✧・゚: *✧・゚:* LIFE *:・゚✧*:・゚✧DELANEY ROLLED OVER IN BED AS HER phone vibrated from besides her. She sighed in annoyance and swiped accept on the call without looking at the name, dropping the phone besides her as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.
"Hello?" Her voice was raspy from sleep and she yawned once before grabbing her phone against in frustration from the lack of answer.
When she saw Kairi's face illuminated by the glow of his screen, she froze, moving to hang up before he finally spoke. "Delaney–"
"It's four in the morning—"
"Don't cut me off. I speak and you listen," he snapped and she widened her eyes and instantly grew silent at the command. When she made it clear that she was no longer going to talk, Kairi took a deep breathe and coughed once.
"Um, so... Okay I'm just gonna rip the bandage off and if you want to hang up after I say what I need to say than I'll accept that. Delaney, I like you, like a lot. And I know that you're mad at Ryland for telling me but he really did it out of the best intentions. I dragged it out of him because I needed to know and now I know it and you hate him and that's my fault."
Delaney rubbed at her eyes and bit her lip before she finally spoke, not quite knowing what to say. Sure, she was jumping for joy at the fact that Kairi really did like her but it felt like some cruel sick joke at the timing.
"If you called me to talk about Ryland than I'm going back to sleep and hanging up," she snapped, her anger only growing when Kairi began to laugh.
"What the fuck are you laughing for?"
He didn't stop laughing at her question, instead, he only started to laugh harder and Delaney let out a sigh of aggravation. She leaned over and grabbed her remote, switching on the lights so that her room now had a purple glow.
"Im not laughing at you, I'm just laughing because you're such a miserable person," Kairi wheezed, wiping his eyes with one hand as Delaney scoffed at his words.
"I'm not miserable," she grumbled, flinging herself back on the bed as he nodded in mock agreement. "Oh yeah, my bad. You're the most cheerful person that I've ever met in my entire life."
Delaney scoffed again and turned the camera back towards her face, yawning for what felt like the hundredth time. She watched as he smiled, clearly ecstatic that she hadn't hung up yet and for a moment, a smile ghosted over her own face.
At the sight, Kairi's smile only grew even bigger and he too laid back down, pleased with how this was going so far. He hadn't even expected her to answer in the first place, let alone smile at something he had said.
"So what are you doing?" He asked, leaning over to turn on his own light after it was made clear that she wasn't going to hang up any time soon. Delaney raised a brow and glanced over at her clock, reading the numbers with a frown.
"I was sleeping. It's four in the morning, as I said," she snapped, turning to look at him as he followed her movements and looked at his own clock. "It's eight in the morning for me," he told her proudly, grinning as she rolled her eyes and laughed dryly.
"And you called me why?"
"You unblocked me," he told her like she was dumb, cocking his head to the side as she glared at him. "I had thirty three thousand comments that all said the same thing. Can you guess what they were saying, Kairi? Any guesses?"
Kairi only shook his head and grinned, deciding that playing dumb was the best thing he could do in his position if he wanted to stay on the phone with her.
"No idea."
"You promised dick pics to fans if they got me to unblock you?" She hissed, taking a deep breathe before a real laugh finally escaped her body. In fact, she began to laugh so hard that she couldn't breathe and by the end of her fit, she was wheezing and coughing for air.
"I hate you," she giggled, sighing when Kairi smiled and again, her body mimicked his actions. She knew this was wrong, he was talking to her bestfriend and she was talking to his and still, she couldn't help but to feel uplifted just by joking around with him on facetime. Only hours ago, she had wanted to kick him in the face and keep kicking and now she wanted nothing more than to have him laying next to her and make her laugh in person.
In fact, Kairi didn't even bother to hang up after she began to grow more and more tired, eventually falling asleep with the phone still clutched in her hand.
He too knew that this was wrong, that he was taking this too far and that people were going to get hurt if this carried on the way it was already heading.
Thing was, he didn't really care who got hurt in the process because in the end, Kairi only had one goal and it was to make Delaney the happiest that she could be.
If people got hurt, that wasn't his problem.
now we have progress you little shits

Fanfiction'bruh you just don't stop talking, like just shut up' KAIRIXOC