Chapter 1- Sophie's POV

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Sophie sighed as she kicked the edge of her cot. Her leg hitting the edge every couple of seconds.

She gazed at the cot next to her to see the person who had been laying there for the past 3 weeks. Sophie was extremely worried for him, but she had to put on a brave face every time she came back to the Healing Center.

Elwin had let her come and visit most days, even if Keefe wasn't awake.

If he ever woke up she thought. Sophie tried not to let her mind stray that way, but every once in a while she thought of that. The elves' minds could not handle much guilt, and although the whole situation wasn't her fault, Sophie couldn't help but feel some guilt.

Sophie had tried everything to get Keefe to wake up, but he had been unresponsive the whole time. It wasn't like his mind was broken, it was just like he wasn't there. She had considered asking Fitz to help her, but after their whole break-up she wasn't sure if they could still be cognates. Sophie still wanted to be his friend, she just thought she had to give it time, and wait.

Over time Sophie began realizing that they probably just weren't mean to be. She knew she would always be unmatchable, even though she knew one of her parents.

As she was thinking this, the physician, Elwin walked in. Sophie had been to the Healing Center many times, even staying there for weeks at one point, but this time was different.

"Hey," Elwin said. Sophie returned the greeting and went back to kicking the end of her cot. She didn't have anything better to do back at Havenfield, because Grady was away on an assignment, and Edaline was preparing for a new animal to come in that day. This was the 3rd time that Sophie had gone to the Healing Center that week.

Sophie wanted to try waking Keefe up once more, so she started transmitting to him over and over again.

Please wake up Keefe!

It's me, Sophie! Wake up

We all miss you Keefe, please wake up.

I miss you Keefe- please, please, please wake up.

The last one had done it. Keefe jerked straight up.

"KEEFE!" Sophie yelled. Before she knew it, she was crying and running over to him. Elwin was on the other side of the room, but he ran just as fast to come over.

She hugged him, and let go to let Elwin check on him.

Something about him seemed off though. Sophie couldn't figure it out, but she soon realized that he hadn't talked once.

"How are you?" she asked him. He just stared back at her, and looks very confused.

"He hasn't been awake in a while," Elwin said, "he's probably just getting used to it all again." Sophie nodded, but was still concerned.

Elwin ran a thorough check-up and saw that everything was okay. Keefe was okay.

All of a sudden Keefe spoke and said something very familiar to Sophie.

"Who are you?"

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