Chapter 19- Keefe's POV

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Keefe was still lying down, asleep when Tam came barging into his room.

"What is with you people and not knocking?" Keefe complained, throwing a pillow in the general direction of Tam. He was seriously considering making someone magically give him another ability, that would tell him when someone was in a bad mood.

"You missed," Tam spat.

Keefe pushed himself up, grabbing his head. One of his weird headaches flashed, but only for a split second. He saw Tam, and a girl almost identical to him. They were introducing themselves. Keefe shook his head. He promised himself not to tell anyone about these "headaches" in fear of loosing this weird connection he had.

"What's up with you, Bangs Boy?" Keefe asked. The nickname slipped out like he was familiar with it. Of course he had mocked Tam with it before, but it felt so... natural. Tam made a face, but quickly masked it again with his bored, almost emotionless face.

"There's been a change of plans," Tam said quietly.

"Plans? What plans? No one told me we had any plans in the first place," Keefe snapped. He was tired of everyone treating him like this. Like he couldn't- no didn't understand what was going on. Well, he actually didn't really have a clue but he decided to outright ignore that fact.

"Did- did no one tell you?" Tam asked.

"Oh yeah of course someone did. NOT. That is literally why I am asking you," Keefe answered.

"Well, I guess I'm going to have to tell you. I hope Gisela won't be mad at me," Tam said more so to himself than Keefe. "We're moving hideouts."

"What? Why?" Keefe eagerly asked. He thought they were already hidden well enough.

"I don't know. But grab your things because we're going at sunset."

Light was still just peaking through his window. Though Keefe knew he had a seriously messed up sleep schedule because of his nightmares, he wasn't one bit tired. Telling from the light outside it was probably only about noon, which meant he still had the whole day.

Tam must've quietly walked out of the room, because the next time Keefe looked up he was gone. Keefe sighed, jumping out of bed and getting ready for the day. Though Tam told him he didn't know why they were moving hideouts, he had a slight suspicion that the shade did know. And how many hideouts did the Neverseen have anyways? Keefe's older memories may have been extremely hazy, and hard to understand but he knew for a fact that this was not the first hideout he had been to. Maybe even lived at. He tried to brush off this fact as he threw on some socks and exited his room. The threat of leaving exactly at sundown was clear, but that still gave him at least 6 hours, which meant that Keefe had time to kill.

He stumbled around the hallways, stopping momentarily to grab some food. He walked and ate after that, being careful to avoid the other members. It's not that they were terribly mean, but some of them were... scary to put it lightly.

After walking the empty halls for a bit, he found himself wanting to sit down. Keefe found a small empty hallway. The wall were painted an almost shocking white, but carried a vague familiarity with them. Keefe closed his eyes, and suddenly he wasn't where he thought he was. He was standing behind watching... himself? Keefe looked at his hands to see they were much paler than his own. He looked back.

"You must be lost," Keefe, the other Keefe said. The real Keefe backed up a step, now staring at the back of someone's head. They had shoulder length blond hair,  but it wasn't the same color as his. He walked around to face them. The fake Keefe and the person with long hair didn't seem to notice him. He reached the spot in between them, looking the person in the face.

"Sophie?" he felt himself say. Sophie, Sophie. Who was she? He thought. He tried to reach out, but his hand stopped short. The vision ended almost as soon as it started. That was Sophie Foster. He remembered her face, one of his best friends. He knew he loved her. Unsettling thoughts came to him. Did the Neverseen really care for him? Or were they just using him. And why did he keep seeing this girl? He now remembered her name, but almost nothing else about her. Keefe realized a dreadful thought. That was his own doing. He could control and make illusions, and that was what he had done. But the problem with that illusion? It was a real memory.

AN: Thanks for all the reads! If you're still kinda confused, basically Keefe is beginning to remember his past, and who he is. The Neverseen sorta brainwashed him to think that their thoughts were right. But he's getting his memory back! Something I noticed though, is that my writing is actually improving! I'm pretty happy with the progress. Thanks again for reading!!

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