Chapter 14- Keefe's POV

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The two shook hands, Tam giving him a harsh glare. There was a second of surprise that flashed across Tam's face, but it was gone quicker than it came.

Keefe though? He was a whole different story. He pulled his hand back, his memories trying to fit themselves together. He lowered himself to the ground, putting his head in his hands as the migraine came on. Someone's arms grabbed him, trying to pick him up, but Keefe went on and ignored them, too drenched and caught up in his own mind.

Tam. Tam Song. Keefe knew him. Why was he with the Neverseen? He shouldn't be here. He worked with the... Keefe couldn't remember their name. It was some group that Tam was in. The enemy.

Keefe didn't even know when, or how he passed out, but sometime later he woke back up in his room, his mother staring down at him.

"What happened back there?" he asked her.

"Well, Vespera told me that you passed out. I'm assuming it was just exhaustion from so much training," she told him with a sigh.

Keefe lifted himself up to a sitting position. His head hurt when he sat up, and he put his hands up to it.

"Ouch," he whined.

"You're fine. You just over extended yourself, or something of the sort," she told him.

Keefe wanted to roll his eyes so badly, but he decided not to against his better judgement. Keefe looked out to the window, to see it was almost dark again.

"Wait, how long was I out for?" he asked.

"Well you and Vespera finished around noon, and it's almost eight now. So I'd say eight hours," his mother said. She talked to him a bit, mostly about his new ability, and how his training was going. Most of it didn't really matter, but there was one thing that brought him to stare at her.

"We got a note from the enemy I was telling you about," she said. She hadn't told him their name though, only some of their motives.

"They told us they'll bring us one of their caches. Now it seems pretty far fetched, because no one would do that, unless if they were trying to trick us," she said more to herself than Keefe.

His mom left not too long after, and sent up dinner. It was a really late dinner, but Keefe didn't care because he was famished.

After he was done with his dinner, someone who he did not expect to come in, stopped by. Keefe looked up from where he was sitting at his desk (which they had just recently added) to see Tam standing in his doorway. Keefe didn't really want to talk to him, especially with the earlier events.

Tam had triggered some weird memory when they had met, that didn't seem right. Something that made it seem like Keefe wasn't supposed to be here, with the Neverseen. But of course that didn't make sense. He remembered living most of his life with them. Keefe didn't remember Tam being with them, though.

"What are you doing here?" Keefe asked him, as Tam walked in.

"My mom told me to come up here. She said it was weird that you did the whole fainting thing earlier," he said. Tam sat in another chair.

"Oookay then," Keefe said, "wait- your mom? Who is that?" Keefe didn't remember his mother being mentioned in the brief time that he knew Tam.

"No one you should be concerned about," he said bitterly. "Just because she told me to come up here, does not mean I'm your friend."

"Jeez no need to be so harsh Bangs Boy," Keefe told him. Using the nickname sounded pretty funny, because this kid was being rude.

It happened again. Tam's eyes had a moment of shock, but just like before, it was gone just as fast.

"What is it?" Keefe asked him. The whole "being shocked" thing was starting to worry him. Keefe wondered if something was wrong.

"Nothing," Tam said.

Keefe heard a door slam, somewhere down the hall from him.

"Wait- who was that?" Keefe asked curiously. The hideout was usually silent, no one being too loud.

"They're back. Something must've happened," Tam said, more to himself.

"Who's back? What do you mean?" Keefe said.

"Did your mom tell you about the whole cache thing?" Keefe nodded, "I have to go. Stay here!" Tam shouted as he bolted out of the door, closing it behind him, leaving Keefe to wonder what in the absolute world was happening.

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