Chapter 12: Ian's Devil Side ;)

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(Mature Language 18+)

"Hola People!" greeted Ian while entering the games room where James and Kevin were playing Billiards. Kevin was a champion in this game. He would clear the board on the first given chance. It was one of his qualities which often made girls swoon over him and guys to lose bets.

"What are you doing here Ian?" James asked in an annoyed tone while trying to strike the ball. Ian grinned at him as he could see James was having a tough time playing his chance and he threw a knowing glance at Kevin. Kevin winked at him indicating that James would be losing this game too.

"Why? Aren't you happy seeing me after a week?" Ian asked in a playfully hurt tone placing his palm over his chest indicating how heartbroken he was because of James. His little action made Kevin chuckle and James to lose his concentration in the game. Well, as expected, James missed his aim. He glared at Ian like he was going to kill him at the first given opportunity.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ian asked while making his way towards the billiards board and continued "Oh, yeah I get it. I know how much you missed me Jammy. "

Upon receiving no response from James other than his 'look' Ian asked "Why are you Mute? What? Did you lose your tongue Jam??"

Kevin broke into a series of chuckle before clearing the board and announced "Well, All clear James. You owe me that car of yours!"

"Look what you have done you duffer! If it wasn't you who distracted me, I would have won this game." James busted in an angry and a complaining tone.

"Woah! CAR? What are you talking about? What am I missing here? Did something happen while I was gone?" Ian asked completely ignoring James outburst making him roll his eyes at Ian.

"Nothing! Just the regular thing, we made up a bet about our cars. I mean the winner of the game would take the loser's car for a month." Kevin replied taking a sip of his beer while James just collapsed on the chair nearby.

"Oh that's my favourite car!" James practically yelled in a frustrated tone while covering his face with both his palms trying to calm himself.

"Well, you should have clearly thought about it before making that silly bet." Ian pointed out in an obvious tone with his eyebrows raised a little.

"Shut your face!" James snapped while removing his palms from his face while Kevin rolled his eyes at their fight. It was a daily routine. Ian and James always fought like 'Tom & Jerry' and Ian being the naughty one always won the verbal war. It was always a healthy fight; something which always kept them on toes and other completely entertained.

"Not happening! Oh by the way, where is boss?" Ian asked while alternating his gaze between James and Kevin. They both shrugged their shoulders indicating that they had no idea about Xander's whereabouts.

"Haven't seen him all day." Kevin mentioned while setting back all the balls into their home position ready for the next match.

"Okay, I am sure he is busy playing the Lover Boy!!" Ian said while grinning like he found a huge secret of his lifetime.

"What? What's wrong with your faces? Your faces are drained out of colour. Woah! Hahahaha!!! God look at your faces!" Ian asked while having a hearty laugh looking at James and Kevin's shocked faces.

"I know the mere thought of Xander is scary. But guys live a little. He is not here around. So why not have some fun??" Ian said ever so coolly while dancing his eyebrows with the grin still intact on his face.

"I know he looks scary with his huge build, taut jaw and blazing eyes. But guess what? I still can't believe that boss turned so soft. I mean not that it is a bad thing. But I never thought he would work with flowers in his life." Ian continued stating his point nonchalantly while James and Kevin kept looking at him as if he had lost his mind somewhere.

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