Chapter 18- Sophie's POV

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Hey I'm finally updating for the first time in months! To be honest I wasn't super motivated to finish this story, but now looking at it I think it'd be good for me to jump back into writing.

"Oralie?" Sophie shrieked as she picked up and answered the call on her imparter. The councillor, who also happened to be Sophie's biological mother, looked back at her with eagerness.

"I know it. I know the password," Oralie whispered. Sophie opened her eyes widely. This was a big thing, hopefully for the better.

"When-how did you do that?" Sophie asked. She was genuinely interested and was eager to know more. After all, her and Oralie tried a billion passwords together and none of those had worked.

"I whispered a word and bam! Password correct. But I've decided to wait for you to come so we can hear it together," Oralie told her.

"So what was the word?" Sophie said. She really wanted to know.

"It was..." Oralie's voice broke. "I'm sorry Sophie, I can't tell you that," she said looking away. It was hard to tell, but she was pretty sure her eyes were glassy. Maybe she was crying.

"You should come though! We can find this so called secret out and get this all over with!" Oralie said, snapping out of the weird, sad trance she had been in. She said it with a smile, but it didn't look very authentic. Her eyes still looked sad, filled with the dread of the word.

They chatted a bit more. Sophie would never admit this, but it was actually a little nice to talk to her. While Sophie definitely did not want to be associated with Oralie, after all the lies and secrets their relationship had been built on, she definitely felt a small bit better. With Keefe gone, and most of her friends miserable and looking for him, it was nice to have someone to talk to.

"So when are you coming? Tell Grady and Edaline that you're doing a Team Valiant meeting, just like every other time."

They set up the times, and Sophie went to get ready. She grabbed her team's crown, cape and crest. Today she wore a star cape, a sun crown and the other crest. (I haven't read Legacy in months and I forgot what they are 😅) She looked in the mirror to see someone who looked confident, ready and almost happy. Almost. Her mind whispered. Keefe was gone. Without him, she felt sadder. She brushed this fact off, yelled at Sandor to come, and dashed down the stairs.

"I have a Team Valiant meeting again," she told her parents. "I'll hopefully be back soon!"

They didn't press with questions, and let her go. She grabbed Sandor's wrist and ran fast, then teleported. Her mind was set on Eternalia, specifically outside of the pink, fancy tower which belonged to no other than Oralie. The path was covered in shimmery rocks, looking absolutely gorgeous when the light hit them right. There were also sorts of seashells lining the path, which were surrounded by short hedges. Out of all the towers here, Oralie's was probably the nicest looking. It really showed her and represented her. Lots of the other ones were more bland, but then again Sophie knew nothing about most of them.

She finally reached the door, and went to knock when Oralie opened the door. Sophie accidentally punched her in the face, because she opened the door so fast.

"Sorry!" Sophie shouted, but Oralie dragged her inside.

"It's alright," she said, clearly not alright because she had a bruise forming already. "I brought you inside fast because I didn't want to cause a commotion. The others might get nosy," Oralie said through a sigh.

She grabbed a couple of vials out of a cabinet and starting dabbing the contents around the bruise. It faded within a minute. Sometimes Sophie was still baffled by Elvin medicine. If she were a normal human that bruise would've taken at least two weeks to heal.

Oralie walked over to a table in her heels, without tripping, and pulled her chair out. There was one next to it that she patted for Sophie to come sit in. Sophie plopped down in the seat, feeling her leg shake. She was anxious to get this over. Oralie pulled the cache out of her pocket and set it on the table.

"I'm going to whisper the word. Thats what will open it, and then it will tell us this unlocked secret- whatever it is," she said. Sophie nodded.

Oralie whispered the words to the now cupped in her hands cache. Sophie didn't understand the word, realizing it was probably and ancient elvin rune. Oralie pressed a finger to her lips to silence Sophie.

"Hey..." a scratchy audio recording said, right out of the cache. "So you've figured out the password! That's amazing." The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but Sophie couldn't name it.

"There's a major key to taking the Neverseen down. And to take them down, you'll have to talk to Vespera. See, she's an illusionist, but she needs other people to make them for her. She's trying, and so far failing to do so, but she's creating something so someone can make these illusions. To take down, and make their enemies feel pain, and awful. Maybe even hallucinate. And if she does succeed, well... you better be prepared."

The voice died down, and the two looked at each other, both having the same look. Something bad was bound to happen...

Thank you all so much for 6k reads! And yes, I updated the cover to the new Unlocked cover, because the old one was my art. Thanks!:)

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