Chapter 5- Sophie's POV

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After she had left Keefe, Sophie went back to Havenfield. She wasn't quite ready to go back inside, so instead she sat under Calla's Panakes tree. The tree itself was absolutely gorgeous. With leaves of blue, purple, pink and green, it made Sophie feel happy just looking at it. She plopped under the tree and rested her head against it. Her imparter was still ringing, and she slowly answered, just to see her biological mother, Oralie.

"What do you want?" Sophie asked grumpily. She knew that she shouldn't treat Oralie this, but she was angry that she had kept the underlying truth.

"I... was just checking in, but clearly you're okay," Oralie responded.

A few weeks prior, the two said they would work together to open the cache, but the first time they tried it, the thing wouldn't open. And the second time. And the third time. They had yet to try a fourth time, but Sophie knew they would have to soon enough, given the situation.

"Sorry," Sophie said not looking her in the eyes. She didn't mean it, but she did feel kind of bad.

Oralie sighed and left the call. Sophie sat beneath the tree, not quite wanting to get up and walk back over to her house yet. She saw Edaline in the fields with their resident dinosaur, Verdi. Grady still wasn't back from his assignment, but this happened normally, so she tried not to worry too much.

Though Oralie was her biological mother, Sophie felt no connection to her whatsoever. While Oralie had been a kinder councilor, who was almost always on her side, she never felt any sort of relationship. Meanwhile with Grady and Edaline, it was much different. They cared for her, and accepted her. Oralie has never even told her who she was.

Sophie sighed at the fact that no one got to know that Oralie was her mother. Sometimes she wanted to go to the top of the cliffs of Havenfield and scream "ORALIE IS MY MOTHER" but of course she couldn't. No one could know that. The only people that Sophie was aware of knowing that was herself, Oralie and Mr. Forkle.

Oh... and Fitz. Who "accidentally" found out. She didn't even want to think about him. They had technically broken up even though they were never really together. Sophie just wished that he was happy and maybe they'd be friends again.

Even after finding out about Oralie, she was still unmatchable as she had to know her dad too. But Sophie had cared less and less about being unmatchable as the weeks went on. She began to realize that Dex, Mr. Forkle and whoever else had told her that the matching system was messed up, that they were right. The system was awful, and she started realizing that and accepting that she would never be a "good match" no matter who she ended up with.

Sophie day there for a little while longer, watching the sun go down. By the time she walked back to the house, it was almost dark.

When Edaline saw her, she conjured some dinner and the two are in silence. Sophie debated whether or not to tell her about Keefe, but she gave in and told her.

"Keefe finally woke up today," she said.

"Really? That's great! Grady may not be happy but I'm glad," she said with a laugh.

Grady had hated Keefe for the longest time, always calling him "That Boy." Sophie understood the grudge that he held against Keefe.

After eating, she went upstairs to her room, took a shower, put on pajamas and walked over to her desk. There she pulled out her spy ball and looked at it for a while. Her sister, Amy still remembered her, but unfortunately, her human parents could not.

She sat there for a bit, until turning in and going to bed. Lately, her nightmares has been worse, but that night she reached out to Silveny who eased her to a peaceful sleep.

That was until her imparter started ringing.

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