Chapter 7- Keefe's POV

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"All right, your time is up- you can go home now," Elwin told Keefe, as he handed him a bottle of youth.

"Aww, sick of me already?" Keefe complained.

"You've been here 3 weeks already- unless you want to make it 4?" Elwin said.

"Hmm... I'll pass. Can't keep my dearest father awaiting," Keefe responded.

"Off you go. And I hope you don't plan on visiting for a while. Although I don't know how that'll go, considering you've been here almost as many times as Sophie. Maybe more," said Elwin.

"I'll try," Keefe said back.

Keefe lightleaped to the outside of one of his father's many homes. This one being the Shores of Solace. Keefe and Ro secretly called it the Shores of Wimpiness though.

"Back so soon, Lord Hunkyhair?" Ro asked him as they walked up to the house.

"I just couldn't be kept away from here," Keefe said with a shrug.

The two reached the front door, and Keefe opened it. His father, Lord Cassius peered down at him.

"Oh. It's you," he said with a sigh.

"I could say the same about you," Keefe mumbled. Ro got a laugh out of that, and a look from his dad

Keefe stalked off to his bedroom, to find it just as he left it. Before he left, he was trying to ignore his father, explaining why his room was a mess.

He sank onto his bed, pushing tunics off of his bed to try and make room.

"Woah it is a mess in here," Ro said when she walked in. "My dad would've never let me get this bad. Except he doesn't really care about me. So maybe that's why I could get that bad."

"Yeah, well I could say the same," Keefe replied. He was not in the mood to talk about the problems with his dad.

He went over to his desk and pulled out his notebooks. They were to keep track of some of his memories, since he couldn't project like a telepath, but the past few weeks had been filled with... nothing.

Keefe sighed and looked out his window. Outside he could see the beach, and the waves hitting them. The sun hadn't set yet, so he got up and went outside and sat on the porch swing.

It was very peaceful sitting there, listening to the waves crashing against the shore.

He started to drift off to sleep, until he heard a shout from the house. Keefe tried to brush it off thinking it was another stupid nightmare, but he heard another one that got him going.

He ran inside with Ro to the living room. There, stood Lady Gisela, hovering over his dad who was on the floor.

Keefe was too shocked to move. Unluckily enough, his mom saw him.

"Oh Keefe! What a pleasant surprise. I was hoping I would get to see you. How was your sleep, dear. Feel any... different?" she said with an evil smile.

"STOP!" he shouted. Keefe was angry at his mother, father, everyone.

"Wh...what are you doing?" she shouted. Keefe couldn't see anything, and was very confused.

"Oh? So I see you've manifested! Just lovely! Ruy, Gethen- get over here," she said.

"What? No stop!" Keefe shouted. His dad still hadn't moved from where he lay. Both Ruy and Gethen walked towards Keefe. He started hearing Gethen in his mind.

Oh don't go! The fun is just getting started!

Keefe screamed. He had enough of this.

"What is that?" Gethen shouted, "stop doing that!"

Keefe didn't know what he meant, but he didn't care. He went to turn around, when Ruy punched him in the face and knocked him out.

Before Keefe fully lost his consciousness (again) he transmitted 2 words to Sophie.

Help. Me.

With that, Keefe felt someone grab him and jump
into a beam of light. He tried fighting it, but he couldn't.

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