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  (Hey! So this chapter is going to be longer than usual, about 2700 words or so. It's a little treat from me to you lmao. The only thing I ask is if you could please vote and comment on this chapter! Recently I've been under a lot of stress and pressure and I'm debating on taking a break from writing for a bit, I just need a little extra motivation, you feel me?)

    The time had finally come, it was time for the boys to commit their biggest act of rebellion ever. They were going to sneak out of the house, of course, it would get them in a shit load of trouble, but they were honest to god sick of having to put up with the Devil's most recent behavior.

     The house's leader had always been somewhat pushy, overprotective, and demanding, but as of late his actions have been getting more severe, and he was slowly morphing from a loving father-like figure into what he truly was, a devil.

     It was around midnight or so, and the boys had all said their goodnight to The Devil as they did every night. Although it felt strange telling him the same "goodnight" and Anthony saying "night night, I love you," as they'd practically done since they could speak, knowing that they were going to defy his number one rule that he'd preached to them for that past 17 or 18 years. After the older man along with the sins had retired to their rooms for the night, the 7 of them had headed to the room at the end of the hall, where they would begin the first phase of their plan, and if they executed it correctly, they would be out in the real world soon enough.

     Everyone hastily grabbed their bags from the closet, Noen and Chase slinging them over their shoulders as they slipped on a pair of gym shoes, quickly tying them as they prepared for leaving.

"Alright, remember, you two head to target or something and buy food. Everyone, drop some cash in the center of the circle," Griffin stated, motioning at the center of the circle, grabbing his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans and pulling out a $20 bill. He dropped it in the center of the circle, the boys doing the same pulling out some dollar bill and adding it to the existing pile of money. By the end of it, they had about $130, which Chase quickly picked up and pocketed. Not because he was trying to be a dick, but because him and Noen would need cash to buy food and things.

"Alright, so after you get the food head to the hotel and check-in. And then call us and we'll have the second group leave," Jaden said, watching as Noen and Chase finished getting ready, putting on their jackets and checking that their shoes were tied. Jaden was still slightly upset over being put with Josh, and judging that his father was wrath he was afraid he would end up ripping Josh's eyeballs out.

"Good luck, be quiet, and don't get caught," Josh warned, nodding at the two as they walked out of the room. There was a constant quiet tension in the room whenever Josh spoke since by now every boy had heard about the huge bracelet fiasco to some extent.

"I'm worried about them," Anthony whined softly, facing Payton who was sitting on the ground, hunched over sleepily. He nodded in response, and after seeing how worried his friend was, Payton couldn't help but mirror his emotions. 

"They'll be fine," Griffin reassured while moving to sit in front of him. This caused the two to jump slightly in shock, not thinking that any of the boys would be able to hear them.

"It's ok to be nervous, we've never snuck out after all," Josh explained as he tried his best to genuinely comfort Anthony, getting slightly jealous of the fact that Griffin was talking to him. Josh knew he fucked up, he was so painfully aware of the fact that everyone would actively kick his skull in if given the chance, especially Jaden. But he didn't mean for Anthony to hurt himself, and after he heard Griffin ask Anthony if he had started hurting himself again, he couldn't help feeling like his heart had just exploded. When the two were speaking in the hallway, he had his ear pressed up against his bedroom door, his head pounding as he heard everything. Josh had created a whole plan in his head on how to get back on good terms with Anthony.

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