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"Are you sure about this? I'm kind of nervous," Anthony said timidly, still sitting on the bathroom counter and swinging his legs back and forth as he listened to Jaden speak.

"Yes, as long as your ok with it?" Griffin smiled, standing up and walking towards the boy on the counter, gently grabbing his hand and helping him hop down onto the ground. Anthony's only reply was a nod, trying to hide not only his shameful blush but also the growing hard in his pants as he walked behind Griffin and Jaden. The three walked out of the little bathroom, being greeted by the sight of Josh nervously sitting on the bed, playing with his hands, and rubbing at his face as he waited for his other roommates to step out of the bathroom and enlighten him as to what's going on.

"I'm so sorry, I've been thinking and I know it's my fault. I'm so so-" Josh began to spit out, speeding through his words as he tried to rush out an apology.

"Shut up," Anthony said, shocking the others who watched as he moved onto the bed and crawled towards Josh. He quickly straddled him, his legs resting on the outside of Josh's thighs. Anthony placed his hands on his shoulders and looking down and meeting Josh's eyes as he was sitting upright on his knees.

"Kiss me," he breathed out, watching as Josh's face was filled with shock. He couldn't understand why on earth Anthony was pretty much sitting on top of him, he thought that he was downright disgusted with him.

"Woah Anthony what are you-" this time it was Jaden speaking, he wanted to punch Josh as he watched the scene in front of him unfold. He still didn't like Josh, but he knew if he continued to hate him, it would eventually cause him to become distanced from Anthony.

"Jaden, chill out. You can either stand there like an idiot, or you could join," Griffin said while taking off his shirt. Jaden was enthralled by the idea of sharing Anthony, he would never admit it but he'd wanted to have at least a threesome or something along the lines of that. But if they were being honest, this little orgy type thing wouldn't be as smooth and easy-going as they had wanted. They were all sins, Griffin would want to take control and keep Anthony mostly to himself, as he was the son of Greed. Jaden would probably get too aggressive and end up hurting someone in the process, or he would blow up at Josh, as his father was Wrath. And Josh would get incredibly envious, watching as Griffin and Jaden touched Anthony, he wanted to cut their hands off as they laid their fingers on him, he was the son of Envy after all.

     At this point, Griffin had crawled up onto the bed and began taking turns kissing at Anthony's lips and neck with Josh, it was surprising, judging that they both usually wanted everything to themselves. Jaden just stood in shock for nearly a minute, watching as hands were rubbing all along the boy that he nearly considered his.

"Join, please," Anthony whimpered, looking to Jaden as his head fell back, Griffin and Josh sucking at either side of his neck.

"Fine," Jaden said with a smirk, yanking off his shirt and pants, moving to be up near the others who were sprawled out on the top half of the bed.

     Meanwhile, Noen and Chase had just got back from the store, carrying bags that contain random snacks and drinks. They headed up to the room that Payton had texted them about twenty minutes ago, and they knocked on the door. They were quickly let in by a tired-looking Payton who seemed to be roused from his sleep by the sound of the banging of the door.

"Hey," Chase said as he nodded to Payton, allowing Noen to walk in the room and following quickly behind him, shutting and locking the door. It was around 3 in the morning, and Payton was honestly kind of surprised that any store was open. And at that moment, the three boys jumped as they heard what sounded like a headboard being pushed up against the wall in a harsh, quick, pattern.

"You don't think they're-" Payton began as a bright red blush crossed his face, crawling into the bed closest to the door.

"No way," Chase said in an exasperated tone, setting the bags on the little desk that was near the TV. He couldn't believe that his friends were fucking having sex at 3 in the fucking morning, meanwhile, their friends were next door, being forced to listen to the sound of their moans and grunts.

     At this point,  Anthony was sat between Griffin's legs, Josh pounding into him and Jaden stroking his hair, smiling as he watched his friend get his heat taken care of and seemingly dissolved by their actions.

"Oh god!" He moaned, but all of a sudden a hand was clasped over Anthony's mouth, shocking him and forcing him to look and see who the hand belonged to. Griffin smirked, knowing that he needed to keep him quiet, or they would hear countless complaints from the staff as they checked out of the hotel.

     Noen turned the volume of the TV up, hoping to drown out the sounds as he changed into his pajamas, one of Chase's hoodies and a pair of his boxers. Chase was already in the bed that they would share and Payton was surprisingly passed out in the other bed, breath calm and even.

     It had been nearly twenty fucking minutes of hearing the headboard rock against the wall, and Noen could practically imagine the imprints it would leave tomorrow morning. Just as he was about to make a comment about how loud it was, the banging and moaning came to a sudden stop and Chase and Noen looked back and forth in surprise.

"Jesus fuck! I never thought they would stop!" Chase chuckled as he motioned for Noen to come to lay with him in bed, which he happily obliged with, crawling under the covers and clinging to the other boy.

     At this point, the four boys were laying in their respective beds, which Jaden began to bitch about but was cut off by Griffin harshly smacking his arm.

"Guys?" Anthony asked quietly, nuzzling into Josh who had his arm wrapped around him.

"Yeah, bubba?" Griffin asked, turning to face him as he waited for him to speak.

"C-can we go down to that one park?" Anthony asked softly, proceeding to attempt to explain what the park looked like to the best of his abilities. He hadn't been there since he was a young child, and he couldn't exactly remember any other specifics, other than the fact that "it's a park."

"Alright baby, but just go to sleep, for now, we'll figure it out in the morning," Josh soothed, raking his fingers through the tired boy's hair. 

     With that, they fell asleep, dreaming off what they could do the next day now that they were free from their parents and the Devil.


H i

Not going to lie my votes and comments and stuff have been a rollercoaster for the last few chapters. Like one chapter it'll have 120 votes, but the next will have 60 and I'm just here like 👁👄👁

I know I usually publish my chapters at like 1-2 in the morning but this one was at 11 pm lol.

Also, I didn't proofread this so I hope it makes sense. Please vote, comment, and remember to take care of yourself :D

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