Chapter 4- Keefe's POV

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"Hey," Fitz said, not quite meeting his eyes. Keefe realized he probably looked weird leaning against the wall, but he still wasn't quite accustomed to walking again yet, so he stayed in his spot.

"So the Fitzter has finally decided to come around?" Keefe asked before adding, "Kidding."

"Hey I visited you a few times, but it's not like you were conscious," he jokingly replied. It was nice to talk to him again, especially after not being super close for so long.

Keefe lowered himself back onto his cot as Fitz walked over and sat on the cot next to his.

"So... have you had any other visitors yet?" Fitz asked him.

"Foster was here, but she left due to a 'mysterious' imparter call," Keefe responded. He still didn't know who had called her, and he knew it wasn't his business, but he couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh really?" Fitz asked as Keefe nodded. Fitz went to staring at the floor.

"Are you alright?" Keefe asked him.


"You sure?"

"...maybe?" he said with a sigh. "Sorry, this shouldn't be about me. Are you alright?" Fitz said.

"Oh yeah I'm perfect! You know other than the fact that I was asleep for 3 weeks because of my creepy mother. No biggie though," Keefe commented.

Fitz snorted, and the two began laughing. It wasn't particularly funny, but given their situation, they couldn't make themselves stop.

"I'm sorry about everything I did. Between ignoring you and being a jerk... and Sophie. I just want to say I'm sorry. We're still friends right?" Fitz said quietly.

"Of course," Keefe said. That got a smile out of Fitz, and Keefe was glad to see it.

They sat there for a while, then Biana and Dex walked in. The two were talking about something, but stopped right away when they saw Keefe.

"You're awake!" they shouted in unison. The two ran over to where he was sitting, and crowded on the cot Fitz was sitting on. Biana pushed her brother over to make room for her and Dex.

"Hey!" Fitz shouted, but no one paid attention to that, they were too busy laughing at him.

The two caught Keefe up on everything that Foster and Fitz hadn't, but there wasn't much. There were no Neverseen attacks, and no more leads to them while he was asleep. There was one thing that caught Keefe off guard though.

"Yeah, Sophie's been disappearing a lot. We don't know where she's been going," Biana said with a shrug.

"Is she okay?" Keefe asked. She had already had enough near death experiences, and Keefe did not want her to get in another, no matter how many jokes he could make about it.

"She's been a bit... distant lately, but is that really not normal?" Dex sighed. Keefe knew the two were best friends, but they didn't seem to hang out a lot any more.

The four talked for a bit more, until Elwin came and kicked them out. He needed to check on Keefe again. There was nothing particularly wrong, he just wanted to find out why Keefe had been asleep for so long.

"Well I don't see anything wrong, so I'm guessing you're okay to go home by tomorrow," Elwin told him.

"Okay then," Keefe said with a sigh. He was no up to going back home with his father.

Later that night, when he fell asleep, he had a vivid nightmare that scared him. Keefe woke up to see that it was only 1 in the morning, but he couldn't sleep, so he called Sophie on his imparter.

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