✧・゚: *✧・゚:* LIFE *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ONCE AGAIN, KAIRI WAS AT LOSS FOR WORDS. He watched as her body began to tremble and a small sob left her mouth and then he finally moved, pulling her into his arms as she stumbled backwards and they both fell onto the bed.
Relief was the only thing that he felt when she wrapped her arms around him instead of pulling away, grabbing his sweatshirt with one hand as the other flung around his neck and pulled him closer, if that was even possible.
Kairi tried his hardest not to tear up at the sight of her, blinking rapidly as he ran his hand up and down her back, begging for her to breathe. With every sob that escaped her body, Kairi tightened his grip and his hold on his emotions wavered until his own tears began to fall.
"Delaney, I didn't say anything because you were happy. You were happy for once and I didn't want to ruin that — not then," he whispered against her body and the shaking that had been going on since their embrace had began to slow down.
She didn't say anything back, just sniffled and wiped her eyes again before laughing. She didn't really know what what was funny but she couldn't stop laughing, even when he looked at her like she was crazy.
"That's so fucked. My bestfriend cheated on you with your bestfriend and he cheated on me," she giggled, knowing that the situation was anything but funny, but she couldn't help it.
Kairi laughed nervously with her as he awaited another breakdown to ensue. When it was clear that she was done crying for the moment, he sighed and stood up, holding out his hand for her to take.
She looked at it like she didn't know what he wanted her to do but softly took it, standing to her feet when he tugged her up. He then lead her to the bathroom, ordering her to sit on counter while he looked for the things that girls used to erase their makeup.
"Where are your makeup thingies," he asked, looking up at her as she nodded towards the drawer infront of him. He opened it, pulling one out as she opened her mouth to protest, instantly shutting it when he began to wipe at her face gently.
When he had finally finished, he tossed it into the trash can and pulled her from the counter, dragging her out of the bathroom and towards a suitcase. "Kairi—"
She stopped talking once again as he handed her one of Ryland's hoodies, staring at her as he waited for her to put it on. Delaney stared back but ultimately put it over her head, looking down to see that he had probably picked the biggest one that her bestfriend owned.
"What are you doing?" She asked softly, looking up at him as he shrugged and snatched her room key from the dresser. He grabbed her hand once again and pulled her out of the room and into the hallway, dragging her towards the elevator.
They didn't talk as they headed towards the lobby, nor did they talk when they left the hotel and began to walk down the street.
Delaney looked down at her phone and sighed at the time and messages on her screen, locking it and putting it back into her pocket. She looked up to see that Kairi had stopped a few feet ahead of her and jogged to catch up, jumping when he grabbed her hand with his own.
When they had finally reached their destination, Delaney cracked a smile at the sight of a small icecream shop, following behind him as they both entered.
The older woman behind the counter smiled at the two of them and asked what they wanted. Delaney removed her hand and began to look at all the flavors with awe and Kairi jumped as the woman leaned towards him.
"She looks sad and you look like you're trying to fix that. Tell you what, it's on the house — you just get that little girl happy by the end of the night," she winked and watched as Kairi grinned, moving back towards the Delaney.
"Can I have a small rocky road please," she finally asked softly, waiting patiently while Kairi ordered his own. She watched as the lady smiled and disappeared for a moment before coming back with a cup that was definitely not a small.
Kairi just shook his head and smiled, thanking the woman once again before they left the store, icecream in hand.
"Why'd she give me so much," Delaney mumbled, begining to eat the icecream as she cast a glance back at the store. Kairi only shrugged and walked besides her and, soon enough, their feet hit the sand and Delaney looked up back at him.
She followed him for another few moments before Kairi sat down, staring at her until she sat down besides him. She looked at the water for a few seconds and then turned back to him, meeting his eyes before she widened her own and turned back to the water silently.
"Delaney, are you mad at me?"
Delaney sighed before she shook her head no, moving closer to him so that she could lean her head against his shoulder. "I'm not mad at anyone, I think. Maybe myself, but no, I'm not mad at you," she told him, meaning every word that left her mouth.
Kairi tried to hide his smile, putting his icecream next to him as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer.
Delaney mimicked his actions and put the icecream to the side, looking up at him as he stared at her like he had never stopped, and truthfully, he hadn't.
"Thank you," she whispered, not breaking the eye contact this time. She held it even though her stomach was twirling and twisting with every passing second and she wanted nothing more than to go back to her room and cry.
"For what?"
Delaney thought about what she wanted to say. She wanted to say something right for once, to make somebody else feel like they were doing good.
"For being with me, I guess. You could've went back to your room and been fine," she told him, looking away for a moment before she looked back at him. He sighed and rubbed his hand up and down her side, biting his lip in thought.
"I wouldn't have been fine if you weren't okay," he answered, his thoughts racing in his head as he debated what he wanted to do next.
He watched her eyes, noticing that the redness was slowly going away and his own fell down to her lips before jumping right back up.
And taking a leap of faith, Kairi pushed away all doubt and leaned in, pressing his lips to her own as he moved to pull her closer. He could feel her smiling and pulled away, resting his forhead on hers.
"Thank you," she repeated, this time making the move to kiss him for only a moment before she pulled away and smiled her again.
"Don't thank me."
what if i just killed her next chapter...

Fanfiction'bruh you just don't stop talking, like just shut up' KAIRIXOC