✧・゚: *✧・゚:* LIFE *:・゚✧*:・゚✧DELANEY TRIED HER BEST TO THROW HER ARM AROUND RYLAND, groaning when the much taller boy pushed her to the side roughly.
"Don't touch me. You have a boyfriend," he snapped, waiting until her mouth fell open in shock to grin and pull her back into his side. "Kidding — no hard feelings. I mean, not really... I don't know... Maybe some...."
Delaney only sent her elbow into his stomach at his response. She didn't bother to apologize even when he sent her a glare, only stuck her tongue out and slumped in one of the many chairs in the airport as she waited for their friends to find them.
The last two weeks had been weird for the two of them. Of course, they still talked everyday and there was no outward tension towards her but Delaney knew that being here made Ryland feel uncomfortable deep down. It wasn't like his feelings had magically gone away since she and Kairi had finally fixed whatever it was that they were.
"You know you didn't have to come. They would have understood," she mumbled, her voice muffled behind the mask she wore as Ryland fell into the seat next to her.
He didn't respond right away, only looked at his phone for a second with a soft sigh. "I know...I wanted to though — you know? Make sure you have somebody incase things go bad."
Delaney opened her mouth to thank him but caught sight of the three boys walking towards them. Alejandro was the only one who saw the two, Kairi and Mattia too busy arguing about something unknown.
At the sight, Alejandro rushed forward and pulled the girl into a hug, grinning as she laughed loudly. He pulled away and turned towards Ryland just as Kairi let out a loud groan.
"Dude, look what you did, dumb bitch. You tried to argue about hugging her first and now bitch boy Alejandro got to do it before either of us—"
"Kairi, I'm gonna punt you across the room if you come at me like that again," Mattia snapped, glaring at the much smaller boy as Ryland looked between them with a hidden grin.
"That's the shit I missed," he spoke with a laugh as Mattia pulled him into a hug, ignoring Kairi as he made his way towards Delaney.
"Wish the plane would've crashed—"
"Just shut up," she groaned, trying her hardest to fein anger as he pulled her into a long awaited hug.
The moment he actually felt her in his arms made the whole wait worth it and he knew that the day she left would be just as hard as it was the first time. He hated that she lived so damn far from him and so damn close to Ryland.
Neither of them realized how long they had been hugging until Ryland cleated his throat, bouncing back and forth on his feet as he turned away from them.
"Are we gonna leave the airport or just like.. throw the party here?"
"Bitch shut up, nobody asked you to open your mouth."
By the time Sebastien's flight had landed and Julia has finally made it to Jersey, it was nearly eight and the six of them were sat in Mcdonald's in mindless conversation.
Kairi was growing increasingly annoyed with the fact that it seemed like everyone wanted to talk to Delaney and nobody else, especially when that's all he wanted to do. He had paid a good price to fly the girl out and he was getting tossed to the side like always.
"So how are we getting alcohol?"
All eyes turned to Ryland and the boy groaned, his head falling back in annoyance. "Dude, my fake is for California. They're definitely gonna think I'm sus as fuck using it in bumblefuck."
"Woah, we are not in bumblefuck—"
"Don't be a pussy," Delaney scoffed, batting her eyelashes at her friend as he clenched his jaw at her words.
Mattia looked between the two of them, waiting for one to crack and when Ryland finally stood, the five of them erupted in cheers that received looks from the rest of the people in the restaurant.
"Kairi, drive Ryland," Mattia ordered as they finally made their way out of the door, his eyes narrowing as Kairi scoffed in response. "Yeah, no thanks. I wanna spend some quality time with my girl before we all get trashed."
"It's funny that you think I asked."
"It's funny that you think I'm gonna listen," Kairi challenged, pulling Delaney into his side as he held his ground. He knew it was a stupid fight but he couldn't help but feel like Mattia was trying to pair them off on purpose.
"Dude just drive him. Why are you acting like a little bitch—"
"Why don't you fucking get your license and then talk to me," Kairi cut him off yet again, his eyes narrowed as the rest of their friends watched with wide eyes. Sebastien was pleasantly happy with the fighting as he leaned against Kairi's car, his arms crossed infront of him as he watched them argue.
"Damn bruh, he said you ain't shit cause you don't have your license," the blonde boy finally chimes in, grinning when Mattia flung up the middle finger. "Shut up and go dance shirtless," Mattia snapped, his attention falling back to Kairi.
"Just fucking drive him bro like why are you being weird. Delaney's here for a whole fucking week and you're bitching about being apart for twenty minutes."
Kairi scoffed and turned away from Mattia to meet Delaney's eyes for only a second until she pushed herself off of the car and made her way towards them. She wrapped her arm around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder as he fought back a smile at the action.
"I'll come with you guys," she offered with a smile. She missed Ryland rolling his eyes and turning away from them as he stalked towards Kairi's car, slamming the door shut as he sat in the passenger without a word.
Mattia nodded and blew her a kiss before letting her know that they would all be meeting back at Alejandro's house to finally do what they had been waiting to do.
"Don't let them kill each other, got it Laney?"
Delaney nodded and watched as he got into the car with Julia, Alejandro and Sebastien before she and Kair finally made their way towards his own car. She paused for a second, glancing through the window to see Ryland glaring through the windshield and sighed.
"You guys should talk."
Kairi nodded and hesitated before pulling her face towards his. It was the first time he had kissed her in nearly four months and it felt just as amazing now as it had back then. He would do anything for her and there was no changing that.
"Yeah, I'll try," he finally promised, opening the driver's door as Delaney slipped into the backseat. She tried to mess around with Ryland, poking his neck through the space between the headrest but when he turned and sent her a glare, she raised her hands in surrender and sighed.
This was going to be the longest week of her entire life.
anyways hey. one more chapter but read
my ryland fic because i love ryland lol.
might finish this tonight idk yet

Fanfiction'bruh you just don't stop talking, like just shut up' KAIRIXOC