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      If you took a glance at the seven boys lounging and conversating happily around the living room, you would think they were just your average run of the mill teenager. Nothing seemed off about them, well other than the facts that one was laying a little to close to the others, one had an outrageous temperature and one was practically falling asleep every few seconds.

     But if you got to know them, you would soon realize they weren't your "average" kids. They were the sons of the seven deadly sins, and they all lived in a mansion with the Devil as head of the house.


"Jaden! Stop that!" Anthony yelled out in a giggling mess as Jaden pulled him into his lap. All the boys were giggling, laughing and having an overall great time. This was one of the few moments where everything was calm in the house, and no one was screaming about 'who took what' and 'who made who cry'.

      They were all scattered about the living room, intently watching a movie as they chatted amongst themselves. Payton was sleeping, his head resting in Griffin's lap while Josh was sitting next to Jaden.

     But suddenly, the TV turned off and it felt as tho all hell would break loose. The Devil stood in front of the screen, arms crossed and staring down at the boy's seriousness plastering his face. Worry crossed everyone's mind as they looked at eachother, silently asking if they knew what this was about. The Devil finally satisfied with the tension he's created, let out a breathy sigh.

"So, I bet your all wondering why I'm here," The Devil began. Anthony and Payton both grew visibly tense, clinging to the closest boy.

"Your parents have decided to come back for the week. They felt it was important to "bond" with you for a little while" He stated calmly, making eye contact with each of them at least once throughout his sentence.

     Everyone froze in their current position, swallowing hard, a few tears pricking Anthony's eyes. The Devil cleared his throat before continuing.

"I expect you to be on your best behavior and actually speak with your parents!" He yelled out, getting ready to walk away and leave the room.

"Quick question," Chase spoke suddenly, stopping the devil in his place.

"Yes?" He responded.

"When will they be here?" Chase questioned, anxiety pulsing through his veins as the fear of seeing his mother arose inside of him.

"In about ten minutes or so," The Devil stated looking down at his watch, before turning and walking out of the room. As soon as he left the room became a mess of anxiety, fear, and screaming.

"I don't wanna see that god damn man whore I have to call a father!" Jaden screamed, banging his hands down on the coffee table.

"You think I wanna see my slut of a mother" Josh yelled while rolling his eyes. It was common for their parents to walk around the human world, fucking countless people and accidentally having children. But these seven were the only ones who were born half-human, half-sin.

       Whilst the boys were screaming, Payton somehow managed to fall asleep and stay asleep during the whole ordeal. Anthony sat on the couch alone, tears falling down his face as he thought of his mother paying him a visit.

    He's supposed to be strong, confident, and overly sexual. No one expected him to be a small, shy, bottom who could barely make eye contact with someone without blushing.

      This wasn't easy to say, but Anthony's mother, well often tried to make sexual advances at her own son. Horrid memories of her trying to touch him plagued his mind and haunted his thoughts.

"Oh, Anthony," Josh said softly, rushing over to the boy who was curling in on himself. He wrapped his arms around him and held him close. Anthony latched onto Josh, hiding his head in his neck as he clutched his shirt with both hands.

     The boys were all mildly aware of how Anthony's mom treated him, but not all of them knew the extent of how bad it was.

      Through their anxiety-filled chatter, screaming, and crying, they hadn't realized that ten minutes had flown by.

    A loud ring from the doorbell made all of them shoot up off the couch and floor.

"Fuck," Griffin muttered under his breath.


Ok so A/n

Just in case you forgot

Lust~Female~Mother of Anthony

Wrath~Male~Father of Jaden

Envy~Female~Mother of Josh

Greed~Male~Father of Griffin

Sloth~Male~Father of Payton

Gluttony~Male~Father of Noen

Pride~Female~Mother of Chase

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