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"Ok, so we need a plan," Griffin stated calmly, looking back and forth between the boys surrounding him. They all nodded in agreement, watching him intently, all subconsciously deciding that Griffin should take the lead in whatever this stupid little operation was.

"I think we should stay there for two days, long enough to get away from all the shit that's happening here. But it's not long enough for The Devil to get worried and send like the cops after us," Chase said while looking back and forth to see everybody's reactions. Everyone responded with little nods, still kind of shocked that they would do this. That for the first time in literal years, they would leave the house for longer than a few hours. That was one downside of living with The Devil, he wanted to keep them hidden from the rest of society, so that meant online school, no family vacations, no friends, and absolutely no interaction with people on the outside. The boys also weren't permitted to just leave the house to go to the store or something like that, and what was even sadder, was that some boys had never even left the house.

"I'm scared," Noen mumbled out, picking at his nails as he looked down at his lap. "What if it's bad out there?" He continued, a pink blush spreading across his cheeks as he tried to avoid everyone's stares. It was easy to tell that Noen was one boy who'd never left the house.

"It's not scary out there, The Devils just been lying to us our entire fucking lives. Always talking about some 'it's not safe out there, and people would realize who you are' he's just full of fucking bullshit!" Jaden shouted angrily, slamming his hands down against his thighs in frustration. He was pissed that by order of The Devil and their parents, they were never supposed to leave the mansion, but he was even more upset that some boys were so brainwashed by him they believed that life outside of the house was dangerous. After a few moments of awkward, tedious silence, the boys slowly resumed the conversation, beginning to plan everything out. Things like, who would sleep in what room, what time they would leave, what they would eat, and most importantly, how would they sneak out of the house.

"Is it really not scary out there?" Anthony whispered to Jaden, tugging on his sleeve to grab his attention. Jaden looked down at him, before slowly pulling him up to sit in his lap.

"It's not scary, I promise," Jaden whispered, placing a gentle kiss on Anthony's temple. He rubbed up and down his arms in a soothing manner.

"So here's the plan, we'll leave tonight but we'll leave in groups. That way they suspect nothing. The first group will sneak out and head to the store and buy some food and then head to the hotel. Then the second group will sneak out and meet them at the hotel, and then the third group will do the same as the second group. And we'll spend the rest of today preparing, sound like a plan?" Chase spoke with confidence, pulling Noen down to rest on his shoulder since it was only 8 in the morning and he was still tired. Everyone nodded in response. The next phase of their plan would figure out who was in what group, and what time each would leave.

"Can I be in the second group? Because after I leave I just want to get to the hotel and sleep," Payton whined while drowsily leaning against Noen, who was leaning against Chase. His statement was met by laughs echoing through the room, and every time one boy tried to stop the laughter and resume the conversation, it would all subside to laughter again. It sucked being a teenager, and not being allowed to have any friends besides the people you lived with, but they were all happy that these were the people they got stuck with.

"Ok, so next issue we need to discuss. Who will sleep in what room? We have two rooms that are next to each other, and each has 2 queen beds," Griffin began, hoping to get everybody back on track so they could begin packing soon.

"So, 4 people in one room, and 3 in the other," Josh added.

"Bitch" Jaden mumbled under his breath, looking down at his feet as he tried to hide his rage toward Josh.

"What?" Josh questioned, fixing Jaden with a knowing look.

"Nothing," Jaden said with a laugh, pretending like he did nothing wrong. This caused everyone to giggle again but was quickly silenced when Griffin began talking.

"I think it would only be fair if we picked names from a hat, that way no one can bitch and complain about who they have to room with," he stated while standing up and walking over to the cabinet in the room's corner. He pulled out a stack of post-it notes and a few pens, Griffin walked back to the circle and began passing a piece of paper to each boy and a pen. Everyone wrote their names down and fold the sheet of paper so their name wasn't visible before handing it to Griffin.

"Ok, so in room one is..." he began while dropping all the names into a baseball cap that was conveniently lying only a few feet away.

"Anthony," Griffin said while placing Anthony's piece of paper on the ground. Anthony gave him a soft smile, but deep down he was nervous about who he would have to room with. His eyes widened at the thought of him, Jaden, and Josh all having to share a room. He would be surprised if everyone walked out of that room alive and without a scratch on them.

"Jaden," this brought a sly smirk to his face as he gently bounced Anthony up and down in his lap, showing that he was excited to be rooming together.

"Me," Griffin said with a smile as he reached into the hat to grab the name of the last person who would room with them. He clasped one and brought it back out, slowly unfolding it and as he was about to read it out loud, his face turned white.

"Josh," he sighed out, knowing exactly how the next two days would probably go. This started off as the best combination possible, but now that everyone who had beef with Josh was forced to room together, something violent was bound to happen.

"So that means, Chase, Noen, and Payton will room together!" Anthony exclaimed, trying to mask the fact that he was upset and quite frankly afraid of staying in the same room with Josh for the next two days. Meanwhile, Josh sat there looking smug as ever, the biggest smile present on his face. Although, it wasn't for a malice reason, not at all. It was because he saw this as a chance to apologize to the boys and hopefully diminish any sort of anger they had between them.

"I guess we should start packing then, I think we should all only take one backpack, that way it isn't suspicious," Noen calmly stated, trying to help ease the tension. All the boys agreed, standing up in silence and beginning to walk back towards their respective rooms.

"This should be fun," Anthony whispered underneath his breath.


Hi, I updated finally lol. So I'm just curious, what do you want to happen? Do you want everyone to make up and be friends again, or should they stay mad at Josh a little longer?

Please vote, comment, and remember to have a great day!

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