they ate, the faster they could leave and all this drama would be over. Meanwhile, Anthony sat there shyly, trying to ignore the burning pain in his stomach. He needed to be touched, and badly.

     The room was clouded in a thick silence as everyone awaited The Devil's response.

"I'm done ok! Boys when this dinner is over, and by over I mean when I tell you you may leave, all of you are to go directly to your designated bedrooms. Later I will come and discuss your personal consequences with each of you!" He practically yelled before sitting back and taking a long, warranted sip of his wine.

"I'm scared," Anthony whimpered quietly to Jaden, looking down at his plate in front of him. The Devil was always so soft and patient with Anthony, but now he seemed angry and short-fused, ready to snap and at anyone. He couldn't help but wonder if Josh's comment put him in a bad mood, or if he's just been pissed from the very start.

"We just want to have a respectful conversation with our children, and catch up on what's going on in their lives! Is that so much to ask!" Lust suddenly whined, before taking a long and steady gulp of champagne.

"Well, it is if you're going to be an absolute bi-" Jaden began before Anthony quickly slapped his hand over Jaden's mouth.

"Not at all, in fact, everything has been going quite well around here," Anthony said through a clearly forced smile. No one could tell if the sins were actually satisfied with that answer, or if they were just tired of asking and receiving snarky remarks. Everyone sort of assumed it was the later. Somehow through the yelling and bickering, Payton had managed to fall asleep against Griffin's shoulder. He was sleeping peacefully and would continue to do so for about 10 minutes because nobody dared to wake him up.

     Almost everyone began eating their main course, making quiet and light chatter here and there as they tried to make it through this horrific dinner. The Devil sat back, observing the conversations and chatter floating around the dining room. His head was pounding as a headache began forming. He wasn't sure who he should be down-right pissed at. Yes, the boys were provoking and disrespectful to their own parents. But the sins also behaved in a more hostile matter than they should've. I mean, they're clearly not the best parents. Noen laid against Chase's shoulder, tired and a headache blooming in his head. Everyone was annoyed at the parent's actions, knowing that the endless bickering would continue on for the next few days they were here. 

"Lovely, I do enjoy your silence. By telling you to knock off your crude behavior, I don't mean sit here in absolute silence! Fucking God!" The Devil hissed, finishing off the rest of his wine in frustration. Anthony shivered slightly, already wanted to stand up and sprint out of the room. His stomach was burning and he was tired. The Devil was scaring the shit out of him, and all Anthony felt like doing was crying. The silence still clouded the room, causing an awkward atmosphere to surround the dining room.

"That's it I'm done!" The Devil yelled out, staring menacingly at the people sitting at the table.

"Boys go to your rooms!" He yelled, slamming his hands down on the table as he groaned in frustration. Griffin shook Payton awake before grabbing his hand and leading him to the staircase through his sleepy and drowsy state. Chase, Noen, Josh, and Jaden followed close behind. But Anthony decided to stay back for a second, wanting to speak to the Devil about what he should do.

"U-uhm D-Devil? Wha-" Anthony began to say but was cut off by The Devil harshly shoving him back, causing him to fall to the ground. Anthony had tears in his eyes as he stood up, quickly running out of the room.

"Fuck!" The Devil yelled, watching Anthony run away and scurry up the stairs. He knew he messed up, yet some fucked up part of himself couldn't bring it upon him to care like he usually would.

    As Anthony slammed the door behind him he locked it, not really wanting to speak to The Devil. He knew The Devil will come upstairs to speak to each of them personally but  Anthony wasn't in the mood to speak to him. He ran over to his dresser, wanting to pick up the special bracelet the Devil had given him. It was a silver chain with a charm saying "baby" hanging from it, along with a small red gem. The Devil said it was because he always thought of Anthony as his baby.

     But then Anthony realized something, the bracelet was gone.

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