Chapter 3- Keefe's POV

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(Note: In Keefe's chapters I will be using Sophie and Foster interchangeably! Just know that I do mean Sophie with either name)
After Sophie left, Elwin came back with a bunch of medical supplies, and gave Keefe more elixirs. Most of them actually tasted nice and sweet, but there were two that he thought tasted worse than the scent of a gulon. Ro had also left shortly after to inform his father that he was awake. Apparently during the whole time he was asleep, his father had asked Ro to check on him at least once a week. Keefe didn't know how to feel living with the information that his dad might actually care.

Ro also informed him that Sophie had been visiting him all of the time, trying to get him to wake up. At least she cares he thought.

Keefe decided to try and get his new ability working. He didn't know what to do though. Keefe wished Foster was still there to help him, because she had gone through this, what 5 times now? She had a ton of abilities, and Keefe had no idea how she handled them all.

He stood up and tried walking. Now he kinda understood how Sophie felt all of the time, considering how clumsy she was.

The door opened again, and in walked Keefe's best friend, Fitz. Their friendship lately had been very rocky, and Keefe wanted to try and fix it.

(Sorry this chapter was so short!)

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