Chapter 11- Keefe's POV

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Keefe woke up to unfamiliar surroundings. A woman with blond hair walked in and began talking to him. Only he couldn't focus and ended up staring at the wall.

"Keefe!" she shouted. This brought him out of his trance.

"Do... do I know you?" he asked. At the moment, he could barely remember anything.

The woman sighed and called for a man named Gethen.

"You weren't supposed to make him forget everything," she scolded Gethen. He apologized.

Then it clicked. These people got rid of his memories. Before he could do anything, the woman walked up to him and placed something against his mouth.

"Wait-" Keefe began, but it was too late. He fell backwards into his bed again, knowing that the two gave him a sedative.

He awoke again, several hours later and screamed. Keefe didn't understand what was going on. Someone was sitting on a chair next to him.

"Shh," the voice said. He looked over to see the same woman from earlier. It was his mom.

"Mom? What am I doing here. Please I don't know what's happening. I can't remember!" he shouted.

This wasn't entirely true. He could remember certain people, and the name and goal of the Neverseen. He knew that he had been with them for quite a while, and that he was safe here. He remembered that he was an empath, and that he had another ability. He wasn't sure what the second was at the moment, though.

There was also someone else. There was a girl and occasionally a boy who came in his dreams a few times, begging him to return. The girl had blond hair and brown eyes, while the boy had dark, brown hair and teal eyes. He didn't recognize them, but he felt some sort of connection to them, in a way. Keefe decided not to tell his mother this.

"Well you remember me- so I'd say you're fine," she scoffed.

The man, Gethen, and another, who Keefe believed name was Ruy, came through the door.

"So he's fine now?" Gethen asked. Keefe's mom nodded.

"I'm going to need him to meet with Vespera so they can work on the illusions. That's your ability, by the way, in case if you hadn't caught on," said his mom.

Keefe nodded taking this information in. He did remember Vespera. She made illusions, but she needed the help of other people. Maybe Keefe was just that other person.

The three adults talked for a while, probably about him. Keefe just tuned out though, not caring enough to listen.

He took in his surroundings. He was sitting on a large bed. The walls were pretty plain, setting a cool mood with a light grey. There were 2 white doors on opposite sides of the room. One to leave or enter, the other he assumed was a closet. There was a desk that sat underneath a large windowsill. The desk was filled with notebooks, books, pencils and other supplies like that. Outside the window though? It was gorgeous.

The windows looked out to a large field filled with large trees. Some has pink or white blossoms, the others green leaves. He could see some sort of fruit on a few of them. The ground was covered in a lush green color, topped with a bunch of flowers that he knew were dreamlilies.

The dreamlilies brought a tug to Keefe's mind. It was reminding him of something, but he didn't know what. It reminded him of a gnome, which of course brought him nowhere.

His mother snapped him out of this trace like state by saying,"its artificial."

When Keefe didn't understand, she repeated it.

"The outside? It's artificial. If you were to really go out there, it would look quite dreary."

"Oh," Keefe responded. He didn't care much.

"You should probably go to sleep. Vespera will be wanting to train with you on the illusions bright and early tomorrow. I know you didn't wake up long ago, but you look absolutely exhausted, so it's probably for the best," she told him.

His mom walked up and rounded up Ruy and Gethen. The three walked to the door. Before she closed it and turned out the lights, though, his mother wished him a goodnight.

He drifted off to a mostly peaceful sleep, until the girl returned.

Keefe! Come back. We miss you. She would say.

He couldn't help but thinking that he knew her. But from where? And what was her name?

Her begging for him to come back, felt kind of familiar though. He felt like this had happened before in some way.

The boy came, with another girl who resembled him. They must have been siblings.

Come on Keefe! Please. They would beg.

And so it went on, people coming in who felt familiar, and he felt like he knew them.

Keefe slept on though, until his dreams changed. Maybe for the better. It would help if they hadn't been in his dreams. Now he was determined to find out who they were.

He slept peacefully the rest of the night.

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